Journal Entries

Entry #1 - 7.8.2019

Prompt: What are your thoughts on: having college professors? dorm life? working in a lab?

Right now I feel pretty good about the college professors I have. Not gonna lie, they seem really chill and I hope I establish a good relationship with them. Dorm life is great: the beds are comfy, my roomate is super chill, and I have a quiet place to study or clear my mind, or do whatever the heck I want (to a certain point, of course). Working in a lab is an interesting scenarion I experienced today... it was a mix of fun and frustration, but I honestly enjoyed it.

Entry #2 - 7.9.2019

Prompt: What have you learned so far in COSMOS?

So far, I have learned some interesting things. One of them is the C programming language: I had little previous experience with it, so the practice I've had so far is truly of great value to me. I also learned about the size of atoms and how fast they travel, and hat honestly seems pretty cool; I'll be taking AP Chemistry once I start school in mid-August, so this should prepare me a little more for that class. I hope to keep learning more things and make the most of my stay here.

Entry #3 - 7.10.2019

Prompt: After today's lectures and programming activities, what areas of computer science and programming are familiar to you? new to you?

To be honest, everything seems pretty new to me. Only working with the C programming language and also the EV3 robots were things I've had prior experience with, but even those seemed new because I haven't worked with them in a while. Everything else is completely new knowledge for me, from the binary system to the Python programming language. I just hope to keep acquiring more knowledge as the COSMOS program goes on.

Entry #4 - 7.11.2019

Prompt: Dr. Dad-del's writing assignment based on trip to the Exploratorium in San Francisco (turned in on paper so I couldn't put it on here)

Entry #5 - 7.12.2019

Prompt: What areas of coding, collaboration, agency, etc. can I work on to improve my COSMOS experience tomorrow?

I think I just need practice with coding. I had very little experience with it prior to entering COSMOS, so practice with code would greatly improve my skills. The same goes for everything else I'm working with: practice is needed to get more knowledgeable and improve. But if I really want to "improve" my COSMOS experience, all I have to do is simply make the most of each day and always try to have fun.

Entry #6 - 7.15.2019

Prompt: How did you utilize a problem-solving technique to help you write code today?

To help me write code today, a problem-solving technique I used was close reading. If the computer was signaling an error in my code, I'd go back and correct it. Also, I conferred with classmates on either side of me if we were getting different outcomes when we ran our codes. This way we could see where the differences were and how we could correct each other.

Entry #7 - 7.16.2019

Prompt: What aspect or features of your robot design project plan would you consider the most challenging/risky to be able to complete? What is your contingency plan if your project wasn't able to implement this feature?

I'd say the only risky part about my group's robot is that we're going to try to make it play two different games: red light-green light and musical chairs. If we can't get the robot to play both games then we'll decide on just one game for it to play. We're thinking of making it play Connect 4, but for now that might be a bonus feature.

Entry #8 - 7.17.2019

Prompt: How has your view of computer science and/or programming changed during your first two weeks at COSMOS?

To be honest I don't think it really has changed. As I'm gaining more experience in programming/computer science, I'm seeing that it is a very complex area to work in. Yes, it does seem cool, but it has never been a career interest for me because I don't like sitting in front of a screen for too long. Despite this, I'm giving my full effort to learn new things in this area, and just in general.

Entry #9 - 7.18.2019

Prompt: Dr. Cone stated today that "pseudocoding is important." What are your thoughts about the importance of pseudocoding when programming? How much pseudocoding do you plan to do for your project?

I think the importance of pseudocoding when programming is key because it allow you to plan out (in further detail) the code you're gonna write as well as understand what the code is going to do. I think that Danny and I are for sure going to include some pseudocoding in our project, we just don't know how much we'll do.

Entry #10 - 7.19.2019

Prompt: How has your view of computer science and/or programming changed during your first two weeks at COSMOS? How efficiently did you use the lab time this week? What do you think you could have done better to use time more effectively?

Honestly, I'm finding that computer science might just not be for me. I'm learning the codes but I just don't deem it as something I "enjoy," probably because I sometimes have trouble learning the codes. I feel like I used lab times pretty efficiently this week, but I know there's still room for improvement. There were times where I was off-task, so maybe I could work on reducing the distractions that catch my attention.

Entry #11 - 7.22.2019


How strong do you think random walks represent true BioPhysical behavior of molecules?

I think random walks represent true biophysical behavior of molecules because they have no fixed path whatsoever. In other words, they just go in a straight line until they crash into something else and get diverted, and this happens millions of times before an "intended target" is reached (therefore it takes a long timne to happen).

Entry #12 - 7.23.2019

Prompt: What reason do you have in choosing (or not choosing) a partner for your Robotics project?

I chose Danny as my partner for my Robotics project because he's a little more knowledgeable in programming than I am, therefore he could help me in programming the robot if I found myself struggling. Also, we both like working with our hands so building the actual robot shouldn't take all that long. We have a very good idea that we both like, so I will really enjoy working with him.

Entry #13 - 7.24.2019

Prompt: Did you set a reasonable goal this morning in the Robotics lab? Were you able to complete the goals you set?

I did set a reasonable goal for myself in the Robotics lab this morning, which was to get as far ahead with the construction of our robot as possible. And Danny and I did just that, as we finished the case for the main EV3 brick that will be manually controlled.

Entry #14 - 7.25.2019

Prompt: What was the most interesting thing you learned today in Bodega Bay?

The most interesting thing I learned in Bodega Bay was that, sadly, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is a massive island of trash just floating around. This has come as a result of years of nonstop oceanic pollution thanks to careless people who don't care about the environment. Hopefully something is done about this before all the animals eat up the trash and die off as a result of it.

Entry #15 - 7.26.2019

Prompt: What has been a valuable part of your COSMOS experience so far? If you were deciding if you should attend COSMOS, knowing what you know now, how would it affect your decision?

I'd say the entire COSMOS experience has been of great value to me. From the first moment I set foot on this campus to the moments in which I am writing this journal entry, I've had fun the whole time. I've learned so much in the last three weeks, made some new friends and cemented long-lasting connections for the future, and got to visit places I had never been to before. Knowing what I know now, I would definitely still choose to attend COSMOS because I'd want to experience that perfect balance of learning and fun time that I am currently getting in my stay here at UC Davis.

Entry #16 - 7.29.2019

Prompt: What do you hope to gain or learn from completing the project(s) you have selected?

First off, from the project I selected for Biophysics I hope to get the coding practice I've been looking for. Up until now I've been coding with a little bit of struggle along the way, so hopefully this practice will help me get better at programming in general. And from my Robotics project, I hope to complete the task at hand because the progress so far is pretty cool and I'm wondering how it'll turn out in the end.

Entry #17 - 7.30.2019

Prompt: What are your thoughts about the CRISPR news this morning from Dr. Cone? Where do you think this technology can be used next?

I think that the CRISPR news from this morning is just amazing. The very fact that we now have an opportunity to develop this technology and possibly cure diseases at the genetic level is a great advance in science. Hopefully, going forward, this is used to cure diseases handed down from generation to generation in the DNA, so that less people (or even none at all) have to suffer.