Palvi Aggarwal

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

College of Engineering

University of Texas at El Paso

Office: CCSB 3.1014

Email: {paggarwal}at{}

I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department at the University of Texas at El Paso. Before that, I was a post-doctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.  I completed my Ph.D. in the area of cyber security at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, India. My research interests broadly include the application of human factors and cognitive modeling to cybersecurity and human-machine teaming. I design and develop human-subject experiments and cognitive models to understand the behavioral aspects of cybersecurity actors i.e., attackers, defenders, and end-users to develop better defense algorithms and safe cyberspace. 
Hiring: I am currently hiring competitive Ph.D. and M.S. students who are interested in cybersecurity, human factors, and cognitive modeling. If you're interested, please share your CV via email expressing your interest.  

Research Publications (selected)

For more updates, please check my Google Scholar page.