10 Rules of Writing

Rule #1: Write for Yourself

Never think you have to conform to someone else's style. Be proud of what you have created because it was crafted by unique, and original "you."

Rule #2: Love What You Write

Try to become passionate in whatever you are writing. Find something that sparks your desire and craft it in a manner that makes you fall in love.

Rule #3: Be Genuine

Whatever you are writing, be sure you are able to answer the question, "Why are you writing this?" Your writing should have a sense of purpose that holds some level of importance to you.

Rule #4: Make Time

Try to set aside a portion of time every day to give yourself an opportunity to write. Make sure that this amount of time gives you plenty of chances to create something you are proud of.

Rule #5: Be Patient

Writing is a process. Sometimes it will take minutes, other times it might take years. Be patient and don't get down on yourself. If you allow yourself time to write, then this process will be completed in due time.

Rule #6: Learn from Those Around You

You may think this contradicts Rule #1... FALSE. Don't be afraid to seek assistance from a published work, friends, teachers, parents or anyone you trust to provide you with productive feedback. You can then use this information to help you with the writing process of creating your own product. Mentor texts are something that professional authors have published to help you: utilize them. Friends are there to support you: cherish them. Parents are there to love you: love them back.

Rule #7: Don't Be Afraid of Failure

Some of the most important life lessons we learn present themselves through mistakes. Do not be afraid of failing or making a mistake. Just follow these simple rules:

  • Recognize it
  • Admit it
  • Learn from it
  • Forget it

Rule #8: Read

One of the best starting points to spark creativity is through reading. Read mentor texts, scholarly articles, novels, comic books... anything that you find interesting. This can not only improve your writing skills, but help you to find new directions for your writing process.

Rule #9: Have Fun

Enjoy yourself! Writing should be fun. Find what you what you love to write about and cherish the experience.

Rule #10: Work On Unlocking Your Secret Heart

We all have something that we may not openly share with others. Writing is an amazing way of voicing these "secrets" that may carry a lot of weight. Find the people in your life you care about, and work on sharing the stories that you may have locked inside you. Chances are that these are the stories that matter most, and give a deeper look into who you are. This may take time, but your heart is worth sharing. Sharing this through writing is one of the greatest gifts you can give.