The main objectives and results of the project were disseminated in the following popular scientific article:

Algorithms and Big Data: how do they work?

10/12/2020. In a modern world of knowledge you need to know more and more and the use of these tools has become indispensable in a thousand areas of life: from biology and biomedicine, to the skills needed to combat tax evasion. Speakers: Giuseppe Di Battista, Roberto Grossi, Fabio Vandin, Giuseppe Liotta, Irene Finocchi, Giuseppe Italiano. Click here for more info.

Luiss Debates - The Future of Algorithms in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

23/09/2019 @ Luiss. Giuseppe F. Italiano, Antonio Sassano and Alessandra Spada discussed the future of algorithms and their applications to several domains. This debate stemmed from the research project AHeAd (Efficient Algorithms for HArnessing Networked Data) which was recently funded as a project of relevant national interest (PRIN) by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). Click here for more info.