Advanced Keto Trim

Advanced Keto Trim However, these connected objects are far from being good diagnostic tools. Moreover, none is scientifically validated. Indeed, the sensors are too imprecise and applications have difficulty distinguishing the snoring of the sleeper from that of the spouse. However, these tools can be useful for people sleeping alone, allowing them to know if they are snoring or not.

"Slow sugars? A somewhat outdated notion! exclaims Dr Pierre Nys, endocrinologist-nutritionist, attaché of the Hospitals of Paris. It suggests that complex carbohydrates, because they are composed of multiple glucoses, are digested slowly and deliver this Advanced Keto Trim nutrient in small doses into the blood, thus providing energy. In reality, these carbohydrates , such as starch, are digested more or less quickly depending on the nature of the food that contains them, but also depending on how they are processed or prepared. "

In short, there are no slow sugars, but foods that release glucose gradually. Today we prefer to talk about foods with a low glycemic index (GI): these are the Advanced Keto Trim ones that should be favored, especially if they provide the desired calories, but not too much, with a good nutritional density (rich in vitamins …).

The glycemic index is this indicator that measures the ability of a food to raise the level of glucose in the blood within two hours of ingestion. The glucose syrup Pure has an index of 100, other foods, a relative index relative to this reference. "By creating significant spikes in blood sugar, explains Dr Pierre Nys, foods with a high GI (greater than 70) induce spikes in insulin secretion by the Advanced Keto Trim pancreas ." This hormone fights against excess blood sugar, but its sudden and repeated increase in the blood causes a cascade of metabolic disturbances causing hypertension , weight gain and diabetes . ”