Gary Baldosser

“I get a lot of satisfaction out of serving. I like the sense of community and believe we can accomplish more together than individually.” Gary

Baldosser Photos

Ohio Agriculture Connecting for Issues and a Cure: When the agriculture community gets together to solve a problem, good things happen. Baldosser Farms hosted the 2019 event on August 24.

Visit the Cultivating a Cure website




Hear more about Gary's background, experiences and desire to serve on the AgFirst board.


Gary is married to Becky who is a Registered Nurse. Their two sons Scott and Darin, as well as Gary, are all graduates of The Ohio State University. Both boys are married and involved with the farming operation. They have two granddaughters and two grandsons.


Baldosser Farms was started by Gary's parents, Ron and Barb Baldosser in 1968. They began as most farm families do, by working with Ron’s family and establishing their own operation. Their success and forethought has allowed them to generationally transition the corporation to Gary and his wife Becky. 

Baldosser Farms Inc. has enjoyed slow, but steady growth. They currently operate approximately 2,200 acres of row crop production, including 950 acres of corn, 871 acres of soybeans, 250 acres of wheat, 29 acres of hay, and over 100 acres of managed USDA and Ohio Soil Conservation Program land.

Livestock has become an increasing part of Baldosser Farms Inc. A cow/calf herd of 25 head has been added with plans to increase to 35 head. Some calves serve as 4-H and FFA projects for the youth of the community, while other calves are fed to market weight and sold as freezer beef.

“Having served on the American Farm Bureau Board of Directors, I’ve had the opportunity to develop relationships with producers and understand the diversity of American Agriculture. This, along with my work as Vice Chairman, Audit Chairman, and Compensation Committee Chairman for my association gives me a solid working knowledge of what AgFirst can do for our communities. I look forward to continuing to learn and contribute my unique skills to the AgFirst Board.” -Gary

Gary Baldosser, Farm Credit


If you have any questions for Gary or would like to schedule an interview, he can be reached by phone at 419-618-4096 or email