fall 2020 conference

virtual Conference schedule

4pm - Welcome - Jess Drass, Instructor

4:05 - Arts Influence in Everyday Life - Simone Williams

4:20 - Aesthetics in Contemporary Art Classroom - Guangyu Zhang

4:35 - Abstract Art Study: Can Teaching Abstract Lessons Strengthen Divergent Skills - Arden Dahl

4:50 - From a Rembrandt Background to a Notebook Doodle: Exploring Personal Process - Meghan Palmer

5:05 - Discovering Our Identities Through Art - Rylee Cassell

5:20 - Self Image, Esteem, and Art in Adolescent Girls - Brittany Tucker

5:35 - An Exploration of Post Traumatic Growth - Samantha Moran

5:50 - Capitalism & The Spectre of Bohemia: A Changing Landscape for Artists & Art Education - Abayomi Louard-Moore

Program Descriptions

Arts Influence in Everyday Life -The purpose of my presentation is for people who want to incorporate art into their lives but don’t know where to start and to get people who see no need for allowing art into their lives, to see the positive influence art can have on their lives.

Aesthetics in Contemporary Art Classroom- Art is not about dead old men's painting. This presentation will discuss how to make each student participate in aesthetic learning, and how critical thinking plays a role in an art class.

Abstract Art Study:Can Teaching Abstract Lessons Strengthen Divergent Skills-The intention of this presentation is to share my findings on abstract art, and if making it could strengthen divergent thinking. The framework and hypothesis of a new study will be proposed.

From a Rembrandt Background to a Notebook Doodle: Exploring Personal Process-This presentation will focus on personal artistic processes, how they are developed and why the process of creating should be valued more than the final product.

Discovering Our Identities Through Art - Ever sit and wonder what made you the way you are today? Art is a big part of it.

Self Image, Esteem, and Art in Adolescent Girls - An in depth look at how art is tied to the socialization of adolescent girls. How escapism into art can either heal or show why it’s comforting to girls going through that scary time called puberty. Two big things being self image and image, plus how it may still affect them as adult women.

An Exploration of Post Traumatic Growth - This presentation will shed new light on an otherwise rarely mentioned term. We will become versed in the development of post traumatic growth over the years and what can come of it. We will also take a look at the relationship art making can have with post traumatic growth.

Capitalism & The Spectre of Bohemia: A Changing Landscape for Artists & Art Education - 2020 has been a time of assessment, deconstruction, and reconstruction of governmental, social, economic, and educational systems. Considering the work and ideas of bohemians and Marxists, this presentation will explore opportunities for change in art education and the political economy of art.


Welcome & Introduction

Jessica Masino Drass, Instructor

arts influence in everyday life

Simone Williams

aesthetics in contemporary art classrooms

Guangyu Zhang

Abstract art study: can teaching abstract lessons strengthen divergent skills

Arden Dahl

from a rembrandt background to a notebook doodle: Exploring personal process

Meghan Palmer

Discovering our identities Through art

Rylee Cassell

self image, esteem & art in adolescent girls

Brittany Tucker

an exploration of post traumatic growth

Samantha Moran

Capitalism & the spectre of bohemia: A changing landscape for artists & art education

Abayomi Louard-Moore

audience q&A/Closing

Jessica Masino Drass, Instructor

2020 presenter bios

Rylee Cassell

Rylee CasselI graduated from the University of the Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Game Art and a Master of Arts in Teaching.

arden dahl

Arden Dahl is an M.A.T. candidate at University of the Arts. She received her BA in Anthropology from West Chester University in 2014, and has worked in commercial archaeology for five years. Arden has come back to the arts and hopes to be an art teacher in the future.

abayomi louard-moore

Abayomi Louard-Moore is a professional cartoonist, illustrator, and student art educator living in Philadelphia, PA. As an artist, his aim is to inspire a sense of magical possibility and whimsy, and as an educator, to create an environment in which students discover the importance and pervasiveness of art as well as their unique creative powers that they can use to solve problems and build self-confidence.

samantha moran

Samantha Moran is a graduate student at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia working towards her Master in Art Education. She received her Bachelor’s in Visual Studies from Tyler School of Art.

meghan palmer

Meghan Palmer has a BFA in Fashion Design from Moore College of Art and Design and had a diverse career as a product designer and production manager. When she became a first time mom, she began to explore her own creative process outside work and was inspired to pursue a new career in arts education.

brittany n. tucker

Brittany N. Tucker is a soon-to-be art educator looking to give back to the community that made her the artist that she is today. She feels that the time has come for me to pass on the torch to the next generation. “If I can change at least one young student’s life in the way that they see the arts then I will feel that I have made a difference.”

simone williams

Simone Williams is a MAT graduate student at the University of the Arts. Art has become the extension of her self-love and appreciation and she is working towards opening a resource space for artists.

guangyu zhang

Guangyu Zhang is an art student from The University of the Arts, major in Fine Arts/painting and minor in Art Ed.