Blogs and Ramblings

19 February 2022 - "If We All Pull Together As a Team"

I got caught up playing the game and forgot to keep updating. I'm trying to remember everything that happened. I do know that I accidentally started listening to the music, and it's really good, but compared to Trigger it's pretty forgettable. Before this, I was listening to Have a Cigar on repeat, and so now whenever I hear the song about corrupt practices in the music industry I think of underwhelming interdimensional travel. Oh, right, I crossed back over during this time.

Uh, so obviously I should probably address the elephant in the room: The rerelease. I will not be purchasing it. If I hear of any additional content (specifically content involving Magus/Guile or "Emperor" Dalton) then I'll consider getting a secondhand copy for a reasonable price. With that said, assuming they didn't fuck up the translation again, this seems to be an actually quality release, something Square Enix seems to have difficulty pulling off lately. I still recommend piracy and the fan translation of Radical Dreamers for obvious reasons, but I'm not going to recommend not getting the remaster. Interestingly, someone on Discord pointed out that Guile's hair now looks like Janus'... obviously, this is not a coincidence.

As I recall from the last two months, I went back to Belthasar and used his Nu ripoff to rename all of the party members whose names I changed, save for Magus and Schala. And possibly Gringo; I don't remember. I forget everything up until the fairy genocide by the Underpants Gnomes. God, that tank thing was fucking awful. I actually had to learn how to play the game for that part! But I did eventually beat it and got the Wet Dragon's ice magic. In Lethal Lava Land, I fought the three guys, one of whom I remember was Zoah. Apparently he was meant to have some backstory about being a secret prince, and this started some fan theories about him being Crono or Crono's son. He would've been eight years old during Trigger, eliminating both of those theories, and so if he were planned to have some relation to Carl (my "couple name" for Crono and Marle) the age would've been changed when the subplot was scrapped.

So, uh, about that remaster, eh?

Eventually, I got to Fort Dragonia. This is where I left off, so that I wouldn't screw up. I'm aware that this is when Serge's body swap with his furry dad happens. I've decided that the rest of my playthrough will be recorded for a retrospective video I'll be doing in anticipation of the rerelease's release.

26 May 2022 - Did I not hit publish on this?

26 December 2021 - POSHUL'S A GIRL DOG!?

I forget how I got through the swamp. No, wait, I didn't. That's right, I remember now.

As I recall, I went up to the place where the Porrean Guards were (apparently now Acacia Dragoons or some stupid name like that) and found a skull. I never did anything with this guy, according to my guide his name is Skelly and you can get him as a party member or something, but I prefer him as just a skull. Imagine just having a wisecracking skull sidekick, lol.

After whatever happened in Fossil Valley, I went back to Termina. This is when I began relying on a guide. And it was good timing, too, since this is the part where- No, wait, I skipped some stuff, hold on, I went looking for Greco, saw Glenn give his sappy "deceased father" speech or whatever, and I wondered why they bothered naming him Glenn if he truly has no traits comparable to Frog. Also Korcha's present now I suppose.

Forgot they announced a Chrono Crossover with Another Eden, Masato Kato's mobile game. That kinda just... blew over pretty quickly. I mean, it was like a Smash reveal for a second, and by that I mean it was leaked early.

So THIS is when I started using a guide. At the local tavern is Guile. Guile, for those who don't watch Did You Know Gaming, was originally going to be Magus. Chrono Cross is a remake of Radical Dreamers, which featured a character named Magil (Magus is not good with disguises, as established with The Prophet). Since Chrono Cross treats party members like Pokemon, it was decided to rewrite Magil as a completely new character named Guile. This didn't stop the DS version of Chrono Trigger from adding a new ending that revealed that Magus gave himself amnesia and became Guile.

TL;DR, I named Guile "Magus".

In light of finding Guile in a bar, I have created the headcanon that Magus was an alcoholic. This is how he coped with his "family issues" and the morality of the Mystic war stuff. More importantly, this is how he and Toma Levine got on a first-name basis.

Just realized that the time from the War Against Magus to the events of Chrono Cross is 420 years, lol.

Anyways, Magus knows where Viper Manor is since he was triple-dog-dared to rob it. I hate boulders, I hate water, and I hate whatever else was there that impeded my ascent.

Chrono Trigger had two stealth sections, neither of which involved spotlights. I respect Chrono Cross for adding in spotlights. On the subject of the original jailbreak sequence, Crono's breakout was replicated here. I mean, nice reference, I suppose?

So now we're pulling a Star Wars and running around in the bad guys' armor. Glenn is here, and because I couldn't put two and two together here, I had to get a new guide that spelled things out word for word. This is how you get the password that allows you to access the rest of the dungeon.

Also present is Luccia, who is basically Lucca but German and evil. I will be getting this party member.

My password was seven right, four left. Apparently it's randomized. My guide told me to turn left, and apparently I will be murdering a small child here. There's also going to be a scene with the "Prophet of Time" as if Guile wasn't-

That's fucking Belthasar.

Did they even try to hide it? Like, holy shit, that's literally just Belthasar, right there. As I've alluded to for a while, I've had all of the important details about how Cross ties in with Trigger spoiled for me, and I know that Belthasar is the puppet master who is... disturbingly obsessed with Schala. He did say when you first met him in Trigger, "Schala, I've missed you so" or something like that. But I didn't expect him to, like, mastermind a series of events that killed the main characters of Trigger or whatever.

Obviously, the whole "Dalton stages a coup in 1005" "Lucca is murdered by a furry" "Magus gets amnesia" et cetera is what made me bitch about this game without actually playing it. Also blonde Schala.

Anyways, that's literally Belthasar, right here, right now, Viper Manor, beginning of Chrono Cross. The child we're about to kill is named Marcy. Seems to be good chums with the Guru of Reason. Why does Belthasar know everything? Like, was that ever explained? Whether it be the details of Death Peak or, you know, what's going on right now in Cross? He's a "prophet of time" apparently but that... like, why not Gaspar?

Now the game's just referring to him as Prophet and this is strange because Magus is among us. Belthasar just grand slammed us with "The world is not just a single entity." Ah yes, immediately retconning Trigger for the sake of interdimensional travel, good, good. Fade out to where you fought Flea in Trigger, all of a sudden. The world maps float in the background like the Mode 7 bit before the "But the future refused to change" ending of Trigger.

Anyone who says that Cross is not a sequel to Trigger isn't entirely correct. That's the point of this scene.

These effects remind me of the White Space from Bob & George. Taking the Giant Killer Bugs into account, that was probably intentional.

Fuck, he's using Latin now. Belthasar's a nerd. By the way, why is his identity being kept secret if it's so blatantly him? When Magus disguised as a Prophet, at least he put on a hat...

The logic behind Serg's Mandela Effect thing is basically an unintentional version of Eggman's shtick in the Sonic Archie comics.

So, anyone planning on playing Cross beware: The dimension-hopping is not like A Link to the Past. This is just the indirect sequel to Chrono Trigger, and moreover, an enigma. Chrono Cross is an enigma, there you go, that's what I'll tell people about my playthrough.

Oh no, don't start trying to solve any mysteries, Schala, I'm more concerned with... uh, your stuff.

Now Belthasar's just letting this child get murdered, lol.


"Spoils Received: IceBlast" - "Now I've got your power!"

...why does Belthasar have a small child assistant?

This is where the game gets interesting, it seems. French clown wants to fuck Serg. We live in a society. Anyways, General Viper looks like a Fire Emblem character, and the furry is here. I don't think this scene is the same with Kid renamed Schala... I think it's fucking hilarious now, and that's the way I like this game. Schala is also the leader of the drug cartel Radical Dreamers (not actually a drug cartel). Chrono Cross isn't just a remake of Radical Dreamers, it's also something of a sequel. I've had this game spoiled for me, what can I say? I also know Lynx is Serg's father. Welcome to the internet.

The Sea of Eden. Great name. I certainly hope there's only one and not another.

Lynx not only killed Lucca, he also stole Magus's scythe. So, I deequipped Schala's elements and accessories, so I don't know how this is going to go, but then again I also don't really know how to play this game, so I should be fine.

Beat Lynx while brushing my teeth. Spamming to victory always works. But of course, it was "just a shadow", meaning that we've been Wily'd. Lynx is trying to... okay, is Masato Kato just some kind of Star Wars nerd? This is "We can rule together as father and son" stuff, and previous Square games have Biggs and Wedge and Piett and all that, so...

FMV time. Serg is becoming a furry because he likes the color blue. Island gets blown up with Dark Bomb; I guess Magus must've sneezed. Serg is face-to-face with the Frozen Flame, which is also what Frosty the Snowman had in his fireplace after he got married. FMV ends.

Lynx wants to destroy humanity, lol. That's like, SO 65,000,000 BC, and also 600 AD and also 2300 AD. Such a boomer.

The Riddler enters (there was Harley Quinn before, right?) and Schala immediately takes her hostage because Medeus is her father. For someone so powerful, Lynx is such a submissive, breedable cat boy when it comes to ransom.

Magus is a captain obvious. And he has a really dumb pose when he's trying to look intimidating. To think, THIS GUY's my favorite Chrono Trigger character. Obviously we're gonna jump off a balcony; did Crono, Lucca, and Marle give up when they were cornered in the woods? No! So we're just gonna copy that, okay!? And the bad guys just slowly walk after them, heh. Medeus wants to make a deal. If I were in this situation, I might take this offer. General Viper doesn't seem like a true villain so far...

The close-up sequence, surprisingly, is not an FMV. What's less surprising is Schala getting stabbed. We already saw an FMV of this, so... anyways... according to my guide, if I want Glenn I need to leave Schala to die. Good.

This is literally just The Empire Strikes Back.

"The Assassin of Time... THE CHRONO TRIGGER!"

Ah yes, The Assassin of Time... THE FUCK!?

As someone who has had the game spoiled, I'm just going to have to get used to Serg getting called an egg. Even Crono's ghost does it later, as I recall.

Oh good, Magus is okay. Wait, can't he fly?

Cut to some point later. Haha, Schala's dying. That's normal. She does that all the time.

That man is wearing a fucking beanie and jeans, and his jacket has no sleeves, there is no way he's a doctor. I love this game. And it's Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga all over again... I'm still laughing out loud over that fake-ass doctor.



Oh man... this game is now one of my favorites. This so-called "medical drama" is on-par with Trigger's "HIGH CHOLESTEROL!" scene...

Oh no, the clown's back... thanks a lot, Korcha, that's the final nail in your coffin.

What's Schala's obsession with giving people jewelry? Anyways, now to begin Operation Glenn Doc. "...I don't know... there's nothing we can do..." Spoken like a true hero, Serg! So what if I lost the amulet, I'm boutta gain DOC... eventually. That sign on the big red pyramid tent says "shit". So, the guide's keep on referring to a character named "Macha" I need to talk to. No idea who that could be. Very well, I'll just check the Chrono Compendium, the closest thing we've got to an actual wiki... oh no, the site's absolutely broken...

Oh, so that's who Macha is, okay. Well, I think I know where she is... Ah, nice, I walked into the wrong building and I get more of Doc! This guy is officially my favorite Chrono Cross character. I love juxtaposition.

I finally found Korcha. I savestated so that if I screw this up, I can just go back a bit. Nevermind, I did it perfectly! Korcha hates me now! Yes! Victory!

The high priestess' name is diarrhea. She brings up an "odd wind", and that those that are "dead" have an "odd air" about them... Black Wind, perhaps? Also, we have to go to the "Land of Genesis", apparently. Phil Collinsville, here we come!

According to Glenn, Porre is SUS and also in the east. Boy, that human can jump like a frog... no wonder he was named after one... Alright, Glenn's in the party, and I named him Frog. Fuck you.

"Macha joinedCHA party." Nevermind, I hate this game now. I named her Liane after Eric Cartman's mother. I also got Greco back and named him Gringo, because I felt like it. I mean, apparently there's something about a dead baby, but I don't care. Apparently Gringo has been accused of being a sus imposter.

That's all for now.

21 November 2021 - It's not that bad if you spam

So, I downloaded Chrono Cross. Multi-disc games are surprisingly easy to download onto OpenEmu.

Starting from ground zero. Not even gonna have my headphones in. Playing with a controller this time- a SNES one, the same I use for Trigger.

Which, funnily enough, OpenEmu thinks is a DualShock.

You can skip the boring shit, fortunately.

So yeah, PS1 games have the equivalent of B be the "confirm" button. This will be painful.

Serge is still "Serg"; I find that humourous.

As I remember from the minute or so of Vinesauce playing this game, the third partner is randomized. So you're stuck with the underage sex symbol, but fortunately I have now been graced with what appears to be a pro wrestler named Greco. 'Tis a tragedy that you cannot rename the other party members. I would've called this one Jesse.

The fuck's with the leaf on the text boxes?


There, now it actually feels like a video game. Battles are still boring.

I'm being followed by a bat. The magician Flea, I presume? No, no, I know, he only appears in the New Game+... wait, didn't he die?

Oh, you just press A on the hexagon thing and it teleports you... well, fuck. Actually, this brings back memories of Zeal. That was a good part of a good game.


These guys won't shut the fuck up. That was the longest loading time for a PS1 cutscene I've ever had to sit through. Anyways, whoo, FMVs! How technologically impressive! Absolutely wonderful... uh, let's see, the door inflated, Kid's on the ground, Serg is looking at her with the most comedically unenthused expression imaginable, knife covered in really lame blood effects, Serg is pleased to see the bloody knife, fade to white... Okay, without context, I can assume Serg has a stabbing fetish and that is why this scene is playing.

Now there's text. "Good morning, Serg!" Oh, go blow it out your ass. Nostalgia bait. And as far as I can remember, yes, these lines are verbatim ripped from Trigger. Serg's house looks like the Wookies' house from the Holiday Special.

But apparently the mother was just a fantasy? Serg just looks at the curtains and they rise. "Alexa, raise my curtains." The game is, after all set twenty years after Trigger, so I guess the technological progress makes sense.

Nevermind, the mother is real. Her name is fucking Marge. And I presume this stupid cat thing is named Snowball? And apparently IT'S HIGH NOON.

Serg has plans to meet with "Leena". Huh, something seems very familiar here, can't possibly imagine. And all of this is because Serg stood in front of a fucking door. Without context I can't tell if this is a flashback or if Serg got teleported to his home on Kashykk.

The animals in this game look so fucking weird dude.

Exit the home and you are in... Sakado? There's a huge ass fish here for some reason... was this game made on drugs? Regardless... I think I'm enjoying it.

I will not be speaking to town folk. They seem boring and there's way too many of them.

I went backwards (really odd camera angles) and some kid just jumped into the fucking ocean, Sonic '06 style. Won't be the last Sonic '06 reference I make...

Oh no I accidentally found Leena. She's the one who convinced the kid to off himself, I assume. She's an annoying bitch who wants her necklace back from Gleeok or whatever. The kids are REALLY FEELING IT.

Please tell me these Komodo scales are optional... this sounds really fucking boring. Komodo dragons are real things, you know. Wonder why they didn't get creative and make some shit up?

Oh no, I see Poshul in the background when I went right, I hear this dog's really ass-paining. Whatever, I want entertainment, Imma talk to this guy... "Maybe next time"!? You gonna cuck me when I wanted to talk to you? Damn, the nerve of some people!

Serg still runs slow.

Saving is now done with the "Records of Fate". Okay. They function the same as the sparkles, apparently. I was already planning on just using the save states.

I talked to this fucker on the ground, and... "I would've tried to persuade Sir Toma to look for treasure on the Zenan continent..." WHAT!?

The world map looks like Donkey Kong Country. You know, it's funny, Serg runs fast and can treat trees like they don't exist on the world map, but in actual gameplay, he, y'know, doesn't. Whatever, Lizard Cock time.

Unnecessary boulder is unnecessary.

Okay, so now that I'm starting to suck, I'm bothering to learn the combat system. You only mash A sometimes. Try to do it slowly.

Leveling up is quick. Also, the hell's with the @ symbol for all the "spoils"?

One of the blue rat fuckers just turned into Squirtle.

I'll do Opassa Beach later today. I need some sleep.

=A few hours later=

Oh, shit, I forgot I was playing Chrono Cross.

Global warming has caused the oceans to recede and that is why there is dead coral on land. Probably.

I don't like this beach.

As it turns out, Opassa Beach is completely worthless. I completely forget Leena's instructions, something about Lizard Cocks or whatever, but I've got no idea how to get Komodo scales. I do like that they bothered to have footprints appear on Opassa. That's a nice touch.

Please tell me "Cape Howl" has something interesting... "Serg found @Bone!" TMI, bruh.

This cliff looks familiar. I doubt it's what I think it is, but... you know. I hit the rock and... oh, it just changes the view. Looks like I'm about to give a speech. Real Lion King shit.

Well, if that's what they call "cinema" then I'm not interested.

Nothing funny happens if I stand on the waterspouts. Serg just gets knocked back a bit. Nothing violent. Shame.

Beach Bum just standing on this rock like he owns the place, lol. I killed him.

For a game that has items named "@Humour", it's not very funny.

Went north to Fossil whatever it was. "The Porre Army is currently investigating the area. It is off-limits to the general public." Well that's certainly foreshadowing for something that wasn't entirely explained until the DS version of Trigger. You know, Dalton, Porre, everyone from the first game is dead...

Alright, Hydra Marshes, letsa go. Who's this guy? "Didn't the village elders tell not to come near here!" [sic] Well, they also told me not to fuck your mother...

I went back to Arni to actually read directions. Another kid is now dead. Okay, so the three scales are at Lizard Cock, and Leena will be waiting at Opassa Beach. How convenient!

Oh, I pushed a boulder into a hole and I didn't mean to do that. I wanted to go in the hole. Shit.

Oh, the Komodo dragons are the cowardly chickenshits. Who would've guessed?

Even with Serg reduced to 13/60 HP, Cure restores him to full health.

That chest was so slow. The fuck is a Silver Loupe!?

This game is quite creative sometimes. I like it.

OH NEVERMIND, THAT'S THE KOMODO DRAGON... I'm just gonna save state real quick... Oh nevermind, this was piss easy, only lost 19 HP. Babies gonna starve tonight!

And in the ensuing level up Serg increased max HP by 16. This game isn't really that difficult, is it? Anyways, Opassa Bitch time...

Haha, Leena was the late one. Anyways... heh, "We used to come all the time." Yeah, I bet you did!

And now Leena's being boring and philosophical. You know what? Chrono Trigger had moments like that, too. The difference is that they were short and had more than one character speaking.

Serg made a promise? Uh-oh... good thing he's having his delusions now, because this conversation is getting uncomfortable. Oh joy, more CGI.

Uh, let's see, something with some people of varying height, zoom in on some furry's eye, Serg is surprised to discover another fetish, and now he's Moana. And also dead. Where the hell'd Leena go?

Shit just got weird. Doesn't this game have something to do with alternate dimensions and Serge being dead in one of them? So it's like a Wonderful Life ripoff or something? I don't know, this is so bizarrely written, I'm just going along for the ride.


The Porrean Guards look less blue in this dimension. Interesting...?

It's less interesting that Leena doesn't know Serg than there's a place called Termina in this game. Anyways, Sergy died ten years ago of a water overdose. The end. P.S. Marge also died.

Don't dwell on lost loved ones, you say? Wasn't that a key plot point of Chrono Trigger?

I guess burying people on cliffs is just something they do in Guardia.

That might be the most comedically sappy grave inscription I've ever read. Uh-oh, we're getting Ghostbusted. What's this? Robo cosplayers? Who's the bishie? "Karsh"? What a stupid name! I love these guys already.

More CGI. It's that stupid Kid character. I wanted to know what Karsh and the transhumanists were up to.


No, I don't wanna fight these guys, I wanna be arrested for being a ghost! And yes, the transhumanists are named "Solt" and "Peppor" and I'm legitimately angry about this. Solt is tall and has a mustache, therefore he is my favorite character in the game so far. Apparently Serg is white.

Remember kids, violence solves everything.


Oh, nevermind, we do get to name Kid. Well, I know how this game ends...

And thus, the iconic duo of Serg and Schala were established. I am going to hell.


I'm gonna stop making jokes about the frequent swearing. It was the nineties; you had to look cool some-fucking-how.

Apparently the party switching was done with a "Tele-Porter". How... lore building? Like, was this also used in Trigger? How does that work, getting party members from the End of Time? And in this game, where are we leaving our unused party?

I love how they casually broke into some guy's house.

Now to find Termina, wherever that is. The Hydra Marshes have been globally warmed. Walk in the water and NOW THAT'S A LOTTA DAMAGE! Conveniently, at the other end of Shrek's Swamp, you get "Safety Gear" from the "Captain".

Imma set the controller down for now... maybe in another month I'll get back to this.

20 November 2021 - Up and Coming

Nightmare Fleet's going well so far.

But whatever happened to Megacomic? I have a shitton of pages that I drew during a holiday up north in the summer. And as I write this, I'm still trying to get my scanner to fucking work. It's quite annoying. I've got a solution, though, and I'm gonna test it later.

23 October 2021 - Why am I doing this?

Playing Chrono Cross for the first time right now. Never thought I'd see the day.

The intro cutscene is just a bunch of characters that I don't know (well, I have had most of this game spoiled, but, you know what I mean) appearing and cutting away. Very poorly edited. At least the animation still holds up, over twenty years later. The lines at the beginning about the cogs of fate or whatever gave me Bohemian Rhapsody vibes. Fun fact, "Bohemian" is an antiquated term for Czech people, which fits in with the song's themes of making absolutely no sense and having no real meaning.

I named Serge "Serg" just to be a dick.

There is no context given for the game's events. It feels like we've started off in the middle of the story, but not in an A New Hope way. Star Wars still bothers to introduce its characters through careful writing and dialogue. I know this is a wacky comparison, get used to it. Chrono Cross does not have the decency that Star Wars has to actually give the briefest of context for its plot. CC immediately throws you into the middle of the action, which would be respectable if it were better written, or written at all. You're given no clue as to who these "Kid" and "Korcha" characters are, and really it feels quite lazy to leave so little known. Chrono Trigger also started at a quick pace, but had the benefit of actually starting at the beginning rather than trying to be fancy and start in the middle. Every character got an introduction in that game. Here? Fuck that, gotta go fast.

That's not to say starting in the middle is a bad thing; I tried my hand with it in Megacomic, and again, it's what they did in Star Wars.

The next thing I noticed at the beginning of Chrono Cross is how slow the characters move. Even holding down the run button, it's still about half the speed of Trigger. Why this change was made is beyond me. Cross is designed in the style of Final Fantasy VII or parts of Ocarina of Time, with 3D models on a 2D background. This style is not bad, but the varying camera angles remove any resemblance to Trigger. So far, the game is making itself out to be completely unrelated to Chrono Trigger, in the manner of how the Final Fantasy series functions with its "sequels". I can only assume this will turn into quite the impressive bait-and-fuck-you, given what I know about this game beforehand and all the times that I bitched about it before playing it (which was quite cringe, and I do apologize).

The combat system is humorous. Many battles in Trigger were avoidable thanks to the ability to just casually walk around the enemies. You can still do that here, except since the enemy AI is absolutely moronic, I could literally walk circles around these enemies. Mind you, Serge runs about as fast as a guy without legs. And on the subject of speed, I'll give the battles this, they're quick. I just spam the C key (I'm playing this on because I'm not sure I actually want to download this game) and eventually the battle is over. The slowest part is the transitions (apparently since Cross is in 3D, they couldn't replicate Trigger's iconic lack of battle transitions), but at least they aren't completely awful. Just typical JRPG fare. That's my biggest issue with the battle system- a lot of what made Chrono Trigger so special was not brought back for Cross. After the battle, you're given an opportunity to heal. I don't know the specifics of how this works, nor do I really care, but altogether it feels like battles are just a mild inconvenience that net you some EXP or whatever. I'm not even sure if they brought back Techs; shit flies by real quick, y'know?

Pressing the Z key brings up the party menu. Here is as much character development any of the party members have at this point. It's reminiscent of Megaman & Bass' CDs. I like that Serge is literally just called "Silent Protagonist". It is, however, quite disturbing to see the sixteen-year-old girl character described as "slender". Oh, Squaresoft. You always were... something, alright...

Now's a good time to note that I have not been playing the game with audio. EmulatorGames does not have the best track record with audio emulation (Trigger was absolutely fucked) and even if they did, people keep saying that Cross' music is some kind of unassailable aspect that makes the entire experience perfect. Well, you know what? Games aren't as accessible as they should be. Deaf people should be allowed to enjoy video games too. So, as an experiment, I'm playing Cross without music. Doesn't help that I heard a bit of it once and it sounded awful, and so I'm doing myself a favor and not bothering with it. I've got better music available. Tell me, is something eluding you, Sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see?

So these are my thoughts, having only played a small portion of the game so far. The biggest flaw is that this opening dungeon segment is a bizarre labyrinth that I can't figure out for the life of me how to get out of. Whatever, I'll look up a guide. A wise man once said, "A breeze to beat, but only if you cheat."

That's all for now. I'll be back later with more Cross thoughts.


I don't care who you are. You need to watch The Wall right now. It is an amazing film.