One way to fund such parts is to figure out what other items used them and see 

if you can find those items on ebay, craigslist or even big yard sales.


On 5/8/2015 3:35 PM, dburton97128@... [hp_agilent_equipment] wrote:


> I have two HP 6034A's that are bad. One I know has a bad 40 pin uP that seems 

> difficult to find. The second finally failed as well and I suspect the same 

> problem since swapping the uP into the first one no longer makes it work. 

> It's a socketed 40 pin DIP (TMS 9981) if anyone knows where they can be found 

> for less than $100's each. I did have a Chinese supplier quote $50-60, but 

> rumor has it all the parts from China are counterfeit or worse. (We had some 

> hard to find parts turn out to be nicely relabeled parts that weren't anything 

> similar to what they were supposed to be).


The Formula can input using the standard one or two letter chemicalsymbols, number of atoms and parenthesizes where applicable. The same atomcan be listed more than once and where no quantity is listed it is assumedto be 1. The following examples are all valid:C6H6C6H5ClCHCl3(CH3)2CH2CH2(CH3)2CH3C6H12CH3COOHCHCH3NH2The user can input the following information into the program screen:Molecular formula of the compound of interest according to the above parametersThe title and subtitle that will appear on the graphical outputThe mass scale desired in the graphic output. Both low and high mass ranges can be selected. default is 0 and 600.The user also has the option of analyzing the data in low (unit mass resolution) or high mass resolution.  Low mass resolution outputs results in unit mass resolution High resolution reports data in x.xxxx digit resolution, which prints out M+1 isotopes separately The program calculates the exact molecular formula and molecular weightsand the isotopic distributions of the molecules. It displays the data intabular format. It then produces a screen with the numeric data and a graphicalpresentation of the calculated masses and their relative occurrences. Theprogram is based on the binomial theorem for the calculation of the isotopic distributionsof the mass distributions. The accuracy of the relative intensities isestimated to be within 1% of the actual value.The calculations are performed on our compute server. This receivesyour data, performs the calculations and then returns the data back toyour browser as described above. The time for the analysis and calculationof your formula is dependent on the size of your molecule and the numberof atoms that are to be calculated. Since the binomial theorem is usedthe calculations can become quite long with large molecules. Time for analysiscan very from 10 seconds to a minute or more for large molecules.Developed by JohnJ. Manura and David J. Manura,

 1996-2016 Scientific Instrument Services. All rights reserved.

This program or any of its parts may notbe reproduced on another site without the consent of Scientific InstrumentServices.Scientific Instrument Services is notresponsible for any errors which may result from the use of this program.This program has been produced by Scientific Instrument Services foruse by the scientific community.

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Planar Systems Inc., Beaverton, Ore., recently introduced its new 3ATI active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) for avionics applications in both the civil and military marketplaces. It was designed for flight deck instruments including flight path and engine information centers, attitude direction finder, and horizontal situation indicator. The new 3ATI was designed to replace the Toshiba 3ATI display. It will present data in full color and in real time.

The two first compounds provided by SIRIUS/CSI:MSFinger for formula C13H12O4 shared benzofuran structure (13, 15, UNPD); few hundred benzofurans have been identified in all morphological parts of plants, mainly belonging to Asteraceae family [41]. Compound 14 (UNPD), the first on the MS-Finder list, presented a structure of chromone derivative reported in Nicotiana tabacum [42]. Other possible compounds (16, 17) corresponded to isocoumarins and were found in Cardiovascular Disease Herbal Database (CDHD) and UNPD, respectively; chromanone structure was suggested as a candidate 18 (UNPD).

After coring was completed, the hole was swept twice with high viscosity mud to clear cuttings and displaced with heavy mud. The RCB bit was then dropped at the bottom of the hole. The drill string was brought up to logging depth (146.3 m) at 0015 h on 1 November. The modified triple combination tool string was assembled with the Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray Sonde (HNGS), High-Resolution Laterolog Array (HRLA), Dipole Sonic Imager (DSI), Hostile Environment Litho-Density Sonde (HLDS) (with source), Enhanced Digital Telemetry Cartridge (EDTC), logging equipment head-q tension (model QT) (LEHQT), and the magnetic susceptibility sonde (MSS). The tool string was deployed at 0200 h on 1 November. The tool string encountered an obstruction at 346 m. After several unsuccessful attempts were made to move past the obstruction, we logged up from depth and recovered the tool string. We replaced the MSS with the hole-finder tool. It was deployed again at 0955 h, but encountered another obstruction at 337 m. At this point, logging was terminated, and the tool string was back on the rig floor at 1405 h and disassembled at 1545 h. The drill string was then pulled out of the hole, clearing the seafloor at 1637 h. The drill string was brought up to the rig floor at 0130 h on 2 November, which ended Hole U1513D and Site U1513. While bringing the drill string back up to the rig floor, several attempts were made to release the acoustic positioning beacon. The beacon responded, recognizing the command to release, but the release mechanism malfunctioned. As a result, the beacon was abandoned. The thrusters were raised and the transit to Site U1514 (proposed Site MBAS-8D) began at 0142 h on 2 November. Overall, 14.4 d (18 October to 2 November) were spent at Site U1513.

The Core Description team described all of the material recovered so far from Hole U1514A (Cores 1H to 31X, 0 to 253.82 m CSF-A). Sediments recovered from Hole U1514A are currently divided into two lithostratigraphic units (Unit I and Unit II). Unit I is a 90.14 m thick sequence of Pleistocene to late Eocene nannofossil ooze that gradationally transitions into nannofossil rich clay. Clay content in this unit notably increases from Section 10H-5 (84.1 m CSF-A). This unit has medium and thick beds that are massive and structureless with rare bioturburbated intervals. The color progressively changes downhole from very pale brown and pale yellow in the upper interval to light yellowish brown and pale yellow in the lower interval. In smear slides, biogenic grains reveal that dominant nannofossils, abundant sponge spicules, and rare to common foraminifera are the major constituents of this unit. Lithostratigraphic Unit I is further subdivided into Subunits IA (nannofossil ooze) and IB (sponge spicule-rich nannofossil ooze) based on the relative abundance of biosiliceous and calcareous components. Unit II is characterized by increased content of clay minerals with very thick light greenish gray sponge spicule-rich clay. Disseminated brown to black ferromanganese oxides are present throughout the upper parts of Unit II. There is a gradual transition into a more lithified clayey nannofossil chalk by Core 22F, which is the dominant lithology throughout the rest of the described material.

What part of the animal was used to extract DNA and RNA, respectively? This is not described clearly in the methods. Different parts of the animal might exhibit different RNA expression patterns. Also, since the animals are settling on algae, it is interesting how contamination was avoided. Please elaborate on this. 006ab0faaa

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