When Andrew Rudd teaches about media, he invites students to experiment with new roles - media researchers, media makers, fans of texts they've never tried before.  This playful improvisational approach opens up all kinds of conversations.

Andrew Rudd creates content in social media contexts both to learn and to play and to grow.  His youtube channel always includes serial storytelling.  His current series is called DEAR JUDY SCOTTS - a meditation on how strangers do and don't connect on the internet. 

Rudd's most recent short film called RUE is a meditation on memory, regret and the fantasies we have about our future.  Based on the real regrets of 23 people, improv actors compete for a chance to go back in time to change things. RUE is currently playing on the festival circuit.

You can watch Andrew Rudd's award-winning film, SAFETY NET at this link.  Safety Net played at 18 festivals around the world and focuses on a man trying to save his house from foreclosure.  Is the American Dream really available to everyone willing to work hard?