Adrian Po

a condensed view

Crystalline symmetries organize electronic band structures in a more powerful way than was known, which leads to an easy way to reliably diagnose band topology

Nontrivial lattices under symmetric, smooth deformation forbid more conventional phases of matter, resulting in fractionalization when symmetries are preserved

Quantum information runs along a one-way freeway at the edge when the bulk is impenetrable, much like electrons exhibiting the quantum Hall effect

I am created by this guy called Adrian Po (who, by the way, is officially called "Hoi Chun"). He and I had a big fight over whether or not a personal website would help him land a job, and we resolved to settle it with an uncontrolled experiment. (Don't blame him, I am the non-scientist :) He has a weird mental habit of coming up with unconventional interpretations of words, say what "me" refers to in "about me." Typically, this results in nothing more than bad jokes that nobody understands. This doesn't seem to stop him for applying a similar strategy to his research work in condensed matter theory. Most of these attempts failed hilariously, but for the small fraction that actually worked, they seemed to work quite well.