Explore the Beauty of Amboseli: 2 Days Amboseli National Park Package

Are you looking for a thrilling adventure in the heart of Africa? Look no further than Amboseli National Park. Located in Kenya, this park is home to some of the most majestic wildlife in the world, including elephants, lions, cheetahs, and giraffes. With a 2 Days Amboseli National Park Package, you can explore the beauty of Amboseli and experience the thrill of a lifetime. 

Let us have a look at what you can expect your safari to be when you select the best package from a reputed local tour operator.

Day One:

Your adventure begins bright and early on the first day of your safari. After a hearty breakfast, you will set off on a game drive through the park. As you make your way through the savannah, keep an eye out for the park’s famous herds of elephants. Amboseli is known for having some of the largest elephants in Africa, and you will likely spot them wandering through the grasslands or bathing in the park’s watering holes.

In addition to elephants, Amboseli is home to a wide variety of wildlife. You may see lions lounging in the sun, cheetahs stalking their prey, or hyenas scavenging for food. Always keep your camera ready, as you never know what you might see on a safari in Amboseli.

After a morning of game viewing, you will stop for a picnic lunch in the park. As you eat, you will have a chance to take in the stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. The mountain provides a breathtaking backdrop to the park, and its snow-capped peak is a stunning sight to behold.

After lunch, you will continue your game drive through the park. As the sun begins to set, you will head to your accommodation for the night. Depending on your package, you may stay in a tented camp or a lodge. Either way, you will be surrounded by the sounds of the African wilderness as you drift off to sleep.

Day Two:

On the second day of your safari, you will rise early for another game drive through Amboseli. This is your chance to see any animals you may have missed on the previous day’s drive, or to spot new animals altogether. Keep your eyes peeled for the park’s many bird species, as well as elusive animals like leopards and wild dogs.

After your morning game drive, you will head back to your accommodation for a hearty breakfast. Then, it is time to pack up and say goodbye to Amboseli. As you leave the park, you will have a chance to reflect on all the incredible experiences you had during your 2-day safari trip. From the majestic elephants to the stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli is a destination you will never forget.

The 2 Days Amboseli National Park Package of Afrika Sights and Adventures is the perfect way to explore the beauty of Amboseli National Park. With expert guides and comfortable accommodations, you will have everything you need to experience the thrill of a lifetime. So why wait? Book your safari package today and get ready for an adventure you will never forget. You just need to call them at +254-734-746930 to discuss your safari plan. You can to send them an email through their webmail info@africasightsadventures.net