Version 5.1PS1 Bubbles: 304PSP Bubbles: 705

Installation Guide

These instructions assume your Playstation Vita is already running custom firmware with the homebrew application Adrenaline installed. If you need help setting these up, please use the guide at the following link before continuing:


You only need to install/run AdrBubbleBooterInstaller once. If you have already set up AdrBubbleBooter, you can skip the prerequisite section.

Each zipped bubble archive contains a copy of AdrBubbleBooterInstaller.vpk

Copy this file to your Vita and install it using VitaShell.

After installation, launch the bubble from the Vita homescreen. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the necessary files.

Reboot the Vita to finalize the installation. You may now uninstall/remove the AdrBubbleBooter Bubble from the Vita's homescreen.

Bubble Installation

Using VitaShell, transfer the bubble.vpk to a folder on the ux0 partition of your Vita.

Each bubble archive includes a set of folders with the necessary folder structure required to run. The simplest method of installation is to transfer the pspemu folder to the root directory of ux0 on your Vita. If you would rather create these folders yourself, refer to the readme file included with your bubble.

Open up VitaShell and locate the bubble.vpk you transferred to the Vita in the above step. Place your game file (.PBP for PS1 or .ISO for PSP) into its respective folder. Refer to the readme file included with your bubble for the proper filename to use for your game.