Dutch Math Finance afternoons

The second meeting took place in Utrecht on Friday 24 November 2023.

Location: Room 2.02, Minnaert Building, Utrecht University


Titles and Abstracts:

The first meeting took place at TU Delft on Friday 31 March 2023.

Location: EEMCS-Lecture Hall Pi, Mekelweg 4, 2628 Delft (map)


Titles and Abstracts:

Abstract: Statistical arbitrage is a class of market-neutral investment strategies that exploits temporal price differences between similar assets by employing mean reversion models, and has been widely used by traders and hedge funds. Pairs trading is one of the most popular example of statistical arbitrage strategies. In this talk, I will first discuss the dynamic optimal pairs trading strategies which involve holding a long position and a short position simultaneously to take advantage of inefficient pricing in correlated securities. Explicit analytical trading strategies are obtained under a dynamic mean-variance framework. More general cases of statistical arbitrage will also be presented in the end.