Gemini NIFS survey of feeding and feedback processes in nearby active galaxies 

Plot of the hard X-ray luminosity vs. redshift. Red symbols correspond to the main sample and cyan symbols are for the complementary sample. All BAT samples are shown in black (Riffel+,2018).

Histogram showing that our  (green) and Swift BAT (gray) samples follow similar distributions in terms of X-ray luminosity (Riffel+,2018).

The project:  This project is aimed to study the details of the inner few hundreds of parsecs of active galaxies and better constrain the AGN feeding and feedback processes by using Gemini Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) adaptive optics observations at the J and K bands of a well defined sample.

The sample:  Our main sample is composed by 20 nearby Seyfert galaxies. The main selection criteria are 14–195 keV luminosities L ≥ 1E41.5 erg/s and redshift z≤0.015. In addition, the galaxy must be accessible for Gemini NIFS (−30deg <delta <73deg) and show extended [OIII]5007 emission, in order to ensure the presence of extended emission to allow spatially resolve its kinematics.  In addition, we include another 9 galaxies observed previously by our group, comprising a complementary sample.

The team: 

K-band continuum, stellar velocity field, rotation disk model and velocity residual maps for Mrk607 (Riffel+,2017a).

Radial profiles for the contribution of distinct age stellar populations to the K-band emission (Diniz+, 2017).




Other publications on individual sources of the main sample previously published: