Promoting Lifelong and Lifewide Learning

The struggle for a viable and relevant adult learning sector has always been the raison d’etre for the Adult Learning Forum (ALF). ALF originated as the ABET Forum Western Cape but it was realised that this did not cover the spectrum of work we needed to do.

In those early days the main focus of adult learning was literacy; many of the civil society organisations had been working to link literacy with development and the political struggles of South Africa. In the early 1990s we were all fired up to change the status quo and bring about meaningful learning opportunities for communities. The required passion that drove members to work for a new society was vital, as it still is, in order to maintain the momentum for change.


The Adult Learning Forum (ALF) provided invaluable input and feedback on the latest CETC'S Policy. ALF also hosted the first national conference for the newly formed Community Education and Training College National Forum from 10 July 2023 to 13 July 2023 in Stellenbosch, Western Cape. The result was a draft declaration for the Department of Higher Education and Training and a more unified and focused voice for CETCs across the  provinces.


CTV Stakeholders Workshop in 2021 where the Adult Learning Forum were invited to be part of the organisations and members representing the many aspects of education: school, tertiary, adult basic education, health and children/ECD. ALF's educators and learners look forward to creating on the ground videos and interviews and unpacking relevant policies and important comments made on the sector. There is an exciting opportunity to share experiences and information in interesting formats. Partnering with media provides opportunities to promote and advocate for adult learning.



The Adult Learning Forum partnered with SADAG NPOwer and held  blended workshops and activities  with youth in 2024. This is part of a broader ongoing programme in addressing the challenges facing youth and adults in and around Community Learning Centres in the Western Cape. ALF Covid Youth Learners Discussion 2020 - YouTube

SADAG Launches 14 new Support Groups in 2024 ( 


As part of the Adult Learning Forum's succession plan youth have been identified to work with the current members and we look forward to learning from and working with the next generation of Adult Education Activists. They  form the Adult Learning Forum Youth Council.


ALF organises events during Adult Learner’s Week and invites learners, educators, organisations and other interested stakeholders to celebrate and acknowledge their achievements.

Adult Learning Week 2023 under the UNESCO Theme: "Promoting Literacy for a Changing World - Building a Strong Foundation for Sustainable and Peaceful Societies" The Adult Learning Forum collaborated with the Public Education Office of Parliament and the Canon Collins Trust and Adult Learning Week (ALW) was launched on 8 September 2023. 


Democracy cannot exist without a strong and vocal civil society.  The Forum engages with a range of debates at local, provincial and national level.  The Forum also raises issues of concern to the sector, supports educators and learners from Community Learning Centres and society in general, particularly linking into under- resourced communities, via the various bodies on which it has representation. 


Whilst many learners want formalised classes there are just as many who need a non-formal, more participatory environment. 


ALF members successfully completed the ALESBA Training Course.

What is the ALESBA?

The ALESBA is a tool which can guide governments, civil society organisations, universities and other stakeholders (e.g., donors, the private sector, etc.) in the complex task of building sustainable adult education systems that can deliver ALE services to youth and adults in Africa.


MOJA is an online resource for adult learning and education professionals and practitioners  in the public  sector, private sector, civil society and academia in Africa. 

On 25 May 2023, UNESCO with support of DVV International, brought development partners, international and national NGOs and civil society for a follow up action on effective adult learning and education (ALE) policies and practices from the seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII), which took place in Marrakech, Morocco, in June 2022. Marrakech Framework for Action | Institute for Lifelong Learning

      WHO WE ARE 

Vision: A strong provincial adult and youth learning organization that promotes lifelong and life wide learning in all sectors and spheres of life.

Mission: To promote and advance adult and youth learning through our work with individuals, organisations and sectors as we endeavor to foster a culture of learning in the province.


Strategic Activities

Lobbying: Government & SETAs, for strong representation of civil society

Sharing: Experiences, skills & practices

Encouraging: adult learning practices that contribute to a democratic society

Providing: relevant mechanisms for meaningful networking

Agitating: for adult learning as a vehicle for development

Fostering: reflection for informed research on policies and practices

There are a number of national issues with which the Forum engages.

Non–Formal Learning - the participatory Popular Education approach is strongly supported and advocated.  Whilst many learners want formalised ABET classes there are just as many who need a non-formal, more participatory environment.

Social Justice - as an organ of civil society the Forum speaks out for the rights of education across all sectors, subscribing to the Education for All campaign, the Global Campaign for Education, early childhood development, gender rights, family literacy, CIVICUS and others.

Lifelong Learning - to promote and strengthen democratic practices, social inclusion and critical citizenship, as well as retooling skills for employment.

Poverty Alleviation - it is known that poverty and a lack of literacy and education are inextricably intertwined.  The Forum seeks to raise awareness of these links and find ways to engage with relevant role-players.

DHET and other stakeholders

ALF has a good working relationship with the Department of Higher Education and Training, MOJA  Moja ( ,

a platform launched in 2020 to unite institutions, individuals and organisations across Africa with youth and adult learning as a strong link,  We also connect with SETAs, and other relevant and interested stakeholders.

Popular Education

ALF has an active interest in Popular Education. Popular Education is non-formal, and the process of learning and teaching is participatory drawing on popular culture and using dialogue extensively.                                                         

Contact:  Adult Learning Forum Western Cape

Merle FRED: Administrator

Cell: 0824023293

NPO Registration 105-525-NPO 

36 Ontong Way

Grassy Park, 7941

Western Cape

 We are grateful to our funders DVV International and partner organisations for their support and partnership, which enables our vital work to continue These partners include The Popular Education Programme (PEP); The Women Circle (TWC); the Initiative for Participatory Development (IPD); Hands on Collective (HOC); Centre for Education Rights and Transformation(CERT) Centre for Integrated Post School Education (CIPSET); ALF is a proud member of Cape Town TV.