F. Botler, A. Jimenez, C.N. Linztmayer, A. Pastine, D. Quiroz, M. Sambinelli, “Biclique immersions in graphs with independence number 2”. European Jorunal of Combinatorics, Vol. 122, article 104042. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
A.V. Ledezma, A. Pastine, P. Torres, M. Valencia-Pabon, “On the diameter of Schrijver graphs”. Discrete Applied Mathematics. Vol. 350, (2024), 15-30. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
A. Burgess, P. Danziger, A. Pastine, T. Traetta, “Constructing uniform 2-factorizations via row-sum matrices: solutions to the Hamilton-Waterloo problem”. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, Vol. 201 (2024), article 105803. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
D. Jaume, A. Pastine, “On the structure of the fundamental subspaces of acyclic matrices with 0 in the diagonal”. American Journal of Combinatorics. Vol. 2, (2023), 39-58. Journal Version.
E. Dratman, L.N. Grippo, V. Moyano, A. Pastine, “On the rank of the distance matrix of graphs”. Appl. Math. Comput., Vol 433 (2022), article 127394. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
L.N. Grippo, A. Pastine, P. Torres, M. Valencia-Pabon, J.C. Vera, “On the P3-Hull Number of Kneser Graphs”. Electron. J. Combin. 28 no.3 (2021), Paper 3.32. Journal Version.
E.J.J. Estrugo, A. Pastine, “On Stars in Caterpillars and Lobsters”. Discrete Appl. Math. Vol 298 (2021), 50-55. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
E.J.J. Estrugo, A. Pastine, “The Number of s-separated k-set in various circles”. Australas. J. Combin. 79 (2021), 424-436. Journal Version.
D. A. Jaume, A. Pastine, V. N. Schvöllner, “2-switch: transition and stability on graphs and forests”. Preprint. Arxiv Version.
D. A. Jaume, G. Molina, A. Pastine, “Null decomposition of bipartite graphs without cycles of length 0 modulo 4”. Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol 614 (2021), Pages 176-196.. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
B. Alspach, D.L. Kreher, A. Pastine, “Sequencing Partial Steiner Triple Systems”. Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol 28 (4) (2020), 327-343. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
L. E. Allem, R. Braga, A. Pastine, “Randic Index and Energy”. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol 83-3 (2020), 611-622. Journal Version.
A. M. Encinas, D. A. Jaume, C. Panelo y A. Pastine, “Drazin inverse of singular adjacency matrices of directed weighted cycles”. 61-2
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M. Keranen, A. Pastine, “On the Hamilton-Waterloo problem: the case of two cycles sizes of different parity”. ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA, Vol 17-2 (2019), 525-533. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
L. E. Allem, G. Molina, A. Pastine, “Short Note on Randic Energy”. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol 82-2 (2019), 515-528. Arxiv Version.
D. A. Jaume, G. Molina, A. Pastine, M. Safe, “A {-1,0,1}- and sparsest basis for the null space of a forest in optimal time”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol 549 (2018), 53-66. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
M. Keranen, A.Pastine, “A Generalization of the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem on Complete Equipartite Graphs”. Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol 25 (10) (2017), 431-468. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
A. Cafure, D. A. Jaume, L. N. Grippo, A. Pastine, M. D. Safe, V. Trevisan, I. Gutman, “Some Results for the (Signless) Laplacian Resolvent”, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol 77-1 (2017), 105-114. Journal Version.
B. Alspach, D.L. Kreher, A. Pastine, “The Friedlander-Gordon-Miller Conjecture Is True”, Australas. J. Combin., Vol 67(1) (2017), pages 11-24. Journal Version.
J. Asplund, D. Kamin, M. Keranen, S. Özkan, A. Pastine, “On the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem with triangle factors and C3X-factors”, Australas. J. Combin. 64 (2016), 458-474. Journal Version.
D. L. Kreher, A. Pastine, L. Tollefson, “A Note on Cyclic Matching Sequencibility of Graphs”, Australas. J. Combin. 61 (2015), 142-146. Journal Version.
A. Pastine, F. Zanello, “Two unfortunate properties of pure f-vectors”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Volume 143 (2015), 955-964. Journal Version Arxiv Version.
D. A. Jaume, A. Pastine, “On Hamilton circuits in Cayley digraphs over generalized dihedral groups”, Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina 53(2) (2012), 79-87. Journal Version.