Adrian D. Calderon
PhD Student
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Van Vleck Hall, 480 Lincoln Dr, Madison, WI 53706
Office: 320 Van Vleck Hall
Email: adrian dot calderon (at) wisc dot edu
Welcome to my homepage! I am a graduate student in the mathematics department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. My advisor is Professor Hung Vinh Tran. I received my bachelor's degree in mathematics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2022. During this time, I was advised by Professor Tuoc Van Phan. I completed my first year of my PhD with the department of mathematics and statistics at Boston University in 2022-2023. I gratefully appreciate the support generously provided to me by both institutions. In Fall 2023, I transitioned to the department of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
My interests lie in the analyses of partial differential equations, in particular well-posedness theory and the finer properties of solutions such as large-time behavior and regularity. Currently, I am studying said properties of viscosity solutions to geometric Hamilton-Jacobi equations.
Accepted/Published Papers
On stationary Navier-Stokes equations in the upper-half plane (with Van Le and Tuoc Phan), Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (2024), [Journal article], [arXiv:2306.00319]