hey, so I've been trying to open my affinity publisher file for days now. it keeps saying loading 1 document and never opens. it can be loading for nearly a day and still not open. it uses so much of the laptops RAM to try to open the file but never actually opens. I am using a MacBook Pro 2017 version.

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Affinity Publisher Download

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Its my first time using the affinity publisher, the file is 1.42GB. I honestly don't understand how it got that big. Just placed a few PDFs. I tried to do some research and it says changing them to linked documents will help. Is that a better solution ?

hey guys. affinity publisher has really been giving me hard time. I linked all the pdfs and the size of the file reduced. But now its taking so much RAM and storage when I open any file. No matter how many times I switch off or restart my laptop.As of now, its taking 26.9GB of storage yet the files are around 200MB. I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to make the program run faster and not take up as much space. Thanks

How many PDFs are you talking about, and how big (MB, and number of pages) are they? Each PDF may need to be completely in memory while you're working on the Publisher document, even if they are Linked rather than Embedded, which could take a lot of space.

Thanks for the quick response Walt. The pdfs are all single pages and range in size from a few kb to 20MB. I will try to change the pdfs to JPGs or PNGs to see how it works but I know I will lose the quality of my architectural drawings.

Thank you Murfee for responding so fast. Yes the missing resources are on an external drive, but neither file will open on my Mac using Publisher 2. Other files won't open also. There is clearly an issue with Publisher that Serif should seriously look into, as this is a birthday card for my Granddaughter I cannot print as I can't download it! I have attached the download message that everyone else is getting.

Like everyone else, I love Publisher and have used it since PagePlus days. But when you can't download a file you have worked hard on, it makes a mockery of the App however good it is. Come on Serif sort it out!

I am having the same issue on macOS: the document has less than 1 MB, is in iCloud drive but synced/downloaded as far as I can tell, and when opening it Affinity is stuck, saying "Opening one document". It will open after a couple of minutes.

The only conclusion I see, for whatever reason, is that files created with a certain previous version of affinity-designer/photo/publisher, cant be opened on affinity 2.4 on sonoma. (The files open on windows and iPadOS 17 as well no problem.)

I also tried the publisher files you uploaded, as expected, exactly the same result. Works on all systems except Sonoma.

I have tried everything, moving files to external storage or internal folders off the cloud. Resaving, renaming on a machines that works. Files still wont open on Sonoma unless I create a bland document on a working system and copy over all the layers. Note that this affects files that have no linked assets whatsoever.

It may have been asked before, but couldn't see any other topic of it.

Is there any way how to create (export) a password protected PDF for your documents?

I am working on a confidential investors relation document in Publisher 2 that need some extra protection.

But the export module says 'NO' to me as in it isn't available?

What am I overlooking here?

You're not overlooking anything, I'm afraid this isn't something currently possible when exporting to PDF via the Affinity software suite... You can off course add password protection after creating your PDF though it is not what I would describe as particularly secure in as much as it's extremely easy to bypass PDF password protection but for the intended purpose it's likely at least sufficient for your needs...

Thanks for your reply.

I am a Mac user, so there are a dozen of options still available.

However coming from Indesign, it is mostly these smaller things that I am still missing in Publisher.

Would be nice if Serif could add these features to Publisher. Its just an extra step I have to do now, while it would be nice to just export and set the security level of what a user is allowed do with the document. 

The content I am working on is not what I would call very confidential.

Still client wants to have some security build into the document. Most likely (i think) because of possible legal issues.

On Mac you do have the option to Print, then Save to PDF in place of Export to PDF which would give you the option to Password Protect your Publisher document and I think give you what you're looking for here...

So if you simply Cmd P instead of Cmd Option Shift S then from the Print dialogue window click the PDF dropdown and select Save as PDF, this will then give you direct access to the Apple Preview Password Protect Security options to add password protection for both Opening and Editing the PDF directly within Publisher, i.e., without having to create your PDF and then open it in another application to password protect it.

Since I'm now also running inti this issue where some medical documents need to be password protected for reviews, I think Affinity is not the right tool to wprk with.

Looking back, the question is already open since 2019. ?!

Those days, where awareness of security is growing by every one, many ask to protect their documents. 

It seems this is not really understood / seen by Affinity developpers (since this question is open for a long time).

For me it is clear that I / we cannot use Affinity publisher at this moment to generate any professional business / or critical content for protected PDF export.

That's sad. Hope that there will be a security option soon! Tool is great, but things like securtity / protection are essential these days.


I am already on the beta, but wasn't aware this feature has now been implemented.

Couldn't find it at first, but then tried to see if there was an update, and there we have it. 

Thank you for implementing this feature request.

I am now on the Publisher 2.2.1 (Windows) version and cant seem to find a PDF password protection option when exporting. Didn't the option made it yet into the 2.2.1 version, or am i missing something?

Apart from that it is possible to place text left and right of a spread that could be used with some discriptive names. Not much more effort than typing in a name in the spread properties. The only drawback: this text is not visible in the Pages Panel.

Note that while both ID & Q have a book feature that doesn't mean that naming pages would be useful in books I do because in the vast majority of the books I do, I don't use that feature. I do use sections, but even so I cannot imagine it would be an aid.

Yes, that's what I tried to point at when the app comparison was mentioned as counter argument. But although chapters and sections are options to visually structure the pages panel they have the disadvantage of re-starting page numbers and a rather complex workflow for creation, and export, too. May be that is why the OP @KatrinaC requested literally "without using Sections".

For instance I would appreciate a quick way to visually structure the page icons, less for books/brochures but rather in documents which grow over time by layout alternatives or their developing versions within 1 document (e.g. advertisements). As workaround I got used meanwhile to insert blank spreads with an obvious color background and/or very large text notes for easier overview in the pages panel. (The alternative AD, which allows custom artboard names, to me has the disadvantage of a massively increasing amount of layer panel entries which always include all all layers of the entire document, not the current page only. Not to mention some missing APub features.)

Instead customized page icon names (which might increase complexity on export/print) I would prefer a custom colorizing option. This also could help to identify applied master pages easier, a request recently mentioned in this thread:


Doesn't seem all that complicated... though granted it does require extra steps compared to simply naming the page. Again I don't see anything wrong with the request, and it would probably be welcomed by various other users, I just don't see it as something essential to the program.

That seems like a reasonable way to visually mark which masters are applied to which pages, at least until you start accumulating a large number of master pages and can't tell the colors apart any longer... but if done that way, you are in essence using the colors to "name" the master pages, so applying colors to the individual document pages as well might lead to more confusion than utility. You would need a clear way to distinguish within the page listing which colors represented the pages themselves and which ones the referenced masters. I don't think I like the idea of using colors for both. 152ee80cbc

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