Revit family creation 

Revit Family Creation: All you need to make the Procedure a Cakewalk 


Revit Family Creation is an essential facet of the BIM realm. It inculcates basic building blocks that facilitate the curation of a building’s 3D model. These blocks entail smaller components such as doors, windows, walls, furniture, and more.

Such BIM objects are based on a specific geometry that reflects a certain form of virtual representation. From a bigger perspective, complex designs can be achieved in a streamlined manner with the standardization of such Revit-based families. 

Let’s explore more about what Revit Family Creation has in store.

Who can benefit from BIM Family Creations? 

Here are the various stakeholders and professionals within the AEC industry who can benefit from BIM Family Creations:

Types of families that can be obtained from BIM Content 

The most basic kind of Revit families, System Families are usually built in the Revit software. These are quite simple in composition and don’t have to be created separately.

2. In-Place Families

Such families can only be utilized for a particular project. In-place families can not be used beyond the barriers of the project that they are specifically created within. This is because the geometry is adaptable to other environments.


3. Loadable Families

Loadable families entail family creations that are stand-alone and can be put to use for a wide array of projects. These can be easily saved externally and curated on flexible parameters based on the project requirements.

Create an effective Revit Family with simple steps 

Pick the suitable template keeping in mind the requirements of your project. This could be ceiling-based, rood-based, wall-based, etc. 

Define the subcategory for the selected template. This facilitates enhanced visibility of geometries.

Opt for the ‘Reference Line’ and ‘Reference Plane’ tools to create a reference point for the Revit family.

Put the dimension tools to use and optimize the dimensions of the elements as per your project requirements. This establishes a concrete

 parametric relationship.

Curate the model with the details that have been specified in the previous steps. At the end of this step, your geometry will be all prepared.

Top 6 Benefits of Revit Family Creation 

Revit Family Creation paves the way for the standardization of structural elements by facilitating the provision of flexible parameters.

2. Enhances productivity

Everything from the production to the setting up of parameters works by each other.

3. Infuses consistency

Since the design and sizes are specified before production, there is a sense of consistency in the creation of these elements.


4. Amps up the performance 

Since the models are created with utmost precision and made free from errors, the performance is automatically enhanced. 

5. Compatibility with platforms

Based on the type of Revit Family under consideration, these BIM-based Revit families can be used within the realms of various environments. 

3 Primary Concerns associated with the creation of Revit Families

Stability issues usually come into being while switching between different types of environments. This can occur both while working with the same or different types of Revit Families. 

Dimensions form an integral part of the parameter specification within Revit Families. Therefore, incorrect dimensions, such as length, breadth, and height can hamper the seamless creation of Revit Families. 

Using multiple families or incorporating a range of elements within a single family can add to the file size. This leads to issues with the project performance and file exchange. 

Top 5 Services within the Landscape of Revit Family Creation 

The following are some popularly used services that fall within the spectrum of Revit Family Creation:


Common Queries: Revit Family Creation 

Revit Families include the basic building blocks that facilitate the curation of a building’s 3D model. These blocks entail smaller components such as doors, windows, walls, furniture, and more.

The following are the benefits of using Revit Families in BIM:

Following are the different types of Revit Families:

Follow these steps to create a Revit Family:

The following are the primary concerns associated with Revit Families: