


Prof. Hoonkyung Lee


Science Bldg, Konkuk Univ.

Address:  Konkuk University, 120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05029, Republic of Korea Room 430, Science Bldg.(23)
Phone: 02-450-0451

Research Goals

The Institute of Advanced Physics is a convergence research institute that covers from physics to life sciences and engineering, and aims for original research by organizing a research group leading multidisciplinary research. Currently, it consists of physics, life science, materials science, and chemical engineering, and the goal is to build a research group that is competitive and differentiated in convergence research institutes through the creation of new research results by establishing a close research system in the four fields. The Institute for Advanced Physics will induce a practical research trend based on basic research. To this end, we will expand our research to the fields of artificial intelligence, data science, quantum information and quantum computers based on our current state-of-the-art semiconductor and optical device technologies. In addition, we will seek ways to cooperate with the Institute of Quantum Future Technology and the Institute of Basic Science on campus.