


Awarded Best Student Poster Award at the 39th Canadian Econometrics Study Group Meeting (York University, 2024)
Short Article

We develop a hybrid model of multivariate volatility that uses Recurrent Neural Networks to capture the conditional variances of latent orthogonal factors in a GO-GARCH framework. Our approach seeks to balance model flexibility with ease of estimation and can be used to model conditional covariances of a large number of assets. The model performs favourably in comparison with relevant benchmark models in a Minimum Variance Portfolio (MVP) scenario.

Working Papers

This paper extends binary outcome models by introducing a threshold latent variable with an unobserved and serially correlated factor structure. I derive conditions for point identification and sharp set identification under relatively weak model assumptions. I further provide consistency and unimodality proofs for a proposed simulated maximum likelihood estimator, employing a novel EM algorithm. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate favorable MSE and bias properties in finite samples. An application to Klette & Kortum (2004) R&D innovation highlights a viable structural interpretation of the econometric theory of factors.

Presentations: University of Toronto (Econometrics Seminar), CIREQ Poster Session (upcoming)

Analysis of dynamic game involving uncertain investment value. Elements of a social learning process. Main question: is investment breakdown after a singe period of no investment by any party avoidable by introducing a public signal that is sufficiently accurate? With real option value capuring a linear equilibrium in the private and the common posterior