If you want to create & successfully launch a program you are truly proud of this is for you.
(there are only 30 early bird spaces - first come, first served)

The problem: Most good coaches who aren't getting sign ups are sh*t at talking about what they do.

They aren't clearly showing the value of their coaching & they don't know how to implement successful launches.

(sorry/ not sorry for the tough love - I will be blunt because I am more interested in helping you help more people than saving your feelings -If you aren’t busy you either have a sh*t product or you’re sh*t at talking about your product.)

Launch42🎯 solves this.

We will take you from idea 💡 to creation 👷‍♀️ to launch 🚀 of your signature program.

The outcome:
A program you love & are proud of,
a launch process you can replicate for years to come,
& most importantly - more of your ideal clients in your business getting results. 

Note: this is not business mentoring - you can apply for 1-1 here

Expectations & FAQs:

Why Launch42🎯?

Simple - it solves the biggest problem coaches have when trying to sell their coaching - showing the value of it.

We wanted to create a cost accessible program to help coaches build their business.

The process you will learn works at any stage of your business (it is the same process I use now while coaching over 800 clients at a time - with the help of incredible coaches!), it also works to get your first 5 clients.

It's built for 2 situations:

a) brand new coaches who are building & launching their first coaching offer - you’re going to avoid a lot of mistakes doing this!

b) excellent coaches who aren’t getting the sign ups they want because they aren’t showing the value of their coaching &/or aren't running successful launches

I've had a faiiiir bit of experience doing launches. In fact, I doubt there are any coaches who have done more launches than I have 👵. I've made a lot of mistakes & studied them so you don't need to.

I have never systemised or shared this process before in a way that is easy to action (the most important part) 🧠

This program will show you exactly where to focus your efforts to get the most out of them. You can use what you learn here for the rest of your career which is why you should see this as an investment not a cost - the sooner you have this knowledge the longer you can apply & benefit from it.

What does the course cover?

Launch42 will walk you through these phases:

Phase 1: Product market fit & Nurture

Test out ideas to make sure you are creating a product people actually want.

Product market fit is one of the most underrated concepts of coaching. Do your audience actually want the product you’re creating? Make sure they do before you build it.

While we are testing this we will also be nurturing your audience - you have to GIVE before you ask. 

Phase 2: The Build

This is where you build your program. The resources, the onboarding, the practicalities of how you are going to deliver coaching.

The aim is to always overdeliver. Especially with your onboarding - first impressions count - this is when people are most likely to talk about you and refer you to others (we will be capitalising on this too)

Phase 3: The tease

How to get people excited about your program & on your waiting list

Phase 4: The Launch

How to create scarcity, urgrency & get people to take action. 

Selling process (it's not 50 cold DMs a day don't worry) - people want to buy from you when you give first & have a product they want.

Phase 5: Review & improveee

How to assess your launch to make it even better next time - there is always room for improvement - I've been doing launches for 7 years and I still make tweaks each time. 

What support do you get?

✅42 day course covering all you need to create & build your signature program
✅Weekly masterclass calls including reviews & critiques of your examples to make sure you're on the right track.
✅Discussion feed to ask any questions
✅Us backing you! -We want you to succeed! this is not 1-1 mentoring (you can apply for that here) but we will go out of our way to make sure you're successful with this.

How do you get the most out of this program?

Do the work! - If you don't do the work, don't expect results.

If you do the work, if you commit to this, if you show up to calls & ask questions you will get results. This process works when you do it!

This isn’t going to be easy (sorry building a business isn't)

You will be pushed here (you’re in the wrong place if you don’t want that)

We want you to get results, we want you to fulfil your potential & we want you to be successful so we're going to push you outside your comfort zone.

This is not a course you can do anytime. Why?

1) I want to help you through it and make sure you're actioning it correctly.

2) doing this as a cohort means you learn from each other too.

3) No one does courses that don't have deadlines & knowledge without action is wasted. We want you to apply this knowledge ASAP because the sooner you do, the sooner you get results. 

What are you committing to?

About ~4h to work through the course.

1h a week to attend or watch back the masterclass calls

However long it takes you to action it (it's hard to put an exact number on this because productivity levels vary).


Full price: £699

🐣Early bird offer: £599
first 30 spaces only!

Not sure it's for you?

Pick a time here to chat to me first.

Got a quick question? *whatsapp here*

Sign up is open until Friday 14th June.

(there will not be another start date, there will never be a 'right time' if you want to build your business- start now)

Any questions whatsapp me here

Why us?

We are damn good at helping excellent coaches build their businesses,

At bringing out the best in coaches,

At identifying what makes them unique and helping them build their business around that.

We don't believe in pushy selling, in cold DMs, in marketing that makes you feel icky.

We believe in building a business by giving value, by having product market fit, be first and foremost being focused on helping people.

If you align with that.. This is for you. 🎯

Build a business you are proud of without compromising your values.