8 Ways Affirmations Can Help You Stay Motivated and Happy

We all want to achieve our dreams and become successful in our chosen fields. Each day we need to have room for improvement, discover new things, and learn how to enhance our skills. Whether it’s in our job or personal life, we all need to face the challenge of beating the negative thoughts hindering our will to succeed.

We all strive to meet our goals; we all act to accomplish our plans. But what happens when emotional and mental blocks hamper our way? Are you going to give up after hearing criticism about your project? Are going to suffer just because your parents don’t appreciate your efforts in everything you do? You need to understand that the more we entertain the negative thoughts in our system, the more distant we keep the life we dream.

What Are Affirmations?

For some, affirmations may still sound strange. But people who already have an idea about them would say that even the most successful entrepreneurs and influencers are using the power of affirmations.

Affirmations are simple. Their purpose is to influence the conscious and subconscious mind. They are powerful statements that when properly applied to life can affect behavior, influence habits, energize, inspire, and motivate someone.

Positive affirmation is also called positive self-talk. These statements can change not only you but also the other people around you. Just imagine the impact of saying, “I can do it!” instead of “I can’t do it.” There will be a negative effect on your self-esteem and even on the people who interact with you. Besides, affirmation serves to shift thoughts from negative to positive actions.

All of us will agree that life is not always as easy as some expect. There will be good days, and there will be bad times. It’s all about how we handle the situation; are we going to give up or take actions to make ourselves a better version of what we were before?

Affirmations can make all aspects of our life more valuable because they help us recognize the power of positivity and gratitude. With positive affirmations embedded in our subconscious mind, we can achieve all our goals while maintaining stronger bonds with others.

Anyone who aspires to make affirmations work must learn how to be consistent in using it daily. When you do that, you will be able to visualize what you’re aiming for in the future. It will be easier to understand your purpose in life and do something to achieve it.

Below are the ways that affirmations can help you succeed in all areas of life:

1. Affirmations Reduce Negativity in Life

As mentioned before, life can’t always be perfect. There will always be a negative thing, event, or situation we should handle. Good thing that with the help of positive affirmations, all the negativity can vanish and may already be blocked. Instead of seeing them as hindrances, you will find negativity as a way to see the silver lining behind dark clouds. 

2. You Will Learn How to Get Along With Positive People and Things

Positivity doesn’t only help in building yourself into a better person; it also creates a way to build strong relationships with others. As you begin your affirmation journey, you must also monitor or keep track of the good things that happen afterwards. You’ll be amazed at how affirmation can attract positive people, and things come to you. You will have an inspiring environment, whether it’s at home, a school, a community, or in your workplace. 

3. Affirmations Help Improve the Health of Your Heart

You become an optimistic person when you use positive affirmations daily. The ability to see the good in every situation will help you to have a more positive outlook in life. The more optimistic you are, the happier you become. This can bring a lot of benefits to your health, especially to your heart. Your heart can be at risk when you are depressed or experiencing anxiety. This can lead to other health issues, even death. Focus on the brighter side of life, be happy, and be grateful. All these will help you achieve a healthier heart, total wellness, and improved health. 

4. You Will Stay Focused on Life

Focus and concentration are two of the most important things everyone must have to achieve a pleasant experience. Without focus, one may lose track of the right path to unleash their potential. It’s vital to stay focused and maintain high concentration to have a clear vision of what needs to be done. When you use positive affirmations, it will be easier to dedicate your effort and time to your goals. For instance, if you are aiming for a promotion, then this will be your focus. Once you’ve got your focus and concentration, then strive to solidify it. 

5. You Will Realize Good Things and Blessings Are Happening to You

One of the main reasons why positive affirmations are needed in life is because they can bring great things and good vibes to everyone. Try to find the beauty and goodness of everything even if it’s an extra budget for your shopping, finding a perfect parking spot in the mall, or a new promotion in your job. You will become happier and more optimistic in dealing with every pain and exerting all your effort. Keep track of those things so in the future you’ll be able to look back to them and reflect on how you reached where you are now. 

 6. Affirmations Prepare Us for More Significant Challenges

Life is a continuous learning process, not the survival of the fittest. With the help of affirmations, we can identify our shortcomings and help people to change for the better. 

Examples of Affirmations for Various Purposes Affirmations for happiness:

Affirmations for success:

    Affirmations for health:

Affirmations for money:

7. Reasons Why Affirmations Might Fail You

Using affirmations in our life requires changing the way we think. Achieving success is a goal, but it does not happen in the blink of an eye. We must be patient and persevere until we reach our goal.

Here are some reasons why affirmations do not work for some people:

1. Inconsistencies

Affirmations must be recited daily. However, some of us are not doing that consistently. We must learn that with the aid of consistency, we become what we think the most often.

2. Lack of action

You’re reading your affirmations but did not take the steps to achieve it. Words are powerful, but they don’t change our life alone; the stages of action do. For every affirmation you declare, make sure to take action to achieve it.

3. You’re doing it the wrong way.

Affirmations are not something that must be done hastily. Say it slowly, once or twice a day, and put emotions to it.

8. How Can I Make Affirmations Work For Me?

Now, let’s talk on how to make affirmations work for you. Here are some ways:

Now, let’s talk on how to make affirmations work for you. Here are some ways:

1. Affirm yourself.

We first need to affirm our self’s value. We must feel worthy of our skills and capabilities first so that we can be stronger when bad days are here. We don’t need to shout out our lines of affirmations. You can do it instead by talking to yourself in the mirror. Post it to places you often see.

2. Affirm your job.

For sure, even today’s most successful people have their down moments too. But if we will do a little research on them, we will find out how they work hard and how they keep themselves motivated with the help of affirmations. You can avoid negative feelings in the workplace by having the power of statements applied to it.

3. Affirm the people around you.

You can encourage and inspire the people you work with by affirming them and everyone else around you. When everyone in the team is giving 100% because they believe that they can do it, you will see amazing results! A simple tip: Write an affirmation down on a sticky note and give it to your colleague. Tell them to hang it in a place they can see. Inspire them. Motivate them. Show them love. Find out what difficulties they have and boost their confidence, productivity, and creativity each day. You will then see how this can result in massive results for your company.

Start utilizing the power of positive affirmation today. This will improve your life and start you on the right track. Affirmations, for sure, will help you create specific goals and acquire the motivation needed to accomplish them. There are many affirmations available now. Even you can develop statements of your own. So get started today

How to Create Affirmations for Unlocking Your Full Potential 

Ways to reach your full potential


Let the worries of the day fall away. If your mind wanders to your to-do list or what you’re going to eat later, gently pull it back to the present. Call forth a feeling of unconditional love. Let it envelop your entire being.


Ask for the vision: What is the highest purpose for my life? My project? Don’t force an answer. Allow images, thoughts and ideas to emerge. Write down everything that comes to mind 


In his book Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential, Michael writes that this step is pivotal. You may need to change in certain ways to realize your purpose and dreams. Be honest with yourself about how.


Acknowledge the limiting beliefs that hold you back from realizing your full potential. Those beliefs served their purpose. Now it’s time to let them go 


Close with a feeling of thanksgiving. Know that like the acorn and the oak tree, your inborn talents and traits make your vision for the future entirely possible.

How does that feel? Don’t expect a detailed outline for your future from one session. If you only receive a word, phrase or feeling, that’s OK. As you remain open and receptive, additional thoughts and ideas may appear as time goes on to pull you closer to your true purpose. Michael explains that even if the vision seems nebulous at first, it guides you toward the right action steps. Let it pull you toward the exciting life purpose that’s been waiting for you all along.