The Directed Reading Program (DRP) gives undergraduates at Texas A&M the opportunity to work one-on-one with a graduate mentor for the semester, learn an area of mathematics not covered in any course, and gain valuable presentation skills. Please visit the website here to see a list of projects people were involved with, over the years.
I have been a mentor for the DRP thrice. Here's a list of students I have mentored and the topics they have worked on.
Fall 2023: Mikayla Hill. Reference: The Geometry of Numbers by Olds, Lax & Davidoff.
Spring 2022: Savannah Pinner. Presentation Title: Generating FUNctions. Reference: generatingfunctionology by Wilf.
Spring 2020: William Frendreiss. Presentation Title: A new ordering of the rational numbers. Reference: Proofs from THE BOOK by Aigner & Ziegler.