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This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

DSc (Honoris Causa) 

Dr. Santosh Chandrakant Warwadekar

Doctrin de Science Award Honoris Causa


The Pride of India

Recipients of Honorary DSc are recognized as Resource person, Consultants & Advisors of international repute in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to produce Technologists of caliber by imparting quality Education to the students

Mission of Honorary DSc is to promote research and extension among Universities and other research organizations in all aspects of research, extension and training.

Mission of Honorary DSc is to undertake consultancies and studies in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to provide advisory services for Social Engineering

This is international selection based upon merit. Every year Honorary DSc  is awarded to World's 100 Most Influential International Celebrities who have made significant contributions in the transformation of society. 

Honorary DSc is awarded by International Agency for Standards and Ratings, it is valid international recognition, recognizing Vice Chancellor, Minister, Judge, Legislative Members, Policy Makers, Professors, Director, Principal, Head of Institutes, Company Owners, Chairman, Advocates, Engineers, Doctors, Patent owners, Editors, Scientists, Civil Servants and many more across all continents of world including America, Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia, which is World's Largest Talent Pool with Rank 1.  


* This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Dr. Santosh Chandrakant Warwadekar

Honorary D.Sc. in Agriculture

Fellow, Directorate of Agriculture

International Agency for Standards and Ratings

Exclusive Interview with Dr. Santosh Chandrakant Warwadekar

Q 1. What inspired you to enter into Agriculture ? 

Answer Since 1988 I had decided to complete agriculture education. My mother is my inspiration, she plant and nurture no of plants. According to my philosophy she possess green fingers. I am belonged from cultured and agriculture family. The first culture is agriculture. Therefore my mother’s inspiration I felt and successes in agriculture.

Q 2. Since how long, you have been into this scientific field and in which cities you have been associated for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research, commercial and training programs?

Answer I am working in this field from last 22 years. I am belonging from Dapoli city of Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra state. I had been worked in the various capacities in the field of teaching, research and extension training associates, subject matter specialist, research editor, assistant professor, Manager (ATIC), Associate Professor (Agril. Extension)  My specialization is in making the programme in an innovative ways.  Liasoning with other departments like, agriculture department of state, YASHADA, Central poultry Development Organization (CPDO), NABARD, RSETTI, BOI, TERI (Mumbai)  Planned and organised more than 800 training programmes, farmers, rallies (74), demonstration (235), TV Programmes (7), Radio programmes (10)  Taught courses to the under graduates, post graduate and Ph. D students and prepared study materials (notes) PPT on the same.  Directly handled 05 research project and indirectly associated with 16 research projects.  Guided 04 M.Sc. students in the discipline of agriculture extension and currently one M.Sc. and Ph.D students persuing degree under my guidance.

Q 3. What are your future plans for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research and training programs in Agriculture ?

Answer Administration  Human resource development through up scaling of staff associated with me.  Motivation of staff Entrepreneurship  Development of entrepreneurs through Skill India mission in the areas of mushroom cultivation, fruit processing, nursery management, vermi composting Teaching  Teaching through different media, ppt, media, social media, webinar  Practical oriented, field level case studies will be undertaken for students. Research  Farmers need oriented research will be conducted  Farmers participatory research will be undertaken Training  Model training courses in agriculture will be developed  Capsule training programmes in agriculture will be organized  Short, medium and long term practical oriented certificate training programme with post monitoring will be started

Q 4. Please introduce yourself and How do you want to be remembered/known in world ?

Answer Introduction Dr. Santosh Chandrakant Warwadekar Associate Professor (Agril. Extension) Completed graduation, Post graduation in agriculture at Dr. B. S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. Completed M.Sc. (Agril. Extn.) during the year 1999. Vast experience of field work at Enron project. Gharada foundation, own consultancy of Agriculture, Mandaki-Palvan ; Entered in Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli during 09/11/2004. I have 25 years experience in private, corporate and public sector job. Tought under graduate, post graduate and Ph.D. students (extension courses). Organized four National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) camp for T.Y. B.Sc. (Agri) students. Establish Haritsena a wing of environment conservation, - Organized students exposure visits to the eco-edu-entertainment project at Kashedi (Khed) Tahsil of Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra state. - Organized field visits of the students to the various locations. Developed culture of planting & nurturing trees on the eve of birthdays of students. - Active participation of the students in the plastic eradication complain at Dapoli (Harit Dapoli)  Conducted PRA of Chillhe village of Roha Tahsil  Conducted study on small scale fruit processing industries of Dapoli Tahsil.  Conducted study of Rice based cropping Pattern in Lanja Tahsil of Ratnagiri district.  Conducted PRA of Varavade village of Ratnagiri tahsil  Conducted study on Local vegetables retailers & growers of Dapoli Tahsil - Contributed major participation in the organization of Palvi 2009, and Suvarna Palvi 2022 agrifest at DBSKKV Dapoli - Developed snake & ladder game depicting technologies of the agriculture university a separate gave developed for coconut production technologies. -Organized Shat pratishat Rice production campaign at Kudavale village of Dapoli Tahsil. - Farm mechanization in rice based cropping system-trainings and demonstrations. -Per day more than 250 farmers, students, other visitors are in contract through Agriculture Technology Information Centre. -Incullulate Farmers-Scientists-Extension workers Forum for speedy dissemination of the technologies and reducing gaps. Good liason between agriculture departments and other allied sectors. Research Work A study on attitude of Higher Secondary School Students Towards Agriculture. (1999) On the basis of implications (Policy) private agricultural colleges had been started from 2000-2001. The first agriculture college Govindravaji Nikam College of Agriculture, Mandki- Palvan was started, In the same college worked as a Assistant Professor for the period of three years. Ph. D. (Agri) 2014 In Service Completed Ph.D. at Navasari Agriculture University, Gujrat Research Title- Resource Management for eco-friendly Sustainable Cotton Cultivation in Narmada and Bharuch district of South Gujarat. The implications are not only suitable for Gujarat region (study area) but also for the cotton cultivating state of the India & Abroad. World should remembered me by 1. By heart & best extension worker (extensionist) I had taken admission in the extension by my own choice. Therefore I always prefer to the best ToT practices for the farmers i.e Farmers First. 2. Innovative Ideas for ToT Mixing of Indigenous Technological know-how (knowledge) and scientific knowledge. 3. Good communicator. For proper communication one should understand social background of the intended receiver on the basis of the good communicator should change their style of presentation. One method will not be applicable to the all the time, places and situations. 4. Professional Research Worker Farmers critic research is my passion. 5. Good teacher Many students inspired from me to take the admission in Agril. Extension field. 6. Students & Farmers welfare Always think about the students & farmers welfare.

Q 5. What kind of business can be started in Agriculture, please list them ? What minimum infrastructure would if need ?


There are 10 different specialized departments/fields are in agriculture. The different business can be started are as follows. Seed Industry Bio-technology lab Soil and water testing lab Plant pathological/diagnostic services/lab Plant protection/Organic/Inorganic Pesticides/Bee keeping/ Sericulture Organic farming Horticultural plantation  Nursery management  Fruit plant nursery  Vegetable seedlings nursery  Ornamental and other nursery Animal husbandry and dairy  Poultry keeping  Dairy  Goatary  Milk processing Post Harvest Technologies  Fruit processing/vegetable processing  Vinery Farm machinery and implements  Participations of small tools and implements  Service providers for machines and implements Agriculture consultancies/Services/Advisories Timber/Medical, aromatic plants/ and other forest species (nursery, Plantation and Bamboo cultivation, processing) Green house/Polyhouse/Shadenet house (flociculture vegetables) Fisheries  Fresh water aquaculture  Prawn cultivation  Crab fattening  Crab culture in mangroves  Ornamental fisheries Fund required for Infrastructure development 150 Crores.

Q 6. What are your recommendations to improve the standards of journals publishing research article on Agriculture?


1. Peer Review Process :Strengthen the peer review process by ensuring that the journals follow rigorous and transparent review procedures. 2. Editorial Polices : Journals should have clear editorial policies that outline the scope and focus of the journal. This helps to maintain consistency in the quality and relevance of the published articles. 3. Ethical Guidelines : Emphasize adherence to ethical guidelines, such as theose provide by the committee on publication ethics. 4. Open Access : consider adoting an open access publishing model to increase the accessibility and visibility of research articles. 5. Indexing and Impact Factor : Strive to be included in reputable indexing services and databases, such as pubmed, scopus. 6. Editorial Board : Ensure that the editorial board couprises experts with diverse and relevant expertise in agriculture. 7. Author Guidelines : Provide comprehensive author guidelines that include clear instructions for manuscript preparation, citation style and farmatins . 8. Research Data and Responsibility : Encourage authors to make their research data openly available wherever possible 9. Evolving best practices in scientific publishing 10. Collaboration and Networking : Foster collaborations with other reputable journals academic institutions, and professional societies.

Q 7. What are your recommendations to improve syllabus of Agriculture for more creativity, applications and opportunities ?

Answer 1. Practical Training : Include hands on practical training in the syllabus to provide students with real-world experiences and skills. This can involve fieldwork, laboratory experiments, farm visits, and interships. Practical training allows students to apply theoretical concepts, fosters creativity and prepares them for diverse agricultural careers. 2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation : Introduce modules or courses on entrepreneurship and innovation in agriculture. Teach students about business managements, marketing and innovation strategies specific to the agricultural sector. Encourage students to think creatively and develop innovative solutions to address challenges in agriculture. 3. Research Projects : Incorporate research projects into the syllabus, where student can explore specific agricultural topics of their interest. These projects can encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Students can investigate emerging areas such as precision agriculture, sustainable farming practices, of value-added agriculture. 4. Case Studies and Practical Examples : Use case studies and practical examples throughout the syllabus to illustrate real-world applications of agricultural concepts. This approach helps students connect theoretical knowledge to practical situations and fosters creativity in finding solutions to complex problems. 5. Emerging Technologies : Include topics related to emerging technologies in agriculture, such as precision farming, remote sensing, drones, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. Familiarize students with those technologies and their applications in modern agriculture. Encourage student to explore how these technologies can be creatively efficiency. 6. Industry Partnerships : Foster collaborations and partnerships with agricultural industries, research institutions, and technology companies. Invite guest speakers from these organizations to share their experiences, insights and innovative practices. This interaction exposes students to industry trends, cutting-edge technologies, and potential career opportunities. 7. Soft Skills Development : Incorporate modules or workshops that focus on developing soft skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and critical thinking. These skills are vital for creativity and successful application of knowledge in agriculture-related careers. 8. Elective Courses and Specializations : Offer a range of elective courses and specializations within the agriculture curriculum to students diverse interests. This allows students to pursue specific areas of agriculture that align with their passions and career goals, fostering creativity and opportunities for specialization. 9. Continuous Curriculum Evaluation : Regularly evaluate the syllabus in collaboration with industry experts.

Q 8. What is Agriculture? What are the major branches in Agriculture ?

Answer Agriculture Agriculture is the branch of science which deals with the cultivating the crops, (field, fodder, horticultural crops) in a scientific manner

The branches of agriculture are as follows

1. Agronomy

2. Plant physiology and plant breeding

3. Horticulture

4. Soil science and Agriculture chemistry

5. Plant pathology

6. Agriculture entomology

7. Animal Husbandry and dairy science

8. Agriculture engineering

9. Agriculture extension

10. Agriculture Economics

Q 9. What are your recommendations to frame guidelines on funding of research projects on Agriculture?

Answer Funding of Research projects. While funding any agriculture research projects following key points needs to taken in to consideration. 1. Sufficient time (recommendations/techniques) three years and fund should be allotted to any research institute. 2. For hybridization programme of field crops it takes nearly 15 years for release of variety with respect to horticultural crops it takes about 7-8 years for release of variety. It is a comparative long period, therefore advance 15 years need, requirement and farmers preference should be taken in to consideration 3. Research should be farmers centric and not for the interest of the scientist 4. Facilities for Rapid and split breeding techniques should be for available period of variety release 5. Social Scientist plays important role in identifying farmers need and feedback about the old technologies. 6. Research Social science are equally important to understand farmers preference and need of the region. Following points are important in agriculture research  Identification of problems – Social science  Framing objectives of the research- Social science other related departments  Statement of the research  Framing Methodology of the research.  Develop plan of research work. (Treatment/Trails)  Execute plan of work.  Multi-locational trials. (In case of varities)  Data collection/analysis/tabulation/results/implications (Social Science)

Q 10. How can universities produce revolutionary PhD and Post Doc thesis and dissertations on Agriculture ? What are your recommendations to improve the academic standards ?

Answer Ph.D. and Post Doc thesis 1. Encourage Interdisciplinary Research : Promote interdisciplinary research by encouraging collaboration between departments, facilities and research centers. 2. Mentorship and Guidance : Provide effective mentorship and guidance to Ph.D and postdoctoral researchers. Assign experienced faculty members as mentors who can provide support. 3. Research Funding and Resources : Allocate sufficient research funding and resources to support ambitious and innovative agricultural research. 4. International Collaborations :International collaborations for Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers in agriculture. Collaborating with renowned international institutions provides exposure to diverse perspective, methodologies and research environment. 5. Research ethics and integrity :Emphasize research ethics and integrity through the research process. Train researchers on responsible conduct of research ethical guidelines and academic integrity. 6. Publication and Dissemination Support : Provide support and guidance for Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers in publishing their research findings in reputable journals and presenting their work at conferences. 7. Professional Development Opportunities’ : Offer professional development opportunities tailored to Ph.D. and post doctoral to Ph.D. and post doctoral researchers in agriculture. 8. Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer : Educate researcher about intellectual properly rights and technology transfer processes. 9. Collaborations with Industry and stakeholders :Foster collaborations between researchers and industry stakeholders including agricultural companies, farmers, policymakers and non profit organizations. 10. Continuous Evaluation and Feedback :Continuously evaluate the quality and impact of Ph.D. and postdoctoral research programmes in agriculture.

Q 11. What are your views on Impact of Russia-Ukraine war on Global Food Prices ?

Answer 1. Disruption of Agricultural Activities : The conflict has disrupt agricultural activities, including farming and livestock production, as farmers may face difficulties accessing their fields or may be forced to abandon their land due to safety concerns. This disruption lead to reduced food production and scarcity of agricultural products. 2. Displacement of Farmers : The war damages hampers the efficient movement of food from farms to markets, leading to supply chain disruptions and potential food shortages. 3. Trade disruptions : The conflict can disrupt trade relations between Ukraine and Russia, affecting the import and export of agricultural goods. Trade restrictions, embargoes, or increased tariffs can limit the availability of certain food items, leading to higher prices and reduced access to a variety of food products. 4. Economic Instability : The war can cause economic instability in the region, leading to inflation, currency depreciation , and reduced purchasing power. These economic instability. The war cause economic instability in the region, leading to inflation, currency depreciation, and reduced purchasing power. These factors can make food prices soar, making it difficult for vulnerable populations to afford and adequate diet. 5. Humanitarian Access Constraints : Humanitarian organizations may face challenges in reaching affected populations with food aid and other essential supplies due to security concerns and access restrictions. This can exacerbate the food crisis, particularly for those in conflict-affected areas who heavily rely on humanitarian assistance.

Q 12. How can students seek job and career opportunities in Agriculture Extension ? What can be objectives/aim/goal of Agriculture Extension Companies/institutes ? 

Answer Agriculture extension is a field which require in depth knowledge all the departments. The person who secured the degree in the field of agriculture extension possess versatile nature dynamic personality and leadership qualities. Following are the career opportunities in the agriculture extension 1. Agriculture Consultancy 2. In NGO’s as a agriculture advisor 3. Counselor 4. Manager in bank, co-operatives and other sectors. 5. CEO’s in multinational companies

Q 13. What job titles are available in Agriculture ? 

Answer  Seed producing companies  Bio fertilizer units  Compost/vermicompost and other organic fertilizers producing industries  Nurseries – Fruit crop 1. Mango, cashew, coconut, arecanut, sapota etc. 2. Vegetable nursery 3. Floriculture nursery 4. Ornamental nursery  Gardening and landscape designer  Agro & eco- tourism  Dairy/Poultry/Goatary manager  Manager in fruit processing industries  Sericulture, Beekeeping industries.

Q 14. Which are Typical employers in Agriculture?

Answer Seed industries

Fertilizers industries

Pesticides industries

Farm machinery

Processing industries

State agriculture universities

ICAR, research station

KVK, NGO’s, state agriculture department

Q 15. Which are the courses available in Agriculture ? 

Answer Course in agriculture Agriculture (B.Sc. (Agri.), B.Sc. (Horti.), B.Sc. (For.) B.Tech (Agril. Engg.) M.Sc. (Agri), Ph.D. (Agri.) PHM (Post Harvest Management) Agri Biotechnology, B.Sc. food technology Agri Business management B.Sc. (Fisheries)

Q 16. What are your recommendations to write a world class research article in Agriculture ? What essential components and factors must be there ? 

Answer Writing world-class research articles in agriculture requires a combination of knowledge, expertise, and effective communication skills. Here are some stops and tips to help you in the process : 1. Choose a Relevant and original Research Topic :  Select a topic that is significant, relevant, and aligns with current trends and challenges in the field of agriculture.  Identify gaps in existing research and formulate research questions that contribute to filling those gaps. Aim for originality and novelty in your approach or methodology 2. Conduct Through Literature Review :  Familiarize yourself with the existing body of literature related to your research topic.  Analyze and critically evaluate previous studies, theories, methodologies, and findings.  Identify the strengths, weaknesses, and research gaps in the literature.  Use reputable sources such as poor reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and books. 3. Develop a Clear Research Methodology :  Clearly outline your research methodology, including the research design, data collection methods, and statistical analyses (if applicable)  Justify your chosen methodology and explain why it is appropriate for your research objectives.  Provide enough data to allow other researchers to replicate your study. 4. Gather and Analyze Data :  Collect and analyze data using reliable and appropriate methods.  Ensure your data collection process is well documented and adheres to ethical standards.  Use appropriate statistical techniques to analyze your data and draw meaningful conclusions. 5. Organize Your Article Structure :  Follow the typical structure of a research article introduction. Literature Review, Methods Results. Discussion and Conclusion.  Clearly state the purpose, objectives, and hypotheses of your study in the introduction.  Provide a logical flow between different sections, making it easy for readers to follow your research. 6. Write Clearly and Concisely :  Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas and findings.  Define technical terms and provide explanations where necessary.  Avoid jargon or use it sparingly, ensuring about it is understandable to a board audience. 7. Present Date Effectively :  Use appropriate tables, graphs, and figures to present your data visually.  Ensure that all visuals are properly labeled, easy to interpret, and support your key.  Include captions and explanations to guide readers through the visuals. 8. Interpret Results and Discuss Findings:  Interpret your results objectively and relate them to your research questions or hypotheses.  Discuss the implications and significance of your findings in the contest of existing literature.  Address any limitations or weaknesses in your study and suggest areas for future research. 9. Cite and Reference Properly :  Follow the preferred citation style of the target journal or conference.  Ensure accurate and consistent citation through out the article.  Provide a comprehensive list of reference at the end of the article. 10. Revise, Edit, and Proofread :  Review your article multiple times for clarity, coherence, and overall quality.  Check for grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies.  Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or experts in the field and incorporate their suggestions. Remember writing world-class research articles requires practice, persistence and continuous learning. It’s important to stay updated with the latest advancements and developments in agriculture, attend conferences, and engage with the scientific community to enhance your research and writing skills. Here are five research challenges or problems that are prevalent in the field of agriculture. 1. Sustainable Farming Practices : Developing and implementing sustainable farming practices is a major challenge in agriculture. Researchers are working to find innovative approaches to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture, such as minimizing the use of chemical inputs improving water management promoting biodiversity, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. 2. Climate Change Adaptation : climate change poses significant challenges for agriculture, including shifts in temperature and rainfall patterns, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and the spread of pests and diseases. Research is needed to develop strategies and technologies that help farmers adapt to these changing conditions, such as heat tolerant crop varities, precision irrigation systems, and climate-resilient farming practices. 3. Food Security and Nutrition : Ensuring global food security while addressing mainutrition and hunger remains a critical research problem. Researchers are exploring ways to increase crop productivity, enhance nutritional value in crops, improve post harvest handling and storage techniques, and promote sustainable agricultural systems to meet the growing demand for food in a changing world. 4. Crop Protection and Pest Management : Developing effective and sustainable pest management strategies is a significant challenge in agriculture. Researchers are investigating alternatives to chemical pesticides, such as biological control methods, integrated pest management (IPM) approaches, and the use of resistant crop varieties to minimize crop losses caused by pests, diseases, and invasive species. 5. Agricultural Technology and Innovation : Advancing agricultural technologies and innovations can significantly improve productivity officiency, and sustainability in farming. Research focuses on areas such as precision agriculture, robotics, automation, data analytics, remote sensing and smart farming systems. The challenge lies in developing and implementing these technologies in a cost- effective and accessible manner, especially for small-scale farmers in developing regions. These research challenges require interdiscipllnary collaboration, cutting-edge technologies, and holistic approaches to address the complex issues faced by the agriculture sector.

Q 17. What are your recommendations to establish a world class research institute for Agriculture Extension? 

Answer World class research institute for Agriculture extension 1. Farmers participatory research Clearly define the vision and mission of the research institute. It should focus on advancing agricultural practices, promoting sustainable farming techniques, improving crop productivity, and enhancing farmer livelihoods through extension services. 2. Expertise and collaboration : Build a team of renowned researchers, scientists, and experts in agricultural extension. Foster collaboration with national and international institutions, universities and organizations to leverage expertisc. Share resources, and collaborate on research projects. 3. Infrastructure and Facilities : Establish state of the art infrastructure and facilities, including research laboratories, experimental farms, data analysis centers, and modern equipment. These facilities should support research, development, and testing of innovative agricultural technologies and extension methods. 4. Funding and Grants : Seek both government and private sector funding to support the institute’s operations. Establish partnership with funding agencies, foundations and industry stakeholders to secure grants for research projects, scholarships and capacity building programs. 5. Research Focus : Identify key research areas and prioritize them based on their relevance and impact on agricultural extension. Examples of research focus areas may include precision agriculture, climate smart farming. Agriculture soil health management, post and discos control, and post harvest technologies. 6. Technology Adoption : Embrace cutting-edge technologies and digital tools to enhance research capabilities and extend agricultural information to farmers. Explore the use of remote sensing data analysis artificial intelligence, mobile applications, and precision farming techniques to provide real-time advice and recommendations. 7. Capacity Building : Invest in training programs and workshops for researchers, extension agents and farmers. Enhance their knowledge and skills in agricultural research, technology adoption, best practices in extension services, and sustainable farming methods. Collaborate with universities and agricultural institutions to offer academic programs in agriculture extension. 8. Outreach and Extension : Develop effective extension strategies to reach farmers in remote areas. Establish demonstration farms and farmer field schools to showcase best practices and new technologies. Create farmer centric information dissemination platforms, such as mobile apps, helplines and community radio to provide timely and localized agricultural information. 9. Knowledge Exchange : Encourages knowledge sharing and exchange through conferences, seminars, and symposiums. Facilitate partnerships and twinning arrangements with international research institutes to promote cross-learning and collaborative research projects. 10. Policy Advocacy : Engage with policymakers and stakeholders to influence findings and recommendations to policy discussions and participate n relevant forums to advocate for the adoption sustainable agricultural practices. 11. Impact Assessment : Regularly monitor and evaluate the impact of the institute’s research and extension activities. Assess the adoption of research outcomes by farmers, measure the impact on crop yields, come generation and sustainable farming practices. Use this feedback to refine research priorities and improve extension services. 12. Publications and Dissemination : Encourage researchers to publish their findings in reputable scientific journals and share knowledge through open-access platforms. Develop comprehensive extension materials, including manuals, guides, and fact sheets, to disseminate research findings and best practices to a wider audience. By implementing these recommendations, a research institute for agriculture extension can strive to become a world class institution that drives innovation emowers farmers and contributes to sustainable agricultural development. 1. This provides a strong foundation of knowledge and skills in extension methodologies, agricultural practices, communication and outreach. 2. Gain Practical Experience : Seek opportunities to gain practical experience in agriculture extension through intonations field work of volunteering. This can be done with government agricultural departments, non-profit organizations, or research institutions. Practical experience allows students to apply their knowledge, develop essential skills and establish professional networks. 3.Networking and Professional Associations : Engage with professional associations networks related to agricultural extension. Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars to connect with professionals in the field. Joining associations and participating in networking events can provide access to job listings, mentorship opportunities, and industry updates. 4. Build Communication and Outreach Skills : Develop strong communication and outreach skills, as effective communication is essential in agriculture extension. Enhance abilities in public speaking, writing and using various communication tools. The capacity to effectively convey information to farmers, stakeholders, and communities in crucial in extension work. 5. Stay Updated in Agricultural Practices and Policies : Keep up to date with the latest advancements in agricultural practices, technologies, and policies. Stay informed about emerging trends, sustainable agriculture methods, climate change impacts, and market dynamics. This knowledge will help students provide valuable and relevant guidance to farmers and agricultural communities. 6. Research and Publications: Engage in research activities related to agricultural extension. Conduct studies, publish research papers or contribute to extension publications. This demonstrates a commitment to advancing knowledge in the field and can enhance credibility and career prospects. 7. Job Search Platforms : Utilize job search platforms, both online and offline that specifically cater to agricultural extension positions. 

18. What are your recommendations to authors, who are writing Books on Agriculture for more creativity and understanding of the subject ? 

Answer Writing creative books on agriculture can be a fantastic way to engage readers and promote interest in the field. Here are some ideas and tips to make your agriculture books more creative. 1. Choose an Engaging Theme : Select a unique and captivating theme for your book that goes beyond the traditional topics in agriculture. Consider exploring the cultural, historical or ecological aspects of agriculture or even blend it with other genres like mystery, adventure or science fiction. Tell Compelling Stories : Use storytelling techniques to weave narratives and agricultural experiences challenges, and triumphs. Incorporate characters that readers can relate to and to an create engaging plotlines that keep them hooked. Personal anecdotes or case studies can also acid depth and authenticity to your storytelling.

Q 19. What according to you are the Top 5 Major challenges (research problems) which need to be resolved urgently by world’s scientists in the area of Agriculture ?

Answer Top 5 Major Challenges. 1. Sustainable agriculture 2. Irrigation 3. Climate change 4. Vertical farming 5. Organic farming

Q 20. What are your recommendations to improve standards of Conferences in Agriculture ? How can they be brainstorming and more creative ?

Answer Conference 1. Diverse and Engaging Contact : Ensure a diverse range of topics and sessions that cover various aspects of agriculture, including emerging trends, innovative practices, technological advancements, sustainability, and socio-economic aspects. Include interactive sessions, panel discussions, workshops, and hands on activities to engage participants actively. 2. Keynote Speakers and Thought Leaders : Invite renowned keynote speakers and thought leaders from the agricultural industry, research institutions, and related fields to share their insights and experiences. They can provide inspiring talks, present cutting- edge research and offer fresh perspectives on the future of agriculture. 3. Interactive and participatory formats : Incorporate interactive formats that encourage active participation and engagement from attendees. 4. Technology Integration : Utilize technology to enhance conference experiences. Incorporative live polling virtual reality or angemented reality demonstrations mobile apps etc. 5. Field trips and demonstrations : Organize field trips demonstrations to provide participants with hands on experiences and exposure to agricultural practices visit research farm model farms. 6. Innovative Presentation Formats : Encourage presenters to utilize innovate presentation formats beyond tradition power point slides. 7. Networking Opportunities : Designate dedicated networking sessions and spaces where participants can interact, network, and exchange ideas. 8. Student and Early career Researcher : Engagement : Provide specific tracks of sessions for students and early careen researchers to showcase their work. 9. Exhibitions and Technology Showcases : Create exhibition spaces where companies, organizations and research institutions can showcase their innovative products, services and technologies related to agriculture. 10. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement : Regularly evaluate the conference through participant feedback, surveys and post event analysis.

Q 21. Which major challenges do you see to establish India as world leader in Agriculture ? 

Answer  Nutririched agriculture food grain production.  Residue free agriculture production.  Improvement of shelf life of perishable fruit and vegetables products.

Q 22. Any other thing, you would like to share with World ? 

Answer  The first culture is Agriculture.  More than 70 % Indian population depends upon agriculture (farming).  Traditional methods of cultivating crops need to be change.  In agriculture primary as well as secondary processing, vault addition helps in up gradation of living standard of farming community.  Global market analysis should be conducted for import/export of agriculture commodity.


1. Name (in Block Letters)   : WARWADEKAR SANTOSH CHANDRAKANT 2. Father's Name/ Mother's Name   : WARWADEKAR CHANDRAKANT KESHAV 3. Department   : Agriculture Extension (Extension Education) 4. Current Designation : Assistant professor 5. Date of eligibility for promotion : 09/11/2009 6. Date and place of Birth : 25/04/1975 Maldoli, Tal- Chiplun Dist- Ratnagiri 7. Sex : Male 8. Marital status : Married 9. Nationality : Indian 10. Indicate whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC category : OBC Caste Validity No. 2962/2004 11. Address for correspondence (with Pincode) : ‘Audumbar Chaya’, Swami Kripa 1924 ‘A’, Mahalaxmi path, Brahmanwadi, Jalgaon, Post Tal- Dapoli, 415712 Dist- Ratnagiri 12. Permanent Address (with Pincode) : ‘Audumbar Chaya’, Swami Kripa 1924 ‘A’, Mahalaxmi path, Brahmanwadi, Jalgaon, Post Tal- Dapoli, 415712 Dist- Ratnagiri 

Academic Qualifications (Matric till post graduation)  

: Examinations Name of the Board/ University Year of Passing Percentage of marks obtained Division/ Class/ Grade Subject S.S.C. Mumbai 1990 57.71 2nd Marathi, English, Hindi Mathematics, Social science H.S.C. Kolhapur 1992 58.00 2nd Science, English, crop science B.Sc (Agri) D.B.S.K.K.V. Dapoli 1996 79.00 1st Agronomy, Soil science, Horticulture, Entomology, Pathology M.Sc. (Agri) D.B.S.K.K.V. Dapoli 1999 87.00 1st  Class with distinction Extension Education Ph.D. Navsari Agriculture Univercity, Gujarat. 2014 81.17 1st   Class with distinction Extension Education

  Passed MS-CIT Examination in October 2006 conducted by Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai with 72% marks.

 Passed Post Recruitment Exam conducted by Dr. BS Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli.

SL.No Designation Name of Employer Date of joining Salary with Grade Reason of leaving Joining Leaving 1. Agri. Supervisor Vindya Orchard Chiplun 05/01/98 04/08/98 8,000/- Temporary Job 2. Agri. Supervisor Kadam Irrigation Chiplun 25/04/99 28/06/99 8,000/- Temporary Job 3. Project Officer The Gharda Foundation Dec.99 Aug.2001 8,500/- Temporary Job 4. Asst. Proffesor Konkan Agri. Education & Research Institute G.N. Collage of Agriculture Tal- Chiplun 01/09/01 Nov.2004 6,500/-

Posts held after appointment at this University. Sr.No. Designation Department Date of actual Joining From To Grade 1. Training Associate KVK, RARS Karjat (Kila Roha) 09/11/2004 23/04/2008 2. Research Editor Agriculture Technology Information Centre. 24/04/2008 30/06/2009 3. Assistant Professor Department of Extension Education 01/07/2009 30/11/2014 4. Assistant Professor Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Lanja 01/12/2014 29/04/2016 5. a) Assistant Professor b) I.C. Manager Directorate of Extension Education ATIC, Directorate of Extension Education 30/04/2016 Till date

Period of teaching experience  : 

17 years 10 months 1. P.G. Classes (in years): 3 years U.G. Classes (in years): 5.2 years 2. Research Experience excluding years spent in M.Phil/ Ph.D. (in years): 14 Years 3. Fields of Specialisation under the Subject/Discipline: (a) Extension Education. 4. Academic Staff College Orientation/Refresher Course attended : Name of the Course/Summer School Place Duration Sponsoring Agency a. Filmsrip preparation Pune 2002 Maharashra State Audio Visual Education Institute, Pune. b. Banner programme on ‘New Dimension in agriculture extension reforms in non-NATP District’ Nagpur Feb. 2005 VANMATI, Nagpur c. Motivation and Enpowerment for professional excellence New Dilhi 4 March 2005 IARI New Dilhi d. TOT Course for core trainers team under MWSIP Aurangabad Sep. 2006 WALMI Aurangabad e. Agriculture Engineering Technologies for drudgery Reduction and soil and water Management. Dapoli 1.2 March 2007 DBSKKV Dapoli f. Enterpreneurship Development and Management. Akola 21 days (Oct. 2010) Department of Extension education Post- Graduate Institute, PDKV, Akola g. Training programme on Good Management Practice in horticulture Crops Dapoli 2-4 Feb. 2015 Department of Horticulture, D.B.S.K.K.V., Dapoli h. Training programme on Communication Skill for Effective Extension Services Dapoli 18-20 March 2015 Directorate of Extension Education, D.B.S.K.K.V., Dapoli i. Application of PRA Tools & Techniques for SREP Development Dapoli DBSKKV 07-08 Jan. 2016 Directorate of Extension Education, D.B.S.K.K.V., Dapoli & EEI, Anand Gujrat j Advance techniques in Dairy science Dapoli 28-29 Jan. 2016 Directorate of Extension Education, D.B.S.K.K.V., Dapoli k Management of Community Intersts Groups and Farmers Organizations Fisheries College Ratnagiri 14-16 Dec. 2016 EEI, Anand Gujrat l Employment Genration among Rural youth through agrientrepreneurship development Department of FMP College of Engineering & Technology, MPAUT, Udaipur, Rajasthan 31st July to 20th August 2017 Department of FMP College of Engineering & Technology, MPAUT, Udaipur, Rajasthan m Energy Quantification Techniques and Opportunities for Renewable Energy Utilization. College of Agril. Engg. & Technology, DBSKKV, Dapoli 22/11/2018 to 17/12/2018 College of Agril. Engg. & Technology, DBSKKV, Dapoli n Promotion of Public-Private Partnership under Extension Reforms Fisheries College Ratnagiri 05-03-2018 to 07-03-2018 EEI, Anand Gujrat o Presentation Skills for Professional Excellence DBSKKV, Dapoli 05-01-2022 to 07-01-2022 EEI, Anand Gujrat p Video Editing and Conference Skill Fisheries College Ratnagiri 10-01-2022 to 12-01-2022 EEI, Anand Gujrat q Renewable Energy Technologies for Agricultural Sector and Rural Industries (RET_ASRI) College of Agril. Engg. & Technology, DBSKKV, Dapoli 15-02-2022 to 07-03-2022 College of Agril. Engg. & Technology, DBSKKV, Dapoli

Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses and technology mediated teaching-learning process with evidence of having guided two post graduate students  (Please provide details) 

Sr. No. Technology Transfer/Recommendation Year 1 On an average weekly demand for vegetable in Dapoli is 9700 kg. Out of this 92.78 per cent demand is met from outside supply and 07.22 per cent from local supply. Considering the gap between demand for and supply of local vegetables, it is recommended that farmers from Dapoli tehsil should be motivated to cultivate variety of vegetables as per the demand in the market to augment their income. 2019-20 2 Transfer of Technology Project like Masses to Classes a success story of nagali, variety Dapoli-2 from 1.5 acre to 150 acre 2017-2018 3 Shat Pratishat Bhat Lagwad Abhiyan’ 2019-2020 4 Snake and Ladder (Sapshidi) on all Coconut Production Technologies 2020 5 Farmers-|Scientist-Extension Workers Forum 2017-2022 6 Training programmes to the Nisarg Cylcone affected areas sponsored by NABARD 2020 7 Training programme in collaboration with CPDO, Mumbai for effective Transfer of Technologies of poultry production 8 Paryavarn Sampurak Khedi Vikas Karykram 2018 9 155 Doordarshan programme ‘Amchi Mati Amchi Manas’ 2017 onwards 10 Organization of Suwarna Palavi 2022 11 Six training programmes of EEI, Anand, Gujarat 2017-2022 12 Guided 144 farmers tours on Farm Production Technologies evolved by Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli 2020-2022 13 Transfer of Technology Project through social media in collaboration with 2017-2022 14 Gramoday Farmers Producer Company 2019 15 Pandhragav Milk Farmers Producer Company Limited 2022 16 Effective demonstration of hand operated rice transplanter 2018-2022

Subject in which recognized as PG teacher: Extension Education Student guided as chairman: 

02 Nos. M.Sc. (Agri.) Students Sr. No. Name of the student Year Title 1 Miss. Khirari Sweety Jagannath 2018 Existing cultivation practices followed by Sapota growers in Palghar district. 2 Miss. Pooja Sawant 2019 Role performance of livestock supervisor form Ratnagiri district. 3 Miss Aher Swapnali Sanjay 2020 Impact of Farmers Field School on Adoption of Rice cultivation practices by the beneficiaries in Ratnagiri district. 

Student guide as Co-Chairman: 

Sl. No. Year Name of the Student Title of Thesis 1. 2018 Mr. Pravin Balkrishna Martal Participation of rural youth in agricultural activities in sindhudurg district 2 2019 Miss. Gauri Prakash Jadahav Role performance of Grampanchayat Members in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra 3 2019 Mr. Harshad Ramesh Shinde Performance of Agro-Tourism Center in Ratnagiri district (M.S): An Economic Analysis. 4 2020 Mr. Mayur Vikram Chavhan Characterization of Indigenous Chicken in Palghar District of Maharashtra

List of Research publications in NASS rated Journals 

Sr. No. Name of Authors Name of article Year of publication Name of Periodicals Vol. No. ISSN No. NASS Rating 1 A.G. Sawant, S.C. Warwadekar and V.V. Sagvekar Agricultural Education at Higher Secondary level : students premise 2000 Maharashtra Journal of Extension Education. 19 ISSN0971-3115 3.70 2 A.G. Sawant, S.C. Warwadekar, R.P. Mahadik and A.J. Nirban Attitude of higher secondary schools students toward agriculture course 2000 Journal of Extension Education. 11 ISSN0971-3115 3.24 3 S.C. Warwadekar,  A.J. Nirban and J.R. Kadam Career aspirations and needs of the higher secondary school students 2007 Asian Journal of Extension Education 27 ISSN0 3.70 4 S.C. Warwadekar, Pandya R.D., Darandale Atul A. and S.D.Kavad Constraints Experienced and Suggestions Offered to Enhance Eco-Friendly Sustainable Cotton Cultivation 2014 Trends in Biosciences 7 (24) ISSN0976-2485 2.7 5 S.C. Warwadekar, Pandya R.D., Darandale Atul A. and G.G. Chauhan Knowledge about eco-friendly cotton cultivation and their association with personal profile of cotton growers 2015 Eco. Env.& Cons. 21 (3) ISSN0971-765X 4.89 6 Darandale Atul A., Dr. R.D. Pandya, Darandale Anup D. and S.C. Warwadekar Location specific and Research based extesnon strategies for enhancing the adoption level of farmers. 2015 Multilogic in Science 5 ISSN2277-7601 5.20 7 Kavad S.D., Pandya R.D., Chauhan G.G. and Warwadekar S.C. Factors Influencing in Marketing Behaviour of Farmers and their suggestions for Market-Let-Extension. 2015 Trends in Biosciences 8 (22) ISSN0974-8431, 6284-6288 2.7 8 S.S.Kadam, S.M.Mule, P.V. Jadhav, S.V. Sure, V.S.Dandekar and S.C.Warwadekar Studies on Microbial Profile of Probiotic Low Fat Kokum Lassi by Using Honey as Sweetner 2019 International Journal of Current Microbioloy and Applied Science ISSN:2319-7706 5.38 9 S. C. Warwadekar, Dr. M. H. Khanvilkar and Dr. S. G. Bhave Masses to Classes –A Success Story 2019 Society of extension education, Gujarat ISSN (E): 2277- 7695 2.7 10 R.P. Mahadik, S. J. Meshram, S. C. Warwadekar, M. H. Khanvilkar and M. J. Gitte Knowledge level of trainees towards freshwater fish cultivation training programes 2019 J. Exp. Zool India 23 ISSN 0972-0030 5.51 11 SS Aher, S. C. Warwadekar, PB Jadhav, Ajith Kumar KS and SK Mayekar Impact of farmers field school on knowledge and adoption of rice cultivation practices by the beneficiaries in Ratnagiri district 2021 The Pharma innovation 10(11) ISSN: 2277-7695 5.23 12 SS Aher, S. C. Warwadekar, PB Jadhav, Ajith Kumar KS and SK Mayekar Relationship between selected characteristics of beneficiaries with the adoption of beneficiaries of farmers field school in Ratnagiri district 2021 The Pharma innovation 10(12) ISSN: 2277-7695 5.23 13 S. C.  Warwadekar, S S Aher, S K Mayekar and P S Rathod Constraints faced by the beneficiaries of farmers field school in adoption of rice cultivation practices and their suggestions to minimize the constraints 2022 The Pharma innovation 11(1) ISSN: 2277-7695 5.23 14 S. C. Warwadekar, P S Sawant, S A Aher and S J Khirari Suggestions of livestock supervisor for augmentation their role performance 2022 The Pharma innovation 11(2) ISSN: 2277-7695 5.23 15 Raykar S. S., Kadam J.R., Sawant P. A. and Warwadekar S.C Association between profile of the cashewnut growers and impact of cashewnut production technologies in terms of change in chashewnut yield 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (1) 1861-1862 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 16 Kotwal S. S., Malve D. B., Torane S. R., Warwadekar S. C., Kulkarni S.M., Naik A. V. and Karsi A. M Economic analysis of rose in Pune district of Maharashtra 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (1) 27992804 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 17 Raykar S. S., Kadam J. R. Sawant P. A. and Warwadekar S. C Profile of the cashewnut growers 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (1) 2392-2395- ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 18 Sanjay Hirbhagat, S. C. Warwadekar and Kadaskar N. D. Appraise the extent of empowerment of Rural women through Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM) activities 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (1) 1280 1281 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 19 Bodke B. G. , Kadam J. R., Sawant P. A., Warwadekar S. C. Association between profile of the respondents and impact of integrated farming system 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (2) 1250 1251 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 20 Bodke B. G. , Kadam J. R., Warwadekar S. C. Sawant P. A., Profile of the integrated farming system adopters 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (2) 1894 1899 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 21 Patil S.R., Desai S. D., Mule R.S., Rajemahadik V. A., Kale R. G. Shaik A. K. and Dethe S. R. Epicay of different insecticides against sunflower capitulum borer (Helicoverpa armigera) 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (2) 1861 1864 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 22 Ainarkar A. N., Khanvilkar M. H., Kulkarni M. M., Dalvi N. V., Shinde B. D., Aiunarkar A. R., Mhatre M. S. Evaluation of gladiolus (Gladiolus spp.) varieties for flowering characters and yield under Konkan agro-climatic conditions of Maharashtra. 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (2) 3159-3161 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 23 Mayuri S Mhatre, Mandar H Khanvilkar, Nitesh V Dalvi, Sakharam D Desai, Mahesh M Kulkarni, Bharat R Salavi, Rutuja D Pawar and Arfa A Ainarkar Response of China aster (Callistephus chinensis L.) to pinching and growth regulators for vegetative and yield characters under Konkan agro-climatic conditions 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (3) 3625-3628 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 24 M. V. Jadhav, V. P. Damodhar, C. D. Pawar, M. H. Khanvilkar and R. V. Dhopavkar Preparation and sensory evaluation of blended jam of carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.) and mango 2023 The Pharma innovation 12 (11) 5189-5192 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23 25 Abhijit Jagtap, S. S. Deshmukh, S.C. Warwadekar, P. J. Kshirsagar and Nikita Kadaskar Modelling farmers intention regarding pesticides application in mango: An empirical analysis with extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB) 2023 The Pharma innovation 11 (12) 5750-5753 ISSN: 2277-7695 NAAS rating: 5.23

Full Papers? Publications / in conference / Seminar / Workshop Abstracts of Papers / Publications in conference / Seminar / Workshop 

Sr. No. Title of research Paper Name of Author Conference / Symposium / workshop Year of Publication Oral / poster presentation 1 Constrains in adopting livestock based farming system R.A. Bhalerao, S.C. Warwadekar and J.R. Kadam National Seminar on Role of Extension Education in Changing Agricultural Secnario 2010 Dapoli 2 Preference of the Farmers towards Mass Media for Meeting their Agricultural Information Needs P.A. Sawant, S.C.Warwadekar and J.R.Kadam National Seminar on Role of Extension Education in Changing Agricultural Secnario 2010 Dapoli 3 Expectations of Farmers about Selected Mass Media S.C.Warwadekar, J.R.Kadam and P.A. Sawant, National Seminar on Role of Extension Education in Changing Agricultural Secnario 2010 Dapoli 4 Study of the use of the mobile by the RAWE students Warwadekar S.C., Hardikar D.P. and Atul A. Darandale National Seminar Society of Extension Education, Gujarat 2016 5 Constellation Orchard- A novel way for maintaining Bio-diversity Warwadekar S.C., Hardikar D.P. and Atul A. Darandale National Seminar Society of Extension Education, Gujarat 2016 6 Resource management ability for eco-friendly sustainbale cotton cultivation S.C.Warwadekar, R.D.Pandya, S.G.Bhave,V.G.Yewale and S.ADiwate International Conference on climate change adaptation and biodiversity Dapoli 2016 7 Effect of fertilizer levels on physic-chemical parameters and yield of fruits in mango Cv. Alphonso Manjarekar.R.G. Khanvilkar.M.H. Warwadekar S.C., Ahire P.G. and Pujari K.H. International Mango Conference 2018 2018 8 Effect of Fertilizer Level on Flowering Behaviour and Yield of Fruits in Mango Cv. Alponso Manjarekar.R.G. Khanvilkar.M.H. Warwadekar S.C., Ahire P.G. and Pujari K.H. International Mango Conference 2018 2018 9 Suggestions offered by the respondents to make agriculture a remunerative occupation Arnab Biswas, A.R.Deshpande, S.C.Warwadekar and R.N.Patel National Seminar on Extension Strategies for Doubling the Farmers Income for Livelihood Security 2018 10 Impact of Post Harvest Treatments of Various Chemical and Plant Growth Regulators on Physical Parameters of Sapota Fruits Cv. Kalipatti M.H. Khanvilkar, R.A. Kaushik, S.D. Desai, U.B. Pethe, S.C. Warwadekar, P.J. Chikhalikar and S.G. Bhave Paper presented in State Level Seminar on “Soil Health and Climate Resilience: Need for Sustainable Agriculture” 15-16 December 2021 at DBSKKV, Dapoli organized by Dapoli Chapter of ISSS December 2021 pp 87-88 11 Targeted Approach for Soil quality and fertility Management using GIS cloud in Dapoli V.D. Jadhav, P.R. Kolhe, M.H. Khanvilkar, S.D. Desai, A.R. Patil, B.R Gujar, S.C. Warwadekar and S G. Bhave Paper presented in State Level Seminar on “Soil Health and Climate Resilience: Need for Sustainable Agriculture” 15-16 December 2021 at DBSKKV, Dapoli organized by Dapoli Chapter of ISSS December 2021 pp 175 12 Suggestions about Organic Fertilizer from Mango orchardists to Improve the Existing Level of Knowledge and Adoption of Eco-friendly Management Practices of Mango R.P. Mahadik, S.R. Bagade, M. H. Khanvilkar and S.C. Warwadekar Paper presented in State Level Seminar on “Soil Health and Climate Resilience: Need for Sustainable Agriculture” 15-16 December 2021 at DBSKKV, Dapoli organized by Dapoli Chapter of ISSS December 2021 pp 199 13 Suggestions of organic farmers from Raigad district working under scheme “Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana” A.S. Shigwan, J.R. Kadam, P.A. Sawant, S.C. Warwadekar and M.M. Yelve Paper presented in State Level Seminar on “Soil Health and Climate Resilience: Need for Sustainable Agriculture” 15-16 December 2021 at DBSKKV, Dapoli organized by Dapoli Chapter of ISSS December 2021 pp 205 14 Performance of different varieties of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus) under protected cultivation in Konkan region of Maharashtra B. D. Chavan, M. H.Khanvilkar, S. D. Desai, S. C. Warwadekar, R.P. Mahadik and S. G. Bhave Paper presented in National Conference of Maharashtra Society of Agricultural Economics, held at Goa (Maharashtra) during 05-06 May, 2022 May.,2022 pp.40 15 Integrated farming system approach for climate resilient farming for sustainablelivelihood and food security P G Ahire, A V Dahiphale, M. H. Khanvilkar,   P M Ingle, P B Sanap, S. D. Desai, S. C. Warwadekar, B G Desai and S. G. Bhave Paper presented in National Conference of Maharashtra Society of Agricultural Economics, held at Goa (Maharashtra) during 05-06 May, 2022 May.,2022 pp.91 16 A success story of Progressive farmer: Organic Farming Talathi M. S, Gitte M.J.,Mandavkar P. M., Manjrekar R.G., PadhyeS.J.,ArekarJSKhanvilkar M. H, Warwadekar S.C. and. Bhave S.G. Paper presented in National Conference of Maharashtra Society of Agricultural Economics, held at Goa (Maharashtra) during 05-06 May, 2022 May.,2022 pp.117-118 17 Flowering Charecters of Different hybrid Varieties of Marigold Under Konkan Agro-Climatic Condition Khanvilkar M.H., Naik A. V., Gujar B.R. Warwadekar S. C. Desai S. D. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.13 18 Vegetables charecters of different hybrid varities of marigold under Konkan Agro- climatic condition Khanvilkar M.H., Naik A. V., Gujar B.R. Warwadekar S. C. Desai S. D. Salvi B. R. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.13 19 Effect of post harvest treatments of various chemical and plant growth regulators on chemical characteristics of sapota fruits Cv. Kalipatti M.H. Khanvilkar, Kaushik R. A. Pawar C. D. Desai S. D. and Warwadekar S.C Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.14 20 Vertical performance of gerbera cultivars under protected cultivation in Konkan region of Maharashtra Chavan B. D. .H. Khanvilkar, Desai S. D.  Kulkarni M. M., Warwadekar S. C., Pawar P. R., Gujar B. R. Naik A. V. and Salvi B. R. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.14 21 Performance of gladiolus varieties of flowering charecaters under Konkan agro climatic conditions of Maharashtra Ainarkar A. A., Khanvilkar M. H., Kulkarni M.M., Dalvi N.V., Shinde B. D. Desai S. D. Warwadekar S. C and Salvi B. R. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.15 22 Efficacy of different insecticides against sunflower capitulum borer (Helicoverpa armigera) Patil S. R., Desai S. D., Desai S. S., Khanvilkar M.H., Warwadekar S. C and Pawar P. R. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.15 23 Response of China aster to pinching and growth regulators on vegetative and yield characters under Konkan agro climatic conditions Mhatre M.S., Khanvilkar M. H. Desai S. D. Dalvi N. V. Shinde B. D. Salvi B. R. Warwadekar S. C. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.16 24 Effect of Chitosan based edible coating on quality and shelf life of Sapota fruits during storage at Ambient condition Cv. Kalipatti Gaikwad S. G. Kulkarni M. M. Khanvilkar M. H., Desai S. D. Warwadekar S. C. and Salvi B. R. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.16 25 Effect of post harvest treatments of different chemicals on quality of Sapota fruits Cv. Kalipatti Gaikwad S. G. Kulkarni M. M. Khanvilkar M. H., Desai S. D. Warwadekar S. C. and Salvi B. R. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.17 26 Response of post harvest treatments of various chemical and plant growth regulators on physical parameters of Sapota fruits Cv. Kalipatti Khanvilkar M. H., Kaushik R. A., Pawar C. D., Desai S. D. Warwadekar S. C. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.17 27 Effect of various combinations of Organic and inorganic sources on yield and quality of lablab bean in Konkan region of  Maharashtra Ahire P. G., Vaidya K. P. , Khanvilkar M.H., Kapse V. D., Desai S. D. and Warwadekar S. C., Desai S. S. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.18 28 Effect of different organic and inorganic sources on yield and quality of rice in Konkan region of Maharashtra Ahire P. G., Vaidya K. P. , Khanvilkar M.H., Kapse V. D., Desai S. D. and Warwadekar S. C., Desai S. S. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.18 29 Extension strategies to promote non polluting environment for sustaibable mango production K. P. , Khanvilkar, Warwadekar S. C. Raikar S. S., Desai S. D. , Ahire P. G. Jadhav S. L. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.28 30 Extension strategies for eco-friendly sustainable cotton cultivation in south Gujarath K. P. , Khanvilkar, Warwadekar S. C., Desai S. D. ,. Jadhav S. L., Pawar P. R. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.28 31 Post training performance of trainees trained under PKVY organic farming training Warwadekar S. C. Desai S. D., Khanvilkar M.H., Ahire P. G.and Raykar S. S. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.56 32 Constraints faced by the women organic farmers in production of vermicompost in village Tike of Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra state Shigwan A. S., Kadam J. R., Sawant P. A., Warwadekar S. C., Zagade P. M, Puri M.G., Mesare S. N. and Kharge A. P. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.84 33 Extent of empowerment of Rural women under Climate Smart Agriculture Hirbhagat Sanjay, Warwadekar S. C. Khanvilkar M.H., Desai S. D. , Jadhav S. L. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.85 34 Relationship between profile of the cashew growers and impact of cashew production technologies for sustainable cashew yield Raykar S. S., Warwadekar S. C. Khanvilkar M.H., Desai S. D. , Jadhav S. L. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.119 35 Rose cultivation in Pune district of Maharashtra an economic analysis Warwadekar S. C. Khanvilkar M.H., Kotwal S. S., Malve. D. B.  and Desai S. D. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.119 36 Role of indigenous technological knowledge for promoting sustainable agriculture Warwadekar S. C., Bhushan Bharat, Khanvilkar M.H., Desai S. D. Shigwan A. S. and Jadhav S. L. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.136 37 Knowledge about indigenous technological know-how Warwadekar S. C., Bhushan Bharat, Khanvilkar M.H., Desai S. D. Shigwan A. S. and Jadhav S. L. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.136 38 Eco-friendly management of mango fruit fly by using Rakshak Fruit Fly Pheromone Trap of DBSKKV, Dapoli –An Achievement Warwadekar S. C., Khanvilkar M.H., Desai S. D., Ahire P.G. and Raykar S.S. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.137 39 Extent of adoption of ITK for promoting sustainable agriculture Warwadekar S. C., Bhushan Bharat, Khanvilkar M.H., Desai S. D. Shigwan A. S. and Jadhav S. L. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.137 40 Profile of Farmers pursuing ITP for sustainable Agriculture Warwadekar S. C., Khanvilkar M.H., Desai S. D., and Raykar S.S. Paper presented in National Seminar of Maharashtra Society of Extension Education held at Dapoli  (Maharashtra) during 07-08 May, 2023 May 2023 pp.138

Popular articles 

Sr. No. Title of popular articles Name of Author Journal/ page no. Year of Publication 1 Raigad Jilhayachya Krishi Vikasache Kendra Pramod Sawant, Santosh Warwadekar and Jayant Dongale Krishi visheshank Daily Krishival 2006 2 Prayogshaletil Tantradnyan Shetkaryachya Dari Santosh Warwadekar Daily Agrowon 2007 3 Vriksha Sangopanache Mahatva Santosh Warwadekar and Dr. Ashok Nirban Daily Agrowon 2008 4 Vriksha Sanvardhanasathi Praytna Avashyak Santosh Warwadekar and Dr. Ashok Nirban Daily Agrowon 2009 5 Pratyek Gavat Nakshatra van Avashyak Santosh Warwadekar and Dr. Ashok Nirban Daily Agrowon 2009 6 Van Sanvardhanasathi Nakshatravan Santosh Warwadekar, Balaram Khadatar and Deepak Hardikar 2009 7 Kalya Matitil Kohinur Konkanatlya Lal Matichya Kondanat Santosh Warwadekar and  Darshana  Warwadekar Daily Sagar 2010 8 Paryavaran Dinache Mahatva Santosh Warwadekar Daily Tarun Bharat 2011 9 Ase Ubharave Nakshatravan Santosh Warwadekar and  Darshana  Warwadekar Traimasik Krushipandhari 2009 10 Shetimadhe Kami Kharchachya nivishtacha wapar Santosh Warwadekar Jagdish Kadam and  Darshana  Warwadekar, Traimasik Krushipandhari 2010 11 Krushi Paryatan Santosh Warwadekar and  Darshana  Warwadekar Traimasik Krushipandhari 2010 12 Sheti Tantragyan prasaramadhe mahila va Gaosai yancha sahabhag Santosh Warwadekar Ashok Nirban and  Darshana  Warwadekar, Traimasik Krushipandhari 2010 13 Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Phalropwatikanche konkanchya phalbag lagwadimadhe yogdaan Santosh Warwadekar Sanjay Bhave, Agrotek, Prahar 2017

Book Publish

Sr. No. Title of book Name of Author Name of Publisher Year of Publication 1 Resource Mangement for Eco friendly Sustainable Cotton Cultivation Santosh Warwadekar, Sanjay Bhave and Vaibhav Yewale LAMBERT Academic Publishing ISBN 978-3-659-96914-0 November 23, 2016 2 Amba Pik Sanrakshan Santosh Warwadekar, Directorate of Extension Education, Dr.BSKKV, Dapoli 2017 3 Farm to Farms via DBSKKV-2018 Sandeep Patil, Pramod Mandavkar, Pooja Sawant, Santosh Warwadekar, Mandar Khanvilkar Dr.BSKKV, Dapoli ISBN No. 978-81-937464-3-1 2018 4 Paryavarn Sampurak Khedi Vikas Karyakram – Krishi Margdarshika Santosh Warwadekar, Mandar Khanvilkar, Pramod Chikhalikar Directorate of Extension Education, Dr.BSKKV, Dapoli ISBN 978-81-937464-4-8 2018

Extension Publications

Sr. No. Name of the publication Sources of fund/Published by Year 1 Agriculure Diary ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 2 22 Leaflets of various technologies of the university published on the eve of Palvi Mahotsav 2009 (22x5000 =1,10,000) ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 3 Five Leaflets of various technologies coloured (5x2000 = 10,000) ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 4 Coconut cultivation book (Marathi) ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 5 Sheli Palan book (Marathi) ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 6 Sour Urja ani Sadhane book (Marathi) ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 7 Shetakari Yashogatha book (Marathi) ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 8 Sahitya Palvi book (Marathi) ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 9 Ashwamedh Souveniour (Marathi) ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2009 10 Technical help for Nisarg Cyclone affected area - booklet ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2020 11 Shetiche Arthshastra ATIC, DBSKKV, DAPOLI 2020

Participation in Seminar/Conference

Sr.No. Name of the Seminar/Conference Place Year 1 Zonal Conference on Hybrid Rice: Problems and Prospects Dapoli 29-30 Nov. 2004 2 SAARC RICE EXPO World Trade Centre Cuffe. Parade, Mumbai 8th – 10th Dec. 2004 3 National Seminar on IT in Agriculutre Dapoli 3-5 Jan. 2005 4 Role of Extension Education in Changing Agricultural Seminars MSEE National Seminar Dapoli 6-8 March 2010 5 National Seminar – Dimensions of Extension Education in Holistic Development of Farmers Anand, Gujarat 5 April, 2014 6 SEEG National Seminar – Magnitude of Extension Approaches in Agricultural Development Navasari, Gujarat 7-8 Feb. 2015 7 International Conference on Agril. Economics – 2016 (Maharashtra Society of Agril. Economics) Dapoli 12-13 Feb. 2016 8 National Convention ISASAT –Energing Trends in Agriculture and Allied Science Dapoli 16-18 March 2017 9 12th National Symposium of ISCAR – Coastal Agriculture Boosting Production Potential under Stressed Environment Dapoli 28th Sept. – 1st Oct. 2018 10 International Conference on “Challenges and opportunities for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Development College of Fisheries, Shirgaon, Ratnagiri 17-20 Jan. 2019 11 SEEG National Symposium – 2019 Pragmatic Perspectives of Agricultural Development programmes in present scenario NAU, Navsari, Gujarat 8-9 June 2019 12 Maharashtra Society of Agricultural Economics National Conference Dapoli 13-14 Feb. 2021 13 State level Seminar Indian Society of Soil Science Soil Health and Climate Resilience: Need for Sustainable Agriculture Dapoli 15-16 Dec. 2021 14 24th National Conference Maharashtra Society of Agricultural Economics The Ferm Kadamba Hotel Goa 5-6 May 2022

Sr. No. Life member of professional institute 

1 Maharashtra society of Extension Educaton 2 Indian society of Extension Educaton 3 Agra society of Extension Educaton 4 Society of Extension Educaton, Gujarat 5 Interdisciplinary Society for Advancement of Agril. Science and Technoloyg (ISASaT)

Traing Material Developed 

Sr. No. Name of the trainng material Year Sponsoring agency 1 Chiku Phalatil bee pokharnarya aliche niyantran 2005 Agril. Department, Palghar 2 Naralavaril Eryofide kolyache niyantran 2005 Agril. Department, Palghar 3 Nagali processing technology 2016 VRTI, Lote 4 Turmeric cultivation to marketing 2021 VRTI, Lote 

Publicity through social media 

Sr. No. Name of the pgoramme Views Sr. No. Name of the pgoramme Views 1 Nagali Training – Dhankoli 28602 11 Kisan Din, Turmeric Cultivation 11813 2 Traditional crops of Konkan region 11430 12 Turmeric Cultivation 26986 3 World Traibal Day at Kudavale 43810 13 Suvrna Palavi – 2022 18616 4 Bhakari Mahotsav 22835 14 Vikel te Pikel Abhiyan 32456 5 Farm Economics 16429 15 Azola feed production 10935 6 Beej Mahotsav 5423 16 Vekhand farming 24652 7 Rice seed treatment 24688 17 Krishi Mahotsav 2022 6346 8 Nisarg Cyclone 32616 18 Bee keeping 9382 9 Shat Pratishat Bhat Lagwad 13208 19 Hand operated Rice transplanter 13426 (i) 64845 (ii) 10 Nagali Processing 38412 20 Tiranga rally 7830 

Award received 

Sr. No. Name of Award Awarded by Year of award 1 Samaj Spandan Purskar Sahitya Spandan 2006 2 Swatantrya Sangram Smruti Jagar Spardha Abhivyakti Samrthan, Maharashtra 3 Bharat Nirman Lok Mahiti Abhiyan Mahiti va Prasarn Mantralay, Kshetriya Prachar Nideshalay, Bharat Sarkar, Pune 2008 4 Palvi- Ek Anokha Krushi Utsav 2009, Krushi Sahitya Samelan Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli 2009 5 Bharatratna Rajiv Gandhi Paryavaranbhushan Purskar Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee Paryavarn Vibhag 2013

Participation in Radio programme 

Sr.No. Name of the programme Day & Date Telecast by 1 Present Scenario of Rice mills in Raigad district AIR, Mumbai 2 Care of Rice crop by heavy rains during 26th July 2005 AIR, Mumbai 3 Seasonal work of Agriculture AIR, Mumbai 4 Seasonal work of Agriculture AIR, Mumbai 5 Recording of experience of RAWE Students AIR, Mumbai 6 Conservation of tree through social approach 5-6-2009 AIR, Ratnagiri 7 Community farming : Todyas need 12-3-2010 AIR, Ratnagiri 8 Medicinal plants in kitchen garden and its cultivation 10-6-2011 AIR, Ratnagiri

Participation in Doordarshan programme 

Sr.No. Name of the programme Day & Date 1 Shat Pratishat Bhat Lagwad Abhiyan 2 Prabhavi Ruksharopanasathi Nakshtravan 15-05-2018 3 Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Dapoli pattern 4 Dapolitil Bhajipala lagwad Chalval 5 Rastriya Seva Yojanetun Krushi vikas

Worked as a training associate/subject matter specialist 

Sr.No. Training Topic Participants Remarks 1 Training to extension functionaries (Package of Rice Cultivation) 25 Agril. Supervisors of Raigad and Thane district 2 Mechanization in Rice based cropping sstem 23 Farmers from Karjat tahasil 3 Mechanization in Rice based cropping sstem 20 Farmers from Bhivpuri, Karlewadi 4 Training for extension functionaries 27 Agril. Supervisors from Raigad and Thane district 5 Training on hybrid rice seed production 63 Farmers from panvel tahsil 6 Training on repairs and maintance of sprayers and dusters 27 Interested farmers from Raigad district. 7 Training on organic farming 40 Members of organic farmers group 8 Training to tribal farmers for formation of honey collection groups. 35 Farmer from Karjat Tahsil 9 Trainings to Water Use Association under MWSIF 1. Mangaon 6 and 7 December 2. Kolad 8 and 12 December 3. Karjat 13 and 14 December 4. Murbad Dist. Thane 18 and 19 December 55 23 16 42 Provided 4 trainings of Social and economical


Sr.No. Particulars Date Place Participants Remarks 1 Glyricidio application 11/9 KVK 14 RAWE students 2 Urea DAP Briquette application 11/7 KVK 14 RAWE students 3 Demonstration of mechanical trans planter 18/7 Farmers-62 Extn. farmer -49 Students – 94 Reporter – 2 ETV reporter – 1 Scientist – 18 4 Demonstration of mechanical trans planter 19/9 Bhivpuri Farmers-104 Students – 14 Scientist – 04 5 Demonstration on paddy reaper 18/10 KVK farm 154 6 Demonstration on power operated paddy thresher 18/10 KVK farm 154 7 Demonstration on power operated paddy thresher 18/10 KVK farm 154 8 Demonstration of combine harvester 14/11 KVK 71 Farmers from Satana, Dist. Nashik also visited for demonstration 9 Demonstration on Trichoderma 17/11 Kadav 13 Application for the papaya crop

Other Extension Activities 

1. Identified farmers for Front Line Demonstration. 2. Visited no. of times to the FLD’s on rice. 3. Identified farmers for FLD on cowpea from Karjat tahasil. 4. Celebration of Krishi Din on 1st july, 2006. 5. Organised Tree plantation programmes. 1 KVK farm 135 Mangium 30 Karanj 30 Jatropha 2 Bhivpuri 483 Mango, Cashewnut 3 Karalewadi 493 Coconut, Arecanut, Aonla 4 Humgaon 2000 Joint venture of RAWE students and forest conservation committee, Humgaon. 

6. Gave wide publicity to the activities of KVK through news paper, Radio, T.V.

1 News papers Loksatta, Sakal, Krishival, Lokmat. 2 Radio Radio talk Organised 5 radio talks of progressive farmers 1 Poultry 2 Honey group 3 Fishery and farmers 3 T. V. 1 Sahyadri – Prepared programme of Mr. V.P. Gangal from Jambhivali village. 2 ETV- organised programme for demonstration on combine harvester.

1.  Participation in preparation of vanrai Bandhara at Diksal and Muare of Karjat tahasil.

2.  Participation in 2nd National convention of KVK held at Rajendranagar, Hyderabad also exhibited KVK activities.

3.  Farmers rally in collaboration with Mahabeej.

4.      Farmers rally on organic farming.

Worked as research editor 

ATIC Edited 22 black and white leaflets on various topics 5000 copies each. Edited agriculture diary and published on 1st January, 2009. Prepared and published snake and ladder game on agricultural technologies of the university. Edited newsletters of the university. 

Worked as Assistant professor

Established Haritsena for tree plantation and environment conservation. Worked as NSS programme coordinator of CoA, Dapoli. Erected constellations orchard (Nakshatravan) at Tetavali and named as Vijay Nakshatravan. Participated in the NSS camp organised at Talsure and Chandranagar. Erected Ashokvan at Ladghar, Tal. Dapoli. Constructed three Konkan Vijay bandhare with the help NSS volunteers. 

Worked as Subject Matter Specialist at KVK, Lanja

Conducted monthly meetings of Farmers-Scientist Forums. Organised farmers rallies. Organised result demonstration of Elephant year yam (Suran). Celebrated Krishi Din on 1st July, 2015. Celebrated World Soil Day on 5th December. Organised different training programmes for the benefits of the farmers. Started Shastradnya Aplya Dari programme. Develop functional linkages with RSETTI. Develop functional linkages with ATMA, Ratnagiri. 

Worked as Assistant professor at Directorate of Extension Education

Noteworthy contribution in recording at telecasting Doordarshan programmes on Sahyadri channel. Develop functional linkages with NABARD, Ratnagiri and published 10,000 agriculture diaries with financial support from NABARD and distributed to the needy farmers at subsidised rate. Published calendar of Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. Develop functional linkages with BISA, Palghar and printed 35,000 booklets on Krishi Margdarshika and 5000 calendars. Develop functional linkages with Agriculture Department and conducted different training programmes. Develop functional linkages with YASHADA, Pune and organised three training programmes for members of Panchayat samiti. Formulated and conducted Unnat Bharat Abhiyan in a novel way. Beej Mahotsav National Kisan day Bhakari Mahotsav World Triabl Day Begami Mahotsav Organised training programme on climate smart agriculture in collaboration with TERI, Mumbai. Organised training programme of Man Shakti, Lonawala. Organised training programme of six days duration on Poultry keeping in collaboration with, CPDO, Mumbai. Conducted 15 training programme under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan. 

Holding additional charge of Manager ATIC

Celebrated world tribal day and wild vegetable exhibition at Kudawale. Celebrated world coconut day and organised exhibition of coconut articles for 8 days. Conducted six training programmes for Nisarg Cyclone affected area through NABARD support. Actively involved in organization of World women day on 8th March 2021 at Velvi of Dapoli tehsil and on 8th March 2022 at Vishweshwaraya hall in collaboration with Z.P. Ratnagiri, Pitambari products private limited and VRTI, Lote Actively involved in organization of Suvarn Palvi 2022 which was organized at Dapoli during 13-17 May 2022 Erected exhibition of Kast Shilp (Wood Crafts) at ATIC