What is the cost to book a bond cleaning in Canberra?

The cost depends completely on the size of the property. You can choose from various packages, and our bond clean price is affordable

Why choose Advanced Bond Cleaning Services?

Our experts understand the needs of our clients, and they have been in the field for a long time. Our clients are satisfied with us.

How to book my bond clean?

You can book the bond cleaning Canberra by connecting with us through mail or call.

How long does a Bond clean take?

The time depends on the size of your property and on the condition of your property as every cleaning has unique requirements. Advanced Bond Cleaning offers a time schedule with all our listicles.

Is it essential to leave the property during commercial cleaning?

It is suggested that you leave the cleaners in the property while they are doing their work. However, they will give you a call before the completion of the task so you can take a look once they are done.

Are there any additional prices while cleaning?

The houses are of different sizes & ages. We will give you an accurate price after inspecting the property. Whatever price is finalized will be considered, and we do not charge you extra.

What if the cleaning work doesn’t satisfy me?

If there is anything missed or not up to the standard, please contact us and let us know. We’ll come back to the property and do all the things left unfinished.

Do you guarantee your cleaning services?

Yes, we assure all cleans and ensure that you get your bond back cleaning. If, by any chance, any issue comes up, just email us, and within 48 hrs we will conclude the work.

I will be at work on the day of the clean, is it possible to clean the property?

Yes. You can leave the keys, and we can pick them up & leave them in the same spot after completion. However, please note we aren’t accountable for the keys in these cases.

What if something gets damaged?

Advanced Bond Cleaning fully assures you of this. If we do any damage, it will be repaired by an expert. Please note it is the rule of ours that we do not clean dented items.