
Access to the Lexis-Nexis...- Manana.pptx

Manana Herbert - Access to the Lexis-Nexis Databases through the WHO Hinari Initiative at Gulu University - Opportunities/Challenges

Subscribed Legal Databases in Uganda - Atukwase.ppt

Thecla Atukwase - Subscribed Legal Databases in Uganda

Legal Research Skills Professional Development for Law Librarians - Casey.pptx

Heather Casey - Legal Research Skills and Professional Development for Law Librarians

Management of Legal Information Resources... - Park.pptx

Park Tinyefuza - Management of Legal Information Resources at Parliament of Uganda Library

Commercial legal databases in Ghana - Avuglah-2.ppsx

Bright Avauglah - Commercial legal resources in Ghana: content, coverage, prices

Commercial legal databases - Majola.ppt

Kadephi Majola - Commercial Legal Databases - South Africa

Legal publishers in Uganda - Ngobi.ppt

Ngobi Lwenkyo - Legal Publishers in Uganda

International Professional Networking - Tuseth.ppt

Bård Tuseth - International Professional Networking: Opportunities and Challenges

Legal publishers in Zimbabwe - Pisira.ppt

Zodi Pisira - Legal Publishers in Zimbabwe

Free sources for common law materials in Uganda - Akampamaani.pptx

Ronard Akampamaani - What are free sources available to common law materials in Uganda?

Free legal sources in South Africa - Kuhn.pptx

Rosemary Kuhn - South Africa: open access to legal knowledge

Free Legal Sources in Zimbabwe - Musemburi.ppt

Darlington Musemburi - Free legal sources in Zimbabwe

Free legal sources in Kenya - Anduvare.pptx

Everlyn Anduvare - Free legal sources in Kenya

Free Legal Sources to Parliament of Uganda - Rugambwa.pptx

Innocent Rugambwa - Free legal sources at Parliament of Uganda Library

Emerging Technologies for Law Librarians - Ayodele.pptx

Ayodele Alonge - Emerging Technology for Law Librarians

Availability of free legal sources in Uganda - Alikoba.pptx

Elizabeth Alikoba - Availability of free legal sources in Uganda

Free legal sources in Cote d'Ivoire - Kone Adama.pptx

Adama Kone - Free legal sources in Côte D'Ivoire

The need for incorporation of a law librarianship speciality... - Nakalembe.ppt

Rachel Nakalembe - The need for incorporation of a Law Librarian specialty on the Msc. (Inf. Sc.) Programme, Markerere University

Effective usage and access of electronic law resources in Tanzania - Kakande(1).pdf

Dennis Kakande - Factors Hindering Effective Usage and Access of Electronic Law Resources in Tanzania

International Professional Networking - Tuseth.ppt

Bård Tusseth - International Professional Networking - Opportunities and Challenges