
Spring 2021

Federico Scavia

Motivic classes of algebraic stacks

I am a fourth year graduate student at the University of British Columbia. I study questions on algebraic stacks, algebraic cycles, algebraic groups, and essential dimension.


Yen-An Chen

Generalized canonical models of foliated surfaces

I'm a fifth-year graduate student at the University of Utah.

I am interested in foliations, moduli theory, and minimal model program.


Shiva Chidambaram

Moduli spaces of low dimensional abelian varieties with torsion.

I am a final year graduate student at the University of Chicago. I study algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry with a focus on Galois representations and moduli problems related to torsion of low dimensional abelian varieties.


Claudia Yun

The S_n-equivariant rational homology of the tropical moduli spaces Delta_{2,n}

I am a fourth-year graduate student at Brown University. I am interested in combinatorial algebraic geometry, especially tropical geometry.


Irit Huq-Kuruvilla

Multiplicative Quantum Cobordism Theory

I'm a 4th year PhD student at UC Berkeley. I'm interested in Gromov-Witten theory, and work on various variations of quantum K-theory.


Melissa Sherman-Bennett

Cluster structures on Schubert varieties in the Grassmannian

I'm a fifth year graduate student at UC Berkeley. I'm generally interested in algebraic combinatorics and combinatorial algebraic geometry, with a focus on cluster varieties and total positivity.


Louis Esser

Non-torsion Brauer groups

I am a third-year graduate student at UCLA. I am interested in birational geometry, moduli spaces, and geometry in positive characteristic.


Jia-Choon Lee

Semi-polarized meromorphic Hitchin and Calabi-Yau integrable systems

I am a fifth-year graduate student at UPenn. I am interested in the moduli space of Higgs bundles and its relation to other threefolds (Calabi-Yau and cubic threefolds).


Nolan Schock

Intersection theory on moduli of hyperplane arrangements and marked del Pezzo surfaces

I am a fourth year graduate student at the University of Georgia. I am interested in intersection theory and birational geometry of moduli of higher-dimensional varieties.


Tuomas Tajakka

Uhlenbeck compactification as a Bridgeland moduli space

I'm a 6th year PhD student at the University of Washington, relocating soon to Stockholm University. I like to think about moduli stacks and moduli spaces of sheaves and complexes and wonder if they are projective.


Lauren Cranton Heller

Characterizations of multigraded regularity on products of projective spaces

I am a fourth year graduate student at UC Berkeley interested in applications of commutative algebra to algebraic geometry, especially via modules over Cox rings.


Andrea Thevis

On the interaction of normal square-tiled surfaces and group theory

I am a fourth year graduate student at Saarland University and RWTH Aachen. I like thinking about questions that connect a geometric setting with group theory. At the moment, I am mainly working with translation surfaces (in particular square-tiled surfaces) and different sorts of groups, e.g., p-groups, profinite, simple, and Fuchsian groups.


Yulieth K. Prieto Montañez

On K3 surfaces admitting symplectic automorphism of order 3.

I am a 3rd year PhD student at the University of Bologna. I am interested in complex algebraic geometry, in particular on the study of K3 surfaces and Hyperkähler manifolds.


Cesar Hilario

Bertini's theorem in positive characteristic

I am a fourth-year PhD student at IMPA, Brazil. I study the geometry of fibrations by singular curves in positive characteristic.


Fall 2020

Libby Taylor

Fourier-Mukai theory for stacky genus 1 curves

I'm a 3rd year grad student at Stanford. I'm interested in derived categories of Artin stacks and their Fourier-Mukai theory.


Nathan Chen

A generic talk on irrationality

I'm a fifth-year graduate student at Stony Brook. I'm interested in studying the irrationality behavior of various classes of projective varieties via degenerations and positivity.


Sebastián Torres

Bott vanishing using GIT and quantization

I'm a sixth-year graduate student at UMass Amherst and I'm interested in derived categories.


Sukjoo Lee

P=W phenomena from Fano/LG correspondence.

I am a sixth-year graduate student at Upenn. I'm studying P=W phenomena in the context of homological mirror symmetry of Fano varieties.


Lei Yang

Cox rings, linear blow-ups and the generalized Nagata action

I'm a PhD student at Northeastern University in my last year. I'm interested in birational geometry and moduli spaces.

Shiyue Li

Topology of tropical moduli spaces of weighted stable curves in higher genus

Shiyue is a graduate student at Brown, and likes combinatorial algebraic geometry.


Noah Olander

Orlov's Theorem for Smooth Proper Varieties

I’m a fourth year at Columbia. I’m interested in algebraic geometry, especially positive characteristic geometry and questions about derived categories of varieties.


Raymond Cheng

q-bic Hypersurfaces

I am a fledgling geometer at Columbia University who has been thinking about geometry in positive characteristic for what will soon be five years!


Lisa Marquand

Hyperplane sections and Moduli

I'm a fourth year student at Stony Brook. I'm interested in special classes of varieties (Calabi-Yau, Hyperkaehler, Cubic surfaces/ threefolds) and Moduli problems.


Nawaz Sultani

Orbifold Gromov–Witten theory of complete intersections

I’m a fifth-year graduate student at the University of Michigan interested in Gromov–Witten theory and, more generally, enumerative geometry.


Gwyneth Moreland

Top weight cohomology of A_g

I'm a fourth-year graduate student at Harvard. I'm interested in moduli spaces and combinatorial algebraic geometry.


Yilong Zhang

Cubic Threefolds and Vanishing Cycles on its Hyperplane sections

I am a sixth-year graduate student at Ohio State University. I’m studying the geometry of smooth projective varieties via Hodge theory on their hyperplane sections.


José Yáñez

Birational automorphisms and movable cone of Calabi-Yau complete intersections

I'm a fourth-year graduate student at the University of Utah. I'm interested in numerical dimensions of divisors, birational automorphism groups, and the Kawamata-Morrison conjecture.


Weihong Xu

Quantum K-theory of Incidence Varieties

I'm a fourth-year at Rutgers. I mostly study combinatorial algebraic geometry, especially homogeneous varieties as well as classical and quantum Schubert calculus.
