Affinity Roleplay

Welcome to Affinity Roleplay, at Affinity Roleplay we strive for the best roleplay experience for all of our members. Our server is a DOJ based server become a fire fighter or police officer, become a gang member, own your own business, the possibilities are endless.

Our Ad:

Greetings all, Affinity Roleplay is pleased to announce our brand new community! Our community was founded 1/1/2022 by the founder and current owner Audacity. Our community strives to bring the best roleplay experience to all of our members no matter what, we are currently looking for all sorts of members and staff from experienced players to players who have no experience, we are open for everyone to join.


👏What we have to offer:

- Whitelisted LEO, EMS and Fire Jobs

- Gang Roleplay

- A DOJ / Menu based server

- Fun interactive roleplay


👀 Currently Looking For:

- New community members with or without experience

- Staff members with or without experience

- Department top staff


We hope to see you soon!

Founder / Owner,




