How to view cube and dimension data by deploying the SQL Server Analysis Services project to an instance of SQL Server Analysis Services, and how to then process the deployed objects to populate them with data from the underlying data source.

How to modify the measures, dimensions, hierarchies, attributes, and measure groups in the SQL Server Analysis Services project, and how to then deploy the incremental changes to the deployed cube on the development server.

Adventure Works Cube Download


The cube database that you will create in this tutorial is a simplified version of the SQL Server Analysis Services multidimensional model project that is part of the Adventure Works sample databases available for download on GitHub. The tutorial version of the Adventure Works multidimensional database is simplified to bring greater focus to the specific skills that you will want to learn right away. After you complete the tutorial, consider exploring the multidimensional model project on your own to further your understanding of SQL Server Analysis Services multidimensional modeling.

Optionally, consider installing Excel to browse your multidimensional data as you proceed through the tutorial. Installing Excel enables the Analyze in Excel feature that starts Excel using a PivotTable field list that is connected to the cube you are building. Using Excel to browse data is recommended because you can quickly build a pivot report that lets you interact with the data.

when I deploy adventure works cube it fails, and i get: user does not have permission to create a new object in 'GARY-PC', or the object does not exist. trying to process cube from adventureworks DW and having what seem like permissions issues (?). took following steps (i am using sql server 2008 R2 developer edition and VS 2008):1 downloaded and successfully created adventureworksDW (2008R2) database from2 successfully created Datasource and DSV for a cube with 2 fact tables and several dimensions. 3 Click deploy

For some reason the database and the analysis services portion of the server do not share login information. The user you run Visual Studio under needs to have administrative access to the Analysis Services engine; this is the reason running as administrator works. The account you use to access the Database Engine is arbitrary.

I'm looking to play around with various cube data to better understand it. I've also created a few of my own to play around with, but it's quite tedious to do, especially with saving the tables/views into the cube.

I found projects for later versions at -server-samples/releases/tag/adventureworks-analysis-services and I (not knowing anything about designing, deploying and processing a cube) actually managed to deploy and process a cube, but I had to edit the cube XML (basically I commented out some statements that referred to years greater than 2008).

I am learning the SSAS and MDXquery for the first time. I am using Sql server 2014 and I am trying to add Adventure works of Data warehouse and Analysis Services. I went to but there is no AdeventureWorks available for Data warehouse 2014 and for Analysis Services it is also not available =Adventureworks%202014%20%20analysis%20services%20project&sortBy=Relevance&licenses=|&ac=5.

At the following link download Adventure Works DW 2014 Full Database for the DW and Adventure Works Multidimensional Model SQL 2014 Full Database for the multidimensional cube.

Download and install the SSDT Preview version from here (the step 2 section) on your development workstation. We will use these components alongside the management tools to interact with the data. Run the setup wizard and proceed through with defaults.

The Adventure Works OLTP Data Warehouse is the relational database that serves as the source of data for our cube. This is our sample data. This can be downloaded as a SQL Server backup file from the Adventure Works download site, named Adventure Works DW 2014 Full Database

The Adventure Works Analysis Services SSDT Project files are the Visual Studio project files which were used to build the Adventure Works cubes. These can be used to make changes to the structure of the Adventure Works cube and rebuild it. The project files can be downloaded from the Adventure Works download site, named AW Multidimensional Models SQL Server As with the Multidimensional full backup files, two versions (Standard and Enterprise) are contained within.

Once connected to Analysis Services with SSMS, expand Databases and you should see an AdventureWorksDW2014Multidimensional item. Expand this and then expand the Cubes item. From here, you should see an Adventure Works cube. Right click this and select Browse.

Finally, the moment of truth. Right click on the AdventureWorksDW2014Multidimensional item and select Process. When this starts, the cube will access the OLTP data warehouse to rebuild its internal data structures.

The cube processing will now begin. If you have a credentials issue, it will fail pretty quickly. If, however, everything is working, the processing will take 1-3 minutes and will notify you once it is completed.

After some time trying and failing to connect Power BI Desktop to a SSAS OLAP cube using the HTTP Data Pump, finally I have a solution, and I'm sharing this information with you because I believe there are several people trying to do the same but without success due to the lack of information on the web.

Information and tasks in this article refer to and use the sample AdventureWorksDWMultidimensional model as a data source. If you do not have the Adventure Works multidimensional model installed, you can still read through this article and get a good understanding of how Power View works with multidimensional models.

There are a lot of scenarios where nightly batches would update parts of the MDX Script of a cube. For example, I had a customer with a calculated member for each year with data. We can define the calculated member by hand, but we would need to remember to create a new one each year. Another case is the customer that wants to consolidate their own calculated members, without requiring a new cube deployment.

AMO (Analysis Services Management Objects) is the API that allows you to do these kinds of modifications on a running cube. The problem arises when you want to preserve existing MDX scripts, adding and removing only your own. We tried to solve this problem in a generic way.

Each Cube has an MdxScripts collection: this is strange, because you are used to designing a single MdxScript containing all statements for a cube. However, internal structures of the cube allow the definition of multiple MdxScript objects, but only one is enabled and it is identified by the DefaultScript property value set to true.

When you call Update, two actions are executed. First, the existing commands containing the marker comment are removed from the activeMdxScript of the cube. Second, the commands defined in the MdxCommands collections are added to the active MdxScript of the cube.

DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. Whether using WPF, ASP.NET, WinForms, HTML5 or Windows 10, DevExpress tools help you build and deliver your best in the shortest time possible.

This post started on a technique that could be used to build an automated cube processing package. The idea was that we could simply point our code at a cube, press play and then create a highly defined package in SSIS.

I am using Adventure Works (2008R2) in this post and have included a reference to the SSAS Amomd client. For other illustration, I have also created another database based on Adventure Works. It has three cubes (titled Internet Sales NN) with a single roleplaying dimension (Date). The Date dimension is connected to Internet Sales 01 & 02 once and Internet Sales 03 twice (as below).

It is also important to remember that the dimension is defined as a cube in metadata (these were the $ cubes above). Therefore, what I would want to do is connect to my database, iterate over all cubes and identify those which are dimension (types). This can be done easily with the following snippet.

As mentioned already, tests were carried out on the TABULAR and MOLAP versions of the Adventure works cube. This test was coded in a c# script in a loop. A connection was opened and maintained and then up to individual partitions were created.

The way you have written MDX for queries or calculations. In most cases it will be very difficult to rewrite the MDX to stop the scans, but the following blog entry describes how it is possible in one scenario: 

 The LastNonEmpty measure aggregation type may result in multiple partition scans. If you can restructure your cube so you can use the LastChild aggregation type, Analysis Services will only scan the last partition containing data for the current time period.

 In some cases, even when you've set the Slice property, Analysis Services has trouble working out which partitions should be scanned for a query. Changing the attributes mentioned in the Slice property may help, but not always. The section on Related Attributes and Almost Related Attributes in the following blog entry discusses this in more detail: 

 Analysis Services may also decide to retrieve more data than is needed for a query to make answering future queries more efficient. This behavior is called prefetching and can be turned off by setting the following connection string properties: Disable Prefetch Facts=True; Cache Ratio=1

 More information on this can be found in the section on Prefetching and Request Ordering in the white paper Identifying and Resolving MDX Query Bottleneck available from 

 Note that setting these connection string properties can have other, negative effects on query performance. 006ab0faaa

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