When I extend a backbone model (ParentModel) I use the initialize method to set any default properties. But whenever I create a Model based on the ParentModel I use the constructor to to run any intial functionality. I do this because it works but someone at work asked me why I use both initialize and constructor and I didn't have a good answer apart from it works. I could spend time reading though the source code to figure it out but it seemed much easier to ask here and get the right answer.

constructor runs before Backbone sets up the structure. initialize is called inside the structure's constructor function. So basically if you need to augment anything before Backbone sets up the structure, use constructor if you need to augment anything after Backbone sets up the structure use initialize.

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initialize on the other hand is a function that Backbone calls on its objects once it's finished up with its internal plumbing. If you're not doing anything that's specifically intended to interfere with normal Backbone functionality, just use initialize.

You can only initialize a drive that's not yet formatted. When you initialize a disk, everything on the disk is erased. This action prepares the disk for use by Windows. After you initialize your disk, you can format it, and then store files on it.

If your disk already contains necessary files, don't initialize the disk. You'll lose all the files. Instead, we recommend troubleshooting the disk to see if you can read the files. For details, see A disk's status is Not Initialized or the disk is missing entirely.

In Disk Management, select and hold (or right-click) the disk you want to initialize, and then select Initialize Disk. If the disk is listed as Offline, first select and hold (or right-click) the disk, and then select Online.

Hi,I've just started processing. I can't understand where to declare and where to initialize variables.Here is a specific example of what I'm asking about.If global variables were effective over the whole program tree, why can't I declare and initialize "float d" at the same time as a global variable? (just like int x=120, int y=60, int radius=12)I'm not a native English speaker, so if my question is not clear, please let me know.

Thinking about this a little longer: Once you load the config file, MM will try to initialize the circular buffer. Apparently, the process running MM can not allocate the memory you have assigned under Tools > Options. Would love to know what you set that to. Check by starting up without a config file.

Before you initialize the cluster, review the process by which you can verify the identity and authenticity of the HSMs. This process is optional and works only until a cluster is initialized. After the cluster is initialized, you cannot use this process to get your certificates or verify the HSMs.

Before you can initialize the cluster, you must download and sign a certificate signing request (CSR) that is generated by the cluster's first HSM. If you followed the steps to verify the identity of your cluster's HSM, you alreadyhave the CSR and you can sign it. Otherwise, get the CSR now by using the AWS CloudHSM console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the AWS CloudHSM API.

For best instrumentation results, make this call as early as possible in your app code. Unlike typical Python functionality, the order of import matters. For WSGI and application script files, place the initialize call before all imports, with the exception of the sys import and updates to the sys.path. If you call initialize multiple times, the agent ignores calls after the first if the configuration file and environment options are the same. If the options differ, an exception is raised.

How would I create an initialized patch from scratch (not erasing a preset or anything - just straight up initialization)? How do I save said sound and where? (Please forgive the extreme basic-ness of this question).

Until the server has responded to the initialize request with an InitializeResult, the client must not send any additional requests or notifications to the server. In addition the server is not allowed to send any requests or notifications to the client until it has responded with an InitializeResult, with the exception that during the initialize request the server is allowed to send the notifications window/showMessage, window/logMessage and telemetry/event as well as the window/showMessageRequest request to the client. In case the client sets up a progress token in the initialize params (e.g. property workDoneToken) the server is also allowed to use that token (and only that token) using the $/progress notification sent from the server to the client.

The initialized notification is sent from the client to the server after the client received the result of the initialize request but before the client is sending any other request or notification to the server. The server can use the initialized notification, for example, to dynamically register capabilities. The initialized notification may only be sent once.

The deltaStart and the length values must be encoded using the encoding the client and server agrees on during the initialize request (see also TextDocuments).Whether a token can span multiple lines is defined by the client capability multilineTokenSupport. If multiline tokens are not supported and a tokens length takes it past the end of the line, it should be treated as if the token ends at the end of the line and will not wrap onto the next line.

To support the case that the editor starting a server crashes an editor should also pass its process id to the server. This allows the server to monitor the editor process and to shutdown itself if the editor process dies. The process id passed on the command line should be the same as the one passed in the initialize parameters. The command line argument to use is --clientProcessId.

Taking a look at java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.knime.database.driver.DBDriverRegistry$DriverClassLoader, I cannot understand why this problem arises. There is a folder called plugins\org.knime.database_4.6.0.v202205251236 which contains a JAR file named knime-db-core.jar. Inside this JAR file, there is a folder path \org\knime\database\driver which contains a subclass file DBDriverRegistry$DriverClassLoader.class.

I know this is now over a year after you write the question but I was just having the same issue with my 11x lens. I emailed with canon support and they sent this back to me. I went through the initialization start operation and it fixed my issue. I hope this can help you or anyone else having this initialize error on a broadcast lens.

I just bought two new memory cards, and neither one will initialize correctly on my camcorder... it goes through the process on the screen, but afterward, it seems like nothing has changed, and it says the cards still need to be initialized. One is an Onn 256gb (U3), the other is a SanDisk 64gb (U1). Not sure what information to provide, but hopefully someone can help...

The allocation would not know what initialization value to use. Wiping to 0 is not always desired. Wiping to 0 may be of interest if the cells were to then be subsequently use to accumulate totals. 0's might not be a good choice if the purpose was to provide an indication that a cell was ever used since 0 may be a valid number for use. In this case a better choice would be to initialize to a "magic number" that would seldom, if not never, be used. e.g. initializing to hexidecimal 0xBAADBEEF. Or 0x80000000 (add 0's for size of int) which is arguably -0 because it has the property of (x .eq. -x).

This option uses a more informed initialization for the noise model. Without it, we initialize the noise model with a constant value. With it enabled, we average the images power spectra and then use that to initialize the noise model. It helps when marginalization is enabled, since marginalization is sensitive to the noise model used, but usually the noise model converges after one or two iterations anyway.

Not sure about anyone doing it by default; as that could be a very expensive operation when large arrays are declared; but I do not know of a compiler that does not have related options; including flagging uninitialized variables in at least simple cases. For example, gfortran was

the following options:

As mentioned, setting to zero is generally not recommended; but setting real values to NAN and doing things like building with logical TRUE, then logical FALSE, or making sure nothing changes if set -finit-character to different values is a part of some QA procedures I have seen; under the assumption that results should not change if everything is only used when initialized.

Were their arrays very small? @lionel provides a much more rigorous example, and fixed-size arrays might (depending on size and compiler options) provide very different results but even this simple program immediately starts showing non-zero values using a very simple loop. The last time I remember seeing a compiler that initialized to zero by default was when I had an argument about depending on this with a colleague too, but that was a long time ago when he was developing on a VAX/VMS system and we needed the resulting code to work on a platform where setting to zero was definitely not the default. It has been too long, but as I remember it

the default on a VAX/VMS F77 compiler was zero.

When we came out with DEC Fortran 90 on MIPS and then Alpha, a lot of people migrating from VAX found that variables were no longer zero-initialized, and were also not SAVEd by default. We had to add compiler options to allow users to select them for compatibility.

But in general regarding the OPs original question, the odds are very high those people that think things are initialized to zero have been very lucky if it has not caused incorrect results. Tiny arrays could get away with that for a long time on a lot of machines. I am not sure about MSWindows platforms and was thinking they might be an exception and give zero as a quirk, not as a Fortran feature(?) e24fc04721

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