
Completed Bachelor Degree.

I completed my bachelor degree program in June 2022 in Computer Science and Engineering from faculty of engineering.

Cybersecurity for Professional.

I have completed this course in 2023 August from 4th batch of Byte Capsule. The course was a 6-month self-learning program on Cybersecurity, and I was a batch topper. A link is given below the button.

Best Digital Marketer.

I completed this course since 2019 at Technical University. Click Here to their Facebook page. Now I currently work as a Digital Marketer in Upwork.

21st Century Employability Skilling Program - Advanced

I have completed this course from 27 November 2023 on Digital Government and Economy — EDGE (BCC). A link is given below the button.

Learning Skill


Website Design & Development

I have some skills about Web Design, and I created a website in my university final project. I also have some skills about WordPress. Which I learned for education purpose.


Cybersecurity Analyst.

I am learning about Cybersecurity and trying to improve my skills.


Development Skills.

C, C++, Java, PHP.

HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, Bootstrap.

Android Studio, UI/UX.

PHP MySQL, SQL server


Microsoft Office Application.

I learned about this for education purpose.