AP Seminar Capstone Project

Money Matters: Issues of Financial Equity Between Men and Women

Research Question:

How has salary inequities between men and women changed since the 1900's ?

Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is to highlight the difference in salary between men and women.

Claim Statement: The pay gap has decreased since the 1900's however is still an issue in today's society.

Click below to access the 3 stages of the AP Seminar Process for this Project:

Profesional Photo (1).HEIC.pdf

My name is Adrian Garcia, I am a Senior at Chapin High School involved in the Engineering Magnet Program, my pathway is Environmental Engineering. I participate in Track and Field, Football, and Baseball. After high school, I will be attending El Paso Community College where I plan to partake in the Firefighter Program and get my Associate in Fire Science.