Liza platform

Liza platform

We are revolutionizing the world of real estate as our clients are completely free to select the right assets for their needs right at the tip of their fingertips. We provide top-quality support from our team whenever needed, we assist the user in making the most effective real estate choices however, the rules are left be decided by the user. In the end, there's no need to think about liza commissions or middlemen when making your choice to buy your dream home.

Liza will empower users to access the best quality properties and to explore their options through a top-of-the-line digital platform. Our digital platform lets users to search through various options that meet any needs in real estate - including selling, buying and rentals too.

With the click of a button, we offer users with an end-to-end service that allows sellers to control their timeframe.

Allowing you to be in control of your choices, shaping your choices according to your preferences and allowing you to search for high-quality assets whenever you want. Join in the growth in the property market .

Our Values

Transparent and Honest

We aim to offer total transparency and integrity to all our customers. We consider that an open and concise path is the best way to achieve greatness, and a safe and healthy environment expands our business.

Trusting and Collaborative

We empower and facilitate. It is our belief that a team mentality that puts individualism aside will bring success to our company and all of our stakeholders.

Agile and Innovative

We are always looking for fresh ideas wherever they could bring value to any area of the business. Our work environment permits us to be confident in generating new and innovative solutions to issues. We encourage taking controlled risks. But, if we fail we learn from our mistakes so as not to make them again.


We look at the larger perspective when we make decisions. We don't seek quick wins except when they are used to propel the company to take the next level toward the larger overall.

How does it work


Liza platform is a subscription based platform which DOES NOT request any commission for its service, if any user requested a commission kindly report the incident at

Sell Property

Choose the type of seller (Property developer or owner) From here

Select the listing method you prefer:

  1. Create a list by yourself

  2. Ask for help from Liza

If you are listing the property yourself make sure you have all the details of your property, including an image that is at least 1024X920

If you would like to contact Liza for assistance you can select the appropriate listing package and a member of the liza customer support team will get in touch with you to collect information on the property and will complete the listing on your behalf.

After submission of the property A review is conducted by the engine liza for approval after 48-hours.

When liza's engine has populated your property's listing pages , based on the purchase, buyers will be able communicating directly via the the chat system of Liza.

You can always access the details of your property's properties and insights on the Liza profile.

Buy Property

Choose the use of the property (residential or commercial)

Select your preferred city's place or utilize advanced search

Look over the property listings offered by Liza Egypt

You can change, save, sort, or modify the listings of properties