Creative examples of storytelling in learning design

Training name - Compliance training (example - Cybersecurity)

Objective - Establish the importance of cybersecurity

Target audience - All employees

Use of story - create a fictional TV series that included four 7-9 minute episodes that dramatize the concepts you are trying to teach.

Title: The Dark Web

Synopsis: The Dark Web is a thrilling TV series that follows the adventures of a cybersecurity expert named Alex as he works to protect a fictional company called TechNova from cyber attacks. In the 7-9 minute episode titled "Phishing for Trouble," Alex and his team must protect TechNova's employees from a phishing attack that could compromise their sensitive information and put the entire company at risk.

Episode 1: Phishing for Trouble

The episode begins with Alex and his team receiving an alert that TechNova's employees are being targeted by a phishing scam. Alex quickly mobilizes his team and begins investigating the source of the attack.

Meanwhile, the employees of TechNova are going about their daily business, unaware of the danger that is lurking in their inboxes. One employee, a young woman named Sarah, receives an email from what appears to be her boss, asking her to click on a link and enter her login credentials.

As Sarah begins to enter her information, she suddenly hesitates and remembers a training session on cybersecurity that Alex had given the company a few weeks prior. She stops and thinks about the warning Alex had given about the dangers of phishing scams and decides to double-check the email before proceeding.

Upon closer inspection, Sarah realizes that the email is not from her boss, but from a cybercriminal who is trying to steal her information. She immediately reports the email to Alex and his team.

Using their expertise in cybersecurity, Alex and his team are able to track down the source of the phishing attack and shut it down before any harm is done to TechNova's sensitive information.

As the episode ends, Alex reminds TechNova's employees of the importance of staying vigilant against cyber attacks and encourages them to report any suspicious emails or activity to the company's IT department.

Training name - Leadership training for senior leaders

Objective - Establish the importance of decision-making and leadership

Target audience - Senior executives

Use of story - The following story can be used:

Action 1 - The trainer shares a story from their own experience:

"I once worked for a company that was going through a major financial crisis. The CEO at the time was faced with the tough decision of whether to lay off a large number of employees or find another solution. He called a meeting with all the department heads and asked for their input. After hearing everyone's suggestions, he decided to take a different approach. He announced that he would take a 50% pay cut and asked all the other top executives to do the same. This move helped to save a significant amount of money and prevented any layoffs. It also boosted morale among the employees, who saw that their leaders were willing to share the burden of the crisis."

Action 2 - Trainer poses a question to the learners. "You are the CEO of a mining company XYZ. A month ago there were 2 deaths in the mine. Today 3 more people died while working in the mine. There is huge media attention to the story. Workers are angry. As the CEO which of the following will you do?

option 1 - Close the mine until a thorough evaluation is done and a robust safety protocol is in place. The problem is that thousands of workers will have to go on unpaid leave if the mine is closed. The company is not financially able to pay the workers with the mine closed.

option 2 - You don't close the mine and start an aggressive investigation. The problem with this option is that the company will be in huge crisis if one more death happens while the investigation is going on.

The above scenartio uses stories beautifully to challenge the learners to think, analysze and reflect on a deeper level.

Training name - Empathy-based selling for sales enablement

Objective - Explain the value of empathy-based selling skill to sales reps

Target audience - Sales representatives

Use of story - The following story can be used:

[Opening shot of a salesperson sitting at a desk with a phone and computer in front of them]

Salesperson: [picks up the phone] Hello, this is Jane with XYZ Company. How can I help you today?

Customer: Hi Jane, I'm calling about your product. I'm interested in learning more about it.

Salesperson: Great! Our product is the best on the market. It has all the features you could ever need and it's priced competitively.

Customer: Well, that all sounds good, but I'm not sure if it's the right fit for my business.

Salesperson: [Interrupts] Of course it is! We have a ton of happy customers who have seen amazing results from using our product. I'm sure you'll be one of them.

Customer: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I really need something that's tailored to my specific needs.

Salesperson: [Interrupts again] Our product is perfect for any business. Trust me, you won't find anything better out there.

Customer: I'm sorry, but I don't think this is the right fit for me. Thank you for your time.

Salesperson: [frustrated] Wait, hold on! Let me tell you more about our product.

[The customer hangs up, and the salesperson looks defeated]

Salesperson: [to themselves] What did I do wrong?

[Cut to a shot of the salesperson reflecting on their call]

Salesperson: [voiceover] I realize now that I wasn't displaying empathy during my conversation with the customer. I was so focused on selling our product that I didn't take the time to listen to their specific needs and concerns.

[Cut to a shot of the salesperson picking up the phone again]

Salesperson: [on the phone] Hello, this is Jane with XYZ Company. How can I help you today?

Customer: Hi Jane, I'm calling about your product. I'm interested in learning more about it.

Salesperson: Great! I'd love to help you find the best solution for your business. Can you tell me more about what you're looking for?

[Cut to a shot of the customer smiling and nodding on the other end of the phone]

Customer: Yes, I'm looking for a product that can help me manage my inventory more efficiently.

[Cut back to the salesperson]

Salesperson: I understand how important that is for your business. Our product actually has a feature specifically designed for inventory management. Let me tell you more about it.

[Cut to a shot of the salesperson successfully closing the sale with the customer]

Salesperson: [voiceover] By displaying empathy and taking the time to listen to the customer's needs, I was able to build a stronger relationship with them and ultimately close the sale.

[Closing shot of the salesperson smiling and hanging up the phone]

Training name - Innovation and adaptation in the face of adversity

Objective - Make employees change-ready and develop innovative thinking

Target audience - Mid-level associates/managers

Use of story - The following story can be used:

In the early 2000s, Netflix was a DVD-by-mail rental service that was facing intense competition from brick-and-mortar rental stores like Blockbuster. To make matters worse, the company was struggling financially and its stock price had plummeted.

In response to these challenges, Netflix decided to pivot its business model and embrace a new technology that was just starting to gain popularity: online streaming. The company began offering customers the ability to stream movies and TV shows directly to their devices, eliminating the need to wait for DVDs to arrive in the mail.

This move was risky at the time, as online streaming was still relatively new and untested. However, Netflix bet big on the technology, investing heavily in its online platform and building partnerships with content creators to offer a wide variety of movies and TV shows.

Over time, the streaming service grew in popularity and became a huge success. Today, Netflix is one of the world's largest media companies, with over 200 million subscribers in more than 190 countries. The company has won numerous awards for its original content, including multiple Emmys and Oscars, and has revolutionized the way people watch TV and movies.

Netflix's success story is a testament to the power of innovation and adaptation in the face of adversity. By embracing new technology and taking risks, the company was able to overcome its challenges and capitalize on a new opportunity, ultimately transforming the media industry as we know it today.