Adva Mond

I am a fourth year PhD student at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Professor Béla Bollobás. My area of research is Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics and Graph Theory.

List of publications

with Agnijo Banerjee Joāo Pedro Marciano, Jan Petr and Julien Portier

with Vojtěch Dvořák and Victor Souza

Accepted to Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B

with Asaf Ferber and Liam Hardiman

Combinatorica, 2023

with Michael Krivelevich and Gal Kronenberg

Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2023

with Gal Kronenberg and Alon Naor

SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 2023

with Julien Portier

Research in Number Theory, 2022

with Jan Corsten, Alexey Pokrovskiy, Christoph Spiegel and Tibor Szabó

European Journal of Combinatorics, 2020

With Noga Alon, Igor Balla, Lior Gishboliner and Frank Mousset

Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2020