Preparing for a Post-COVID World

Japanese and Asian Higher Education Student Experiences in Australia

Through an online workshop on 27 & 28 October 2021 and subsequent writing activities, we created a collaborative platform for researchers and practitioners on international education mobility to generate new data, ideas, and insights on student experience in Australia through comparing Japanese cases with those of China and India, the two largest sending countries of international students globally.


Day 1 (Wednesday, 27 October 2021)

All time here in AWST for WA | +3hrs for AEDT (NSW & VIC)

10:00 to 10:10 (Perth): Welcome (including acknowledgement of country) and goal setting (Dr Masafumi Monden, University of Western Australia)

10:10 to 11:15 (Perth): Keynote Address: “International Student Mobility: Where to from here?” by Emeritus Professor Vera Mackie (University of Wollongong)

11:30 to 12:30 (Perth): ECR session I: Representation & Agency (2 presentations, 20 minutes each, followed by 20 minutes of Q&A)

  • Displacing ‘experience’, centring care: rethinking conceptual approaches to studying international students at Australian universities (Dr Andrew Deuchar, University of Melbourne)

  • Internationalisation as intermingling? A qualitative study of Chinese students’ motivations and experience in an Australian university (Mingxin Qu, University of Western Australia)

13:00 to 14:00 (Perth): ECR session II: Identities & Cultural Perceptions (2 presentations, 20 minutes each, followed by 20 minutes of Q&A)

  • 'This is the very first time I became a real mother': Gender Identity and Unpaid Carework in Female Indonesian PhD Students and Their Families in Australia (Valentina YD Utari, University of Western Australia)

  • Australia: Japanese Perceptions and Cultural History (Dr Masafumi Monden, University of Western Australia)

14:00 to 14:15 (Perth): Post-Day 1 Group Check-in (Dr Masafumi Monden, Dr Mona Chettri, & Dr Yu Tao - University of Western Australia)

Day 2 (Thursday, 28 October 2021)

All time here in AWST for WA | +3hrs for AEDT (NSW & VIC)

09:30 to 10:45 (Perth): Master Class: “How to Bring Academic Insights to End-users: An Online Master Class on Policy Literacy for Early-career Researchers” with Mr Phil Payne (StudyPerth), Professor Shamit Saggar (UWA Public Policy Institute) and Associate Professor Jeannette Taylor University of Western Australia). [supported by the UWA Public Policy Institute]

11:00 to 12:00 (Perth): ECR session III: Experience & Challenges (2 presentations, 20 minutes each, followed by 20 minutes of Q&A)

  • ‘Stranded’ international students in India during the COVID-19 pandemic (Dr Surjeet Dhanji, University of Melbourne)

  • Discomfort in the political lives of international students: A case study of exploring social problems with International students from Japan (Dr Megan Catherine Rose, University of New South Wales)

12:15 to 13:00 (Perth): ECR session IV: Case Study (1 presentation; 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A)

  • UCNIS: Cross-cultural Collaboration Between International and Domestic PhD Candidates and Challenges of Researching Abroad (lead by Dr Laura Emily Clark, University of Queensland)

13:00 to 13:10 (Perth): Final remarks (Dr Masafumi Monden, Dr Mona Chettri, & Dr Yu Tao - University of Western Australia)