Algebraic Geometry Summer 2020

Lecture 1: 5/25/20
Topics: Motivation for affine schemes, the Zariski topology on Spec(A), topological properties of Spec(A).
The introduction is from Geometry of Schemes by Eisenbud & Harris.

Lecture 2: 5/28/20
Topics: Topological properties of Spec(A), motivation for sheaves.

Lecture 3: 6/1/20
Topics: Sheaves, abelian categories.

Lecture 4: 6/4/20
Topics: Closed/ open immersions of locally ringed spaces, affine scheme

Lecture 5: 6/8/20
Topics: Schemes, morphism of schemes, equivalence of categories

Lecture 6: 6/11/20
Topics: Projective space

Lecture 7: 6/15/20
Topics: Noetherian schemes, reduced, irreducible, and integral schemes.

Lecture 8: 6/18/20
Topics: Algebraic varieties, dimension.

Lecture 9: 6/22/20
Topics: Dimension in the noetherian case, fibered products

Lecture 10: 6/25/20
Topics: Base change, fibers, reasonable properties of morphisms

Lecture 11: 6/29/20
Topics: Finiteness properties of morphisms, "geometric" properties

Lecture 12: 7/2/20
Topics: Quasi-finite morphism, Frobenius, separated morphism.

Lecture 13: 7/6/20
Topics: Proper morphisms

Lecture 14: 7/9/20
Topics: Projective morphisms, normal schemes

Lecture 15: 7/13/20
Topics: Normalization, Zariski tanget space

Lecture 16: 7/15/20
Topics: Regular schemes, smooth algebraic varieties

Lecture 17: 7/20/20
Topics: Smooth, flat, and etale morphisms

Lecture 18: 7/22/20
Topics: More on etale morphisms, quasi-coherent sheaves

Lecture 19: 7/27/20
Topics: Pullback of O_X-modules, quasi-coherent sheaves on projective schemes.

Lecture 20: 7/29/20
Topics: Ample sheaves, cohomology

Lecture 21: 8/3/20
Topics: Cech cohomology

Lecture 22: 8/5/20
Topics: Cohomology of projective schemes, cohomology of fibers