Afifah Fayyaz

Explore the projects and contributions I have worked on. I am passionate about data its analysis, management, exploration and web development.

Afifah Fayyaz

Covid Insights

Covid Insights, This Dashboard explores the Covid Data for the year 2020 and 2021. This also demonstrates forecasting.


This is an analysis on Airbnb's data. This project demonstrates the knowledge of data analysis and the creation of the dashboard. 

Covid Database

This project demonstrates the use of SQL to analyze the Covid data. Includes the use of Joins, Temp Table, Views. These results will be used further in Tableau Visualizations 

Data Cleaning

This project demonstrates the use of SQL to clean the data by segregating and breaking up long address details, using standardized format, changing date structure and more.

Kentucky Dashboard

This project demonstrates the analysis of data and the creation of the Dashboard. It is a part of Data Analytics Essentials Course by Cisco Networking Academy 

Simon Game

A classic simon game. It puts your memory to the test. This project demonstrates the knowledge of JavaScript along with the use HTML and CSS


This is my submission for a challenge from Frontend Mentor where the design of the website is given just as an image and it has to be coded into a website.

A website which demonstrates the use of Bootstrap to make it responsive to different screen sizes.                                      

Interested to have me work on your project, I would love to be a part of it!!