
Flight Track

Each fall the Aggie Astronaut Corps Flight Track overviews both aeronautic and astronautic flight. Topics generally covered in this 6-8 week course include basic aerodynamics, meteorology, flight terminology, and more!

Science Ops Track

Science Ops is our other track offered each fall and covers a wide variety of topics related to scientific space exploration. Topics covered in this course range from scientific field work to mission planning and some of the technology involved with space travel.

Health And Human spaceflight Safety

Offered each spring semester, Health and Human Spaceflight details the numerous physiological and life aspects of space travel. Topics covered in this course include nutrition, bodily changes during spaceflight, and countermeasures to space body stressors.

Spaceflight Technology

Spaceflight Technology is also offered each spring and discusses the various technologies used in space exploration. Topics covered in this course include life support systems, small spacecraft technology, propulsion, and communication, among others.