Call & Registration

Call for Abstracts

AERUS 2018 - 11th Midwest Graduate Student Summit

West Virginia University will host the 11th Annual Midwest Graduate Student Summit on Applied Economics and Regional and Urban Studies (AERUS) on April 7-8, 2018. The summit is designed to initiate intellectual dialogue on wide array of research areas and spur future research collaborations among participating young scholars. Work at any stage will be accepted, including completed research, research in progress, and research idea or proposal on subjects related to the conference themes

Conference presentations address a variety of areas of growing importance to regional scientists, economists, planners, and geographers. Participants are encouraged to submit a proposal on subjects related to the conference themes including, but not limited to

  • Regional Science
  • Urban Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Economic Geography
  • Environmental Economics
  • Resource Geography
  • Energy Economics
  • Health Economics
  • Housing and Real Estate
  • Development Economics

Submission Guidelines

Submissions will be received via email only. Please submit your proposal to

Your email should include the following fields:

  • name, affiliation and e-mail for contact,
  • research title,
  • research areas (one to three of the areas listed in the sidebar),
  • paper stage (completed, in progress, or research idea/proposal),
  • paper abstract (maximum of 350 words)

The deadline for submission is February 23, 2018.

Authors will be notified of decisions on their submissions by March 1.

Lightning Session

There is an additional opportunity for graduate students to get feedback on more advanced papers. The Summit will include a lightning session where selected participants will have 5 minutes to present their paper. A distinguished scholar will serve as a discussant for the session and provide feedback to each paper. This will be a good opportunity for senior PhD students to practice their job market presentation.

If you want your paper to be considered for the lightning session, please include the following to your submission:

  • a complete version of your paper,
  • the words “Candidate for Lightning Session” to the subject of your email.

Papers selected for the lightning session will be considered for parallel sessions as well.

Registration Guidelines

All participants of AERUS 2018 are required to register for the event. Please use our online registration button below to register for AERUS 2018. Registration fee is $50 and is due when you register. All payments are final.

The registration button will redirect you to a WVU continuing education page, in which you will be able to register for AERUS. Please, click on the "Add to cart” tab and you will be required to set up an account for your registration which cannot be completed without payment, as per WVU policy.


AERUS has reserved a room block at the Clarion Hotel Morgan, so that students from visiting schools may all stay in the same place. This is intended to be a convenience, but you are still welcome to make other arrangements if you wish.

AERUS will pay the room for one night, from April 7-8. If you intend to arrive earlier or stay later, you will have to pay for that on your own. The group rate is $69/night and there are a few double-rooms available at the same rate. The hotel is 100% non-smoking, and offers a full complimentary breakfast buffet each morning from 6:30am to 9:30am.

Guests can call to make reservations at 304-292-8200. Make sure to mention the group name, “AERUS”. The room and rate are reserved until March 9.