What People Are Saying about Alabama Fork CPCA

“The (Sunday, January 29, 2017) celebration held at the Alabama Fork CPCA was a great success. Much hard work and planning went into the celebration of this historical church that once served as a school for Afro-Americans and later was converted into a place of worship. Nothing is impossible when God is placed first in our endeavors. We would like to commend our moderator, the Rev. Michael Jones and all the committee members for the dedication of their research, time, talents, prayers, and resources to bring this milestone to fruition.

At the conclusion of the service, we gathered in the fellowship hall for the repast/reception. The fellowship hall was decorated in the finest of linens accented with greenery, crystal, and silver service. An array of assorted finger foods, nuts, mints, fruits, desserts and punch were served by the Cumberland Presbyterian ladies. It was an event enjoyed by all in attendance.” Sister Lucinda Bassham, retired educator of Athens City Schools and former president of the Tennessee Valley Presbytery Sunday School Convention

"I don't know when I have been more affected by an event than I was on Saturday, April 29, 2017. The keynote speaker for the Women's Brunch, Attorney Liz Huntley, inspired and reminded the attendees how we must support others in times of crises. I thank you for blessing me with an invitation and bid you to keep up the good work!" Sister Shirley Brown, president and CEO, DP Associates, Inc. and member of Fellowship Presbyterian Church

“The love and blessings of our mother and other elders are always cherished, but that extra mile that the Alabama Fork CPCA Inc. exemplified made this “Marie McDade Brunch” a very blessed memorable occasion. The valuable information shared from the DHR representatives was appreciated and a blessing to receive. It was an amazing experience to see the outpouring of love with the back packs from the community for our displaced children. Attorney Liz Huntley’s speech touched our hearts and is a living testimony on how God works in our lives. I departed this brunch with an attitude of gratitude, love and encouragement.” Mary McDade Malone, retired J. F Drake State employee and daughter of the honoree, Mother Marie McDade

“My grandmother played a very positive role in my life. She remains to be very inspirational to me. It was a blessing to attend the Marie McDade Brunch given by the Alabama Fork CPCA Inc. The brunch was a very memorable occasion it gave me insight into the outreach programs available in the community. All the DHR information was very informative and well received. The featured speaker was very honest in addressing her childhood upbringing. I left the Brunch thinking about the Christian experience from start to finish which it is truly a journey of faith.” Sister Camille Malone Binford, granddaughter of honoree Mother Marie McDade