Transition Assessments and Resources Table of Contents

Transition Assessments and Resources

Any single assessment will not provide a comprehensive set of information that can be used for transition planning (Rowe et. al. 2015). Fortunately, transition assessments and resources are vast, varied, and available in many different platforms. In this guide, you will find a listing of transition assessments and resources organized into transition planning areas.

The Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant does not endorse or recommend these resources, but only shares them, in no order, as a convenient source of information. Linked sites are not under the control of the Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Comprehensive Transition Assessments and Resources

  • Assessments

  • Resources

  • Resources with Filters and Data Bases

Section 2: Career Planning and Exploration Assessments and Resources

  • Careers: Exploration and Planning Assessments and Resources

  • Careers: Interests, Aptitude and Values Assessments

  • Preferences, Interests, Needs and Strengths Assessments

  • Career and Vocational Portfolio Resources

Section 3: Education and Training Assessments and Resources

  • Learning Styles and Personality Profiles Assessments

  • Study Skills Assessments

  • Postsecondary Education/Training Preparation Assessments and Resources

  • Postsecondary Options for Individuals with Complex Needs and Supports

  • Employment and On the Job Skills Assessments and Resources

Section 4: Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination Assessments and Resources

  • Self-Advocacy Assessments

  • Self-Determination Assessments

Section 5: Adult and Independent Living Assessments and Resources

  • Postsecondary Independent Living Skills Assessments

  • Recreation and Leisure Assessments

  • Community Participation Assessments

  • Transportation/Orientation and Mobility Assessment and Resources

Section 6: Specific Areas of Need

  • Visual Impairment Assessments and Resources

  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Resources

  • Visual/Pictorial and Alternative Assessments for Students with Complex Needs

  • Mental Health Tools and Resources for Transition Planning


FREEResource or access to use an assessment or tool is free

$$ - There is a fee to utilize/order the resource or access the URL

Note – Some resources have materials that are both free and others that have a cost