Michael Lee Tomasi, 37, of Rio Verde, Arizona, was arrested on Friday after a grand jury indicted him on three counts of threats against a federal official and three counts of making interstate threats.

According to court documents, from May 2021 through November 2023, while living in Colorado and Arizona, Tomasi used a social media platform to express a desire to incite violence and threaten a variety of individuals and groups, including elected officials, a judge, and federal officials and law enforcement officers. The charges against Tomasi relate to threats he made in Arizona to federal law enforcement agents and employees.

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If convicted, Tomasi faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each count of making threats against a federal official, and a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each count of making interstate threats.

This report is based on an analysis of available prevalence data fromsurveys and studies conducted between 2000 and 2018, obtainedthrough a systematic and comprehensive review of all available dataon the prevalence of these two forms of violence against women.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. The Convention's far-reaching approach and the mandatory character of many of its provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehensive response to a global problem. The vast majority of United Nations Member States are parties to the Convention.

The text of the United Nations Convention against Corruption was negotiated during seven sessions of the Ad Hoc Committee for the Negotiation of the Convention against Corruption, held between 21 January 2002 and 1 October 2003.

None of the EU's sanctions adopted against Russia prevent the supply of agri-food, medical equipment or medicines for the general population. Agricultural machinery per se is also not subject to any export ban.

The Federal Government must recognize that it has played a role in furthering these xenophobic sentiments through the actions of political leaders, including references to the COVID-19 pandemic by the geographic location of its origin. Such statements have stoked unfounded fears and perpetuated stigma about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and have contributed to increasing rates of bullying, harassment, and hate crimes against AAPI persons. These actions defied the best practices and guidelines of public health officials and have caused significant harm to AAPI families and communities that must be addressed.

Section 1. Condemning Racism, Xenophobia, and Intolerance Against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The Federal Government has a responsibility to prevent racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against everyone in America, including Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. My Administration condemns and denounces acts of racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against AAPI communities.

(b) Executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that official actions, documents, and statements, including those that pertain to the COVID-19 pandemic, do not exhibit or contribute to racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Agencies may consult with public health experts, AAPI community leaders, or AAPI community-serving organizations, or may refer to any best practices issued pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, to ensure an understanding of the needs and challenges faced by AAPI communities.

(c) The Attorney General shall explore opportunities to support, consistent with applicable law, the efforts of State and local agencies, as well as AAPI communities and community-based organizations, to prevent discrimination, bullying, harassment, and hate crimes against AAPI individuals, and to expand collection of data and public reporting regarding hate incidents against such individuals.

(d) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

If you believe that you have been discriminated against at work because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information, you can file a Charge of Discrimination. A charge of discrimination is a signed statement asserting that an employer, union or labor organization engaged in employment discrimination. It requests EEOC to take remedial action.

All of the laws enforced by EEOC, except for the Equal Pay Act, require you to file a Charge of Discrimination with us before you can file a job discrimination lawsuit against your employer. In addition, an individual, organization, or agency may file a charge on behalf of another person in order to protect the aggrieved person's identity. There are time limits for filing a charge. The laws enforced by the EEOC require the agency to notify the employer that a charge has been filed against it.

The procedures for filing a complaint of discrimination against a federal government agency differ from those for filing a charge against a private or public employer. For discrimination complaints against a federal government agency, the procedures are different. Go to Federal Employees & Applicants for a description of those procedures. Federal employees and applicants can request a hearing or file an appeal with EEOC through the EEOC Public Portal, which allows individuals to:

A complaint may be filed against a California notary public by completing a Complaint Form (PDF) and sending it along with certified copies of any relevant documentation to the Secretary of State, Notary Public Section, P.O. Box 942877, Sacramento, California 94277-0001.

If you wish to obtain information regarding filing a claim against a California notary public's surety bond, please contact the County Clerk's office identified in the California notary public's seal to obtain the name of the surety bond company.

The crime of aggression is a crime committed by the highest political and military leadership. Given that Russia is not a party to the Rome Statute, the ICC cannot prosecute the Russian leadership for the crime of aggression in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine.

To close this gap, in November 2022 the European Commission and the European External Action Service presented a paper analysing the different options to ensure full accountability for the crimes committed in the context of the Russian war against Ukraine, including the crime of aggression.

The swift establishment of the ICPA bridges the gap between ambitions and reality, bringing together relevant stakeholders, securing crucial evidence and making sure that no time is lost in building a case for the future prosecution of the crime of aggression. In doing so, the legal community is delivering a clear message that those responsible for the crime of aggression against Ukraine will be held accountable.

In the coming months, the participation of other countries and organisations in the ICPA, such as the EU Advisory Mission to Ukraine, will be facilitated. Countries in possession of information or evidence relevant to the investigation of the crime of aggression against Ukraine may also request their participation.

Over the past 20 years, Eurojust has built up a solid track record in providing operational, technical, logistical and financial support to national prosecutors working on cross-border cases. From the very start of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the same support has served to coordinate and strengthen national investigations into international crimes committed in Ukraine.

The ICPA is set up by Eurojust. The purpose is to provide enhanced support to countries which have opened an investigation into the crime of aggression against Ukraine. Eurojust will not be collecting evidence itself; this will be done by national authorities in the context of their investigations.

War crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and aggression are all international crimes. While the legal sources that outlaw these crimes differ, they have in common that they constitute grave violations of international law and are therefore considered of concern to the international community as a whole.

As such, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide fall within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court if committed by a national of a state party, on the territory of a state party or triggered by the United Nations Security Council. A different test applies to the exercise of jurisdiction over the crime of aggression than for the other core international crimes.

The international definition considers the crime of aggression as a leadership crime that can only be committed by those with the power to shape a state's policy of aggression, rather than those who carry it out.Are more countries expected to join the ICPA?Countries in possession of information or evidence relevant for the investigation of the crime of aggression against Ukraine may request to participate in the ICPA.

The survey responds to a request for data on violence against women from the European Parliament, which was reiterated by the Council of the EU in its Conclusions on the Eradication of Violence against Women in the EU.

Despite the significant impact of violence against women, policy makers and practitioners in many EU Member States are still struggling with a lack of data that obscures the scale and nature of the problem. As most women do not report acts of violence against them, policy and practical responses to address violence against women are not always informed by comprehensive evidence.

There have been repeated calls over recent years from different quarters for comprehensive data on violence against women, including by a number of presidencies of the Council of the EU, monitoring bodies such as the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and the Council of Europe. e24fc04721

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