In classical geometry, a radius (pl.: radii or radiuses)[a] of a circle or sphere is any of the line segments from its center to its perimeter, and in more modern usage, it is also their length. The name comes from the Latin radius, meaning ray but also the spoke of a chariot wheel.[2] The typical abbreviation and mathematical variable name for radius is R or r. By extension, the diameter D is defined as twice the radius:[3]

If an object does not have a center, the term may refer to its circumradius, the radius of its circumscribed circle or circumscribed sphere. In either case, the radius may be more than half the diameter, which is usually defined as the maximum distance between any two points of the figure. The inradius of a geometric figure is usually the radius of the largest circle or sphere contained in it. The inner radius of a ring, tube or other hollow object is the radius of its cavity.

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For regular polygons, the radius is the same as its circumradius.[4] The inradius of a regular polygon is also called apothem. In graph theory, the radius of a graph is the minimum over all vertices u of the maximum distance from u to any other vertex of the graph.[5]

The fixed point (analogous to the origin of a Cartesian system) is called the pole, and the ray from the pole in the fixed direction is the polar axis. The distance from the pole is called the radial coordinate or radius, and the angle is the angular coordinate, polar angle, or azimuth.[6]

The distance from the axis may be called the radial distance or radius, while the angular coordinate is sometimes referred to as the angular position or as the azimuth.The radius and the azimuth are together called the polar coordinates, as they correspond to a two-dimensional polar coordinate system in the plane through the point, parallel to the reference plane.The third coordinate may be called the height or altitude (if the reference plane is considered horizontal), longitudinal position,[7] or axial position.[8]

In a spherical coordinate system, the radius describes the distance of a point from a fixed origin. Its position if further defined by the polar angle measured between the radial direction and a fixed zenith direction, and the azimuth angle, the angle between the orthogonal projection of the radial direction on a reference plane that passes through the origin and is orthogonal to the zenith, and a fixed reference direction in that plane.

As next factor i configured a new loginSchema based on noschema and bound this to a policy label RadiusAuth and here as authentication policy i bound my radius authentication policy with no next factor.

Is there any way Rhino6 can automatically detect the minimum radius for a curve and correct it to fit a tolerance? See illustration below. This would be a huge time saver for drawing things that have to be machined with a cutter that has a limited minimum diameter. I can compensate for this when I generate a toolpath in CAM but I am looking for a way to do this to the drawing.minimum%20radius%20evaluated1009599 10.4 KBminimum%20radius%20after%20trim823548 5.92 KB

I have a lot to learn - I warned you I was new! Actually just using the Entity Info tool shows that I have the correct radius. I was using the top down tool and the circles are overlapping one another so I think thats probably confused the situation.

I am working with the filament structure which spans through the box but refinement is done in C1 symmetry. Because the density is not focused in the middle it makes problems with the local refinement (assertion error). I discovered that when the Window inner radius and Window outer radius are changed to ~0.6-0.7 the error does not occur and refinement works well. However, I noticed that the rest of the box outside the Window outer radius is not masked with 0 but there is still visible density. Is there a way to mask the volume close to the box boundaries like it is done in Relion with circular mask? Thanks!

The window inner radius and window outer radius in a refinement job control windowing that is applied the the particle images rather than the volume. So in your case setting them to 0.6/0.7 windows the particle images before using them for alignment/reconstruction. The 3D density however is always windowed by a soft spherical mask that just cuts out the corners of the box, along with a shaped mask (by default, based on dynamic masking). In the final refinement output, however, these masks are not applied - you are seeing the full result of reconstruction from the particle images directly. The masks are only intended to have an effect on alignment. So even though you see density outside of the window that you specified, this is normal and not a problem - since that density is not used for alignments.

Hope that helps!

This is great, thank you for the answer. However, this does not explain why during the NU-refinement there is an an assertion error when the inner and outer radius are set to default values. Do you have any idea why this happens? If you need more information I would be happy to provide them.

I have been exploring the dronedeploy functions and are very impressed.

However, sometimes I encounter a error message telling me that the corner radius are invalid.

What is the cause and how could I avoid receiving this invalid radius message?



Has anyone else here created a variable radius round, where you have a few different areas that you need to add and modify, and you spend forever and a day trying to drag the little circles around the intent edge to get it where you want it? Wouldn't it be much easier (and intuitive) if after right clicking on the chain to make it a variable radius, that you can just right click anywhere on the chain and add a radius? You can right click on the handle of an existing radius to add another one, but it never goes anywhere near where I want it and I wind up dragging (and waiting for the display to update with the spinning glow ring).

It's a pain alright, but I worked out how to get it to behave better. When you right-click and select "add radius", the next thing you do is hover your mouse over the edge reference in the vicinity of where you want that radius to be located, then right-click again. Your drop-down menu will show a line, "location reference". Click on that and your new radius point goes straight there. Way easier than trying to drag the thing over and over and over.

I want to draw out circles at a specific diameter, but I find myself having to divide by two all the time in order to model. Is there a way to draw a circle and set the diameter instead of just the radius?

Hello. I'm using ArcGIS Pro 2.9.0. I have more than 6,000 census block groups (polygons in ArcGIS Pro) and I would like to compute the longest radius in each of them. I attached a picture to illustrate what the longest radius is. I would really appreciate it if you could let me know how I could accomplish it. Thank you.

Note: As with any shorthand property, individual sub-properties cannot inherit, such as in border-radius:0 0 inherit inherit, which would partially override existing definitions. Instead, the individual longhand properties have to be used.

Denotes the size of the circle radius, or the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse, using percentage values. Percentages for the horizontal axis refer to the width of the box; percentages for the vertical axis refer to the height of the box. Negative values are invalid.

Well, I will let it sit until Monday and then check the event logs on the NPS server. A simple restart of the NPS service gets things back up and running, so it is not a crash per se. It appears that once the NPS server gets this malformed radius message it simply stops accepting requests made by the watchguard. I get the same error message exactly 8 times in rapid succession (in about 6 or 7 seconds) every 4 days.

I missed your update yesterday, but @Mick_Ball is correct. The radius has a max retry value of 5; that doesn't mean that it will try all servers 5 times, it means it will attempt to auth the connection 5 times. It's slightly odd that you are only ever seeing 3 attempts, but if you have 3 servers you're retries should be set no greater then '2', noting that the 3rd radius server will only ever see 1 request.

I'd also recommend simply verifying that if you remove 'Server 1' from the profile you'll actually able to authenticate via the other two servers. It's possible that configuration on the actual radius server itself isn't correct for the other two servers. e24fc04721

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