Higher homotopy Jacobi structures

Discussions with Andrew J. Bruce concerning my PhD research (see also here) were the starting point for [arXiv:1507.00454]. We define a homotopy Jacobi structure as an L∞-algebra structure on the module of sections of a graded line bundle such that its multibrackets are first-order multi-differential operators. First examples of homotopy Jacobi structures are the L∞-algebra and the BFV-complex of a coisotropic submanifold in a Jacobi manifold (see also here). We identify homotopy Jacobi structures with homotopy Kirillov structures, i.e. homogeneous homotopy Poisson structures on a ℝˣ-principal bundle. Finally, extending standard constructions for Jacobi manifolds, we associate a homotopy Jacobi algebroid and a homotopy BV-algebra with any homotopy Jacobi structure.