My Profile

About Me

I'm a current IBCP student at Smithfield-Selma Highschool. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer and love doing my extracurricular activities. I aspire to be in the Business Administration field. To do so I have planned on transferring from a community college to a 4-year college to major in Business Administration or in Construction Management.

LinkedIn Account

Long and Short Term Goals

Short Term

Long Term

Me & My IB Career Path

One of the main reasons why I chose to be an IB Career-related Progam is because I personally believe that this is where I would grow my knowledge.

Then me choosing the Business pathway because that's the career I really like and I would eventually own my business.

Reflection on Development 

In my career so far I have managed to get a major advantage than many college students and I plan to keep going up in my business endeavors in order to be where I like to be. It has been rough these few years but it will be worth it at the end.