The Importance of Choosing a Certified Aircraft Desktop Appraisal

Aircraft desktop appraisals are an essential tool for anyone involved in the aviation industry, whether you are a private owner, a business operator, or a financial institution. These appraisals provide a comprehensive and accurate evaluation of the value of an aircraft, which is crucial for making informed decisions about buying, selling, or financing aircraft. However, not all aircraft desktop appraisals are created equal. That's why it's essential to choose a certified aircraft desktop appraisal.


Why Choose a Certified Aircraft Desktop Appraisal?

A certified aircraft desktop appraisal offers several key benefits over a non-certified appraisal. Firstly, a certified appraisal is performed by an expert who has received specialized training and passed rigorous exams. These appraisers have the necessary knowledge, experience, and professional standards to provide accurate and impartial assessments of aircraft value. This means that you can trust the results of a certified appraisal and use them with confidence.


Accuracy and Consistency

Certified aircraft desktop appraisals are held to a higher standard of accuracy and consistency than non-certified appraisals. This means that you can count on the results of a certified appraisal to be accurate, reliable, and consistent with industry standards. Furthermore, a certified appraiser is required to follow strict ethical and professional standards, which ensures that the appraisal is impartial and unbiased.


Meeting Industry Standards

The aviation industry has set specific standards for aircraft appraisals, and certified aircraft desktop appraisals meet these standards. By choosing a certified appraisal, you can be sure that the evaluation of your aircraft complies with industry standards, which is essential for making informed decisions about buying, selling, or financing aircraft. Furthermore, certified appraisals are accepted by financial institutions and regulatory bodies, making it easier to obtain financing or sell your aircraft.


Peace of Mind

Choosing a certified aircraft desktop appraisal gives you peace of mind knowing that you are working with a professional who has the knowledge, experience, and standards to provide an accurate and impartial evaluation of your aircraft's value. This can help to avoid disputes or misunderstandings and ensure that you make informed decisions about your aircraft.



 Choosing a certified aircraft desktop appraisal is essential for anyone involved in the aviation industry. Certified appraisals provide accurate, reliable, and impartial evaluations of aircraft value, which are essential for making informed decisions about buying, selling, or financing aircraft. So, if you need an aircraft desktop appraisal, be sure to choose a certified appraiser to ensure that you get the best possible results.