Meet the team



Most people ask when he started dancing but the truth is, where Izo comes from, people do not take dance classes or even consider it “Art”.

Dance is in everything they do; it is a way of life. In his late teens, Izo started a dance group in Rwanda that went on to win multiple national competitions. He also started a dance program for under privileged kids that is still running to this day.

In 2014, Izo had the opportunity to move to Vancouver, Canada where he was introduced to a whole new world of dance. Training in Hip-hop, martial arts, and gymnastics. Vancouver is truly every creative individual’s dream, but the lack of diversity and an Afrobeats presence was unsettling for him. He wanted to feel represented, a place where his brothers and sisters could go to feel closer to home, a place that could bring about diversity in this city.

With that, Afrobeats Dance Van was born

“Whatever your dreams are, do not stop chasing them”, Dance and Art have been part of his life; and without them he would have no purpose. Izo works hard and tries to improve a little every day, learning something new along the way.


Currently enrolled in a Nursing program

at Douglas college


Short bio - LYS KEZA

Lys Keza is the co-founder and marketing director at Afrobeats Van. Although she’s lived in Canada for the better part of her life, being African is the greatest pride of her life. She moved to Vancouver after high school and she was shocked by the absence of African influence in the city and so she vowed to change that. Together with Izo, they started Afrobeats Van. Afrobeats Van was created to educate and expose African culture to people from all walks of life through workshops, dance classes, cultural events, etc…

Lys is also an aspiring social media influencer. She has a Youtube channel where she regularly shares African recipes and more. Her hope is for Vancouver to be a place where African culture is a part of everyday life. A place where you can easily access African inspired activities just as easily as other cultures.